Roast me, Sup Forums

Roast me, Sup Forums

Hint: you cant

You're right. You look like you're intelligent, can hold a good inellectual convo, don't follow shit trends, know good music, not a materialistic bitch, and freaky as fuck in bed.

You're a nigger gone white.

Not sure if compliment or roast

Not roast.

You made me super happy rn

I bet you care so much about everybody but nobody gives a shit about you.

you're sexy as fuck boi--8.3421 out of 11--def would bang

You wanna?

you look like that one girl in the movies that dies at the start and no one really gives a shit

>You wanna?
Maybeee c;

you are somewhat androgynous but sure ---

a hole is a hole amirite?

We can't.
Nature has beat everybody to it.

A hole filled with lard and mayonaise.
It's all yours user.

I'm making a pot roast, want some?

I would, but I had pork roast last night.

If hes lucky, hell pull his mayoncovered cock out of her mayo hole and she'll lick the mayonaise right off that fat ugly cunt

you look like an off brand Amy Schumer

Too fat

you should lose some weight

lose weight bitch

how dare you normies insult my waifu?

*puts on battle armor* *brandishes metal sword* STAY AWAY FROM MY PRINCE/PRINCESS (i am not sure)


Years of abusing your physical health has replaced your blood with KFC gravy

You look like you'd be fun to hang with. Probably good sense of humor.

i agree OP looks chill


I'm not a fan of roasted pig.