How come no one is talking about this?

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Not that many Stacies on this board.

is it any good?

Because that stupid whore waxed her arms and belly again and she doesn't deserve anything anymore.


I work at the cinema so I watched only the 1st hour. It isn't as shallow as expected, it's not a masterpiece but the soundtrack is great and the movie is very gun
I don't get that, probably too new here

emma roberts doesnt wear a slutty dominatrix outfit while she beats franco to a pulp while verbally humiliating him so why would i be interested?



Cause it's shit.

>I don't get that, probably too new here
The actress you've been paid to shill here was only really famous for her hairy arms and happy trail (ok, and femdom/bitch stuff), then she waxed them once and everyone stopped paying attention to her, then she grew it back out, and then she waxed again, this time it looks it's for good, so it's only right that she fades into obscurity like she wants to.

Have you watched it?

>The actress you've been paid to shill here

>was only really famous for her hairy arms and happy trail (ok, and femdom/bitch stuff)
Pics or didn't happen

I deleted every image of her, she's dead to me.

why senpai


This looks stuckman-tier probably shit.

I'm seeing it Monday, looks good. Dave Franco is pretty hot, and was good in 21 Jump Street.

post pics of her happy trail


4real dog

No paid shills to market the crap out of it. Unlike the Netflix shills who make threads non stop about Stranger Shits 24/7.

It's all gone now so I don't see the point.

You just sent a link to a 200 pics album

Sorry, that site is retarded, here's a resized pic.

its amazing. honestly one of the most redeeming qualities about her.

Dude, I wanna get bit by her and bite her back until we're rolling around on the ground, fucking each other's brains out. There's a special spot on the back of her knee, and I press it as I'm about to fucking coat that bitch's insides, so we cum together. She tries to slap me in the face hard, but the orgasm's wiped her out and it comes across as a gentle cheek rub.

There'd be bruises on each other's bodies, and all sorts of marks. If someone asks us how we got all those marks, we'd look at each other and giggle at our little inside joke. "Boating," we'd say, smiling.

Trailer looks like shit

Best Emma.

That's not even a copy pasta

your mom is a copy pasta

It's fresh, 4u.

It's quit good though

This is the third movie named Nerve to come out within the last 5 years.

Almost as repetitive as Emma's roles.

>This is the third movie named Nerve to come out within the last 5 years.
How the fuck is this acceptable?

I guess the people behind Emma's Nerve (based on a novel that has the same name btw) didn't care about the other two because they weren't exactly blockbusters.

This one had a domestic premiere haul of 3.7 million. No idea how good or bad that is for a movie like this.