The Ben-Hur Remake May Be Facing Box Office Disaster

>Another big-budget 2016 summer event film could be in trouble at the U.S. box office.

>Early tracking suggests Ben-Hur will open in the $14 million to $15 million range over the Aug. 19-21 weekend, a sobering start for the faith-centric ancient epic, which reportedly cost just under $100 million to produce.

>However, MGM and Paramount still have three weeks to make their final marketing push, including targeting faith-based moviegoers. Two of the film's executive producers are Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, who are active Christians and the producing team behind the hit movie Son of God and the miniseries The Bible.

Lel I didn't even know they were making a remake

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you and me both

>bible Jew shit

No, thanks.

What? Great marketing, never even heard it was being made.

Stupid idea to remake it too.

I loved the original Ben Hur, which is why I won't be bothering to watch this shit.

Is that Charlie from Sunny as Ben Hur?

Nobody asked for this, same for Ghostbusters (2016)

It will deservedly bomb

Facial blindness is a sign of autism, seek help

Yeah Ben Hur(1925) is the only one that matters.

young people don't know or care about ben hur
and anyone who has seen the original knows it's a fucking masterpiece and should be immediately offended by a shitty remake by the faggot that did Wanted with angelina jolie

Marketing this POS would just increase the costs, won't work

I like Huston but seriously what the fuck.

This is one of those movies where from its very beginning you could tell it was going to flop

Wow, first I've heard of this.

>yfw china saves it

If ever a film didn't need a remake. New generation won't care, old generation will hate it compared to original no matter what.

How many big budget "blockbusters" need to flop before Hollywood realizes they need to stop? Return to $10-50 million budgets.

From the ads I've seen it looks like shit. Glad it's going to tank.

How does Timur Bekmamentov keep getting work? iirc all his Hollywood movies have miserably bombed.


>Timur Bekmamentov

But wanted was awesome

So glad.
I wish to the same to happen to the Memento reboot.

it makes me sad jack huston doesn't seem to be attaching himself to movies where he can really use his acting abilities

he was fucking great as richard harrow in boardwalk empire.

I find it strange how little I've heard of the Ben Hur remake. Outside of Sup Forums I wouldn't even know it existed. Bad marketing for sure

I watched the original ben-hur last week and i thought it was great. I saw a trailer for this when i saw star trek and it looked like complete shit that captures nothing that made that 50's version great.

Did Hollywood forget about how Ben-Hur is pretty much a Christian story? Will Jesus even be in it?

Those movies flop too though, just look at The Nice Guys


>Remake a movie no one wants a remake of
>Push it as another generic historical action movie with no discernible traits
>Barely push trailer for it
>Don't even push posters into many theaters

I seriously hope this remake craze dies soon.


>old guys

>young guys

You guys realize they make these shitty remakes for Chinese people right?

Foreign markets are where studios make any kind of real money, so they slap a recognizable movie title on a piece of shit and cash out

The difference is the send Ben Hurr increased the film's scope, and used the advancements of technology to expand a big story and make it even bigger.

This is just slapping the name into another generic action movie with Morgan Freeman tossed in.

You can tell from the tone of both trailers that its fucked, they have no idea how to market it.

That's one movie. What is the last non-capeshit adult blockbuster that did well?

WTF is with Paramount this summer? They haven't marketed any of their movies. Star Trek Beyond was marketed like shit and it is making less than STID even though it's a good movie with great reviews. It's a miracle it opened at 60m.

No fucking shit it is gonna bomb.

>literally asking for ads
are you tarded?


Before that, Jurassic World.


>Toby Kebbels agent

It will make it's money bac on dvd/bluray

I blame sexist women who are too scared to go see a movie with a strongk man.


is that agron from spartacus?

Can't wait for the Roland Emmerich remake of Lawrence of Arabaia

No buddy that's Richard Harrow if you can believe it.

Chickie who got killed in The Night Of is also in it.


How do you remake one of the greatest films and not tell anyone you're doing it and expect success?

The two movies expected to be the biggest financial disasters this summer, Warcraft and Tarzan, both pulled miraculous flukes and weren't nearly as big bombs as people were expecting.
I'll laugh if Ben-Hur does the same thing.

The only true disaster this summer was The BFG, which is sad because it was pretty decent.

>anyone who has seen the original should be immediately offended by a shitty remake
Ben-Hur IS a remake! I get what you mean though

It's the same as Wizard of Oz or Maltese Falcon.

They are remakes but they pulled it off perfectly so nobody cares about the earlier ones and remaking them again is just a bad idea.

why doesnt hollywood ever try making something good? maybe that would do better than garbage?

It's a subsidiary of Viacom.

Viacom. The same company who's best known television channel is Comedy Central and it's been on a massive decline for years now. Don't worry, they can always fall back on those staples such as BET and VH1 though.

I doubt they even have enough operational costs spread over the divisions to cover salaries let alone marketing.

They're also remaking The Magnificent Seven by the way.

Oh, I almost forgot. They also own the Spongebob Squarpants Chann...uh I mean Nickelodeon.

why did they cast charlie day?

Put in at a weird time slot, and had barely any advertising

>Lel I didn't even know they were making a remake

This thread and the one some user posted like last year are literally the only places I've even heard of it.

> I saw a trailer for this when i saw star trek
ayo nigga are you canadian?

Who thought a Ben-Hur remake was a good idea? No teens or kids are going to want to see that, or even know what it is, so your most profitable market is pretty much gone.

The trailer was utterly shit.

Seriously, is there ANY demand for a Ben-Hur remake?

Like outside of film buffs and old people, who's even going to know what that is? It's just a name. It's going to be John Carter all over again.

I swear they'll just remake anything now without even thinking about it

Well of course it's going to bomb. No one wants to see in this day and age a racist movie that white washes characters who should be proud People of Colour.

Fans of Ben Hur are not fans of shitty remake cash grabs. I don't know who the fuck they thought the target audience would be

>You guys realize they make these shitty remakes for Chinese people right?

Remaking films every 30-40 years has been something Hollywood has been doing for generations. Many of the "classic" films of the 1950s & '60s were remakes of older silent films (such as Ben-Hur) - now with sound, in full color, Panavision, etc. It was exactly the same as today. What Hollywood seems to have failed to understand, despite having decades to process it, is that home video changed the game. People are still intimately familiar with the old movies in a way that audiences of the 1960s would not have been and, as such, have no desire to see them remade.

The China market is a mixed bag, because there's never a guarantee of actually getting *into* it, as Sony found out with Ghostbusters. They can turn down a film and that's that - no cinematic release in the second-largest box office in the world.

SHITTY remakes.


1925 ben hur has nothing on William Wyler's film

The difference is also that remakes are able to be directly compared to the original, and 99 times out of a hundred they are worse

And Jeor Mormont also.

Pleb tier, I think you mean Ben Hur (1907 film).

The only patrician choice.


it was actually alright and kinda underrated desu senpai, even though there were some bad elements. david arnolds soundtrack is fucking based and carries it.

on topic though, i think we all knew that this ben-hur remake was a bad idea and would bomb. inept marketing makes it even worse.