Look at pathetic London

Look at pathetic London.

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"it's better because it's bigger!"

I live in devon. but this is just retarded.

>not living in glorious relaxed countryside


>nuke everything south of the border

It's also kinda pathetic that you could fit the entire United Kingdom in Arizona and still have space left over.

>too smol

if you ever visited tokyo you would know that even though its a impressiv city its at the same time horrifying how little nature they got

like literly no tree's and you can tell by how the air smells in the city.

London is not much different apart from Hyde Park

at least it's not infested with shitskins

london isnt as big so you have less stale non green area

not really, you got some trees on the sidewalks. What do you expect a fucking forest, like in some tokienish elven city, you twat?

But within an hours drive you get Mt Fuji. An hours drive from London you get Fucking Birmingham.

There are no sidewalks in London

Who needs green when you are the motherland?

Because they are pavements

London will soon be just another city in our empire.

Correct m8

1 hour drive
while they got a green space density that is 1/10 of london

look up some stats and you will realise that european city planning is quite different from what the japanese have done in tokyo

I'm from the UK and of course there is green but the UK is a dull country.

Bullshit, I live in London and its one of the greenest cities out there. Every pavement has trees along side it, and there are quite few parks as well.

*dull group of countries* I mean

I still think we should offer to let England be the 51st state instead of making a post-Brexit trade arrangement with them.

But it's a Japanese (i.e. not white) city so that's fine. However if we white people don't want to live with shitskins we are horrible, evil RACISTS

I'm From Manchester and we have green too It's just will just never match the greatness of Tokyo though.

yeah but tokyo is filled with irradiated slants.
checkmate, weeaboos.

im not advocating for greening up the city or something but just stating that tokyo is a giant city that has per square km less green area then london which is a smaller city

to be clear:
london small + more green per km²
toyko big + less green per km²

and tokyos figure is around 1/10 of londons so its not just a little bit less its A LOT

Hiroshoma I think you'll find, not Tokyo.
That's like saying all Americans are fat inbred hicks

gotta love Sup Forums. faggots never leaving their parents house discussing who lives in the bigger metropole region.

Eh I'm OP and I'm British.

>Hiroshoma I think you'll find, not Tokyo.
Fukushima, you idiot.

dumbass tokyo isn't even in england.

Naa, I'd hate to live in a mega city like Tokyo. Be cool to visit but, the traffic and lack of space would drive me insane if i had to live there.

sorry but that's a fake map

pretty sure there's regular niggers in that area, not rice niggers

Nagasaki you fool


who knew!?

>a city with all that area yet everyone has to live in a washing machine

Tokyo is radio active dump, infact the whole country is a radio active dump

Britain is small and devoid of any resources. The fact that they became a global superpower under those restraints demonstrates ultimate ability.

The United States is a super power because it already had resources.

I think Britain wins

Who made your computer or phone fag?

Britain would still kick the US ass in naval combat


That's racist

HTC so taiwan and my computer is a piece of shit so they can take credit for that

Japanese cars are the best.

False, the industrial revolution in Britain was only possible due to existing iron ore mines and huge amounts of hight BTU coal.


It could also probably kick the US ass in horse-mounted combat. Or in slingshot based combat. Sadly for you Brit-cucks, your areas of expertise are all outdated forms of combat. The only thing ships are good for are delivering the fighter jets which will turn the UK into a smoldering crater.

America is the child of Britain that we are disappointed in, you started speaking your mother tongue wrong and starting fights and shooting ranges at school.

Britain owned the world before the industrial revolution

The Royal Navy couldn't take charge of a fucking puddle. Even if the new carriers came tomorrow, we wouldn't have the planes to fill them.

>naval combat is unimportant
>doesnt matter when we have carriers with jets lmao
>cant get jets in range
>lol fuck you britain, didnt wanna win anyways

All dogs have their day man. And everything dies in the end.

Amerifags don't realise we still own them lel.

At least they speak English which is more than I can say about those niggers from Germany.


Lmaooo OK Nigel

>living in the South

Not even once.

Here's the British Navy

and just to be fair, here's the EU navy


and here's the US navy

I had to resize the original because it was too large

i'm not seeing any aircraft carriers.
where are all the aircraft carriers?


but who cares about that when you have the navy's aircraft

Carriers have the CV etc designations.

but lets not discount the marines

I like these pictures




I like the US having a Who's dick is the biggest contest, when we all know it's how you use it.

love to sink my dick in that hole!

It's not really much of a contest at all.


you'd better hope the US knows how to use it if you ever need to defend yourself

This. If you live in a non-US NATO country, you have the US to thank for keeping your nation secure for the past 70 years.

Images like this are why no major state will ever engage us in direct warfare. They're going to work to defeat us in other ways, primarily through destruction of our internal strength by flooding us with immigrants and "memes" about the benefits of multiculturalism.

And thank Russia for the next 70 years...


Close. But the Russian disinfo strategy has mostly been focused on undermining democratic institutions, sowing distrust among NATO countries, and supporting far-right political parties and organizations. Immigrants and multiculturalism don't have much of an effect except for making the working class nervous.