When I was a child the fraud doctors said I had aspergers, but I proved them wrong

When I was a child the fraud doctors said I had aspergers, but I proved them wrong.

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Voting issue?

I grew up and became perfectly normal

Now I'm going to expose the psychiatrists and the fraud Asperger diagnosis

Go get em tiger

I will, but the diagnosis did give me a steady income, not sure what I'd do without it.

then what was your issue? thyroid problem?


why would you show up to doctors with nothing to be diagnosed with something?

that's making no sense op.

did you have learning issues?

did you sell your aspergers?

My mom took me to the doctors.


Mental disorders are commonly misdiagnosed. They are all based on subjective external behavioral symptoms as outlined in the DSM. As a result, there's not much you can do in terms of compensation for a misdiagnosis - practitioners are pretty well protected in that sense.

I bet money you actually do have aspergers (now known as autism spectrum disorder) based on the autism of this post, however.

Some trouble in school and selective mutism.

The selective autism went away over time.

sorry typo, I meant mutism

i got diagnosed with adhd for selective mutism and not paying attention(mostlycause im nervous all the time) and they had me fucked up on adderall for so long i grew out of everything except paranoia and the mutism idk how you fix that shit without forcing yourself to talk which i try to now

I did bad in school, but I supposedly have an IQ in the 125-30 range.

I'm with this guy considering how you've constructed this tread and replied you seem autistic as fuck op, wouldn't suprice me if you took a solid 30mins or perhaps even days preparing to set this thread up before posting it.

You were diagnosed op, most likely for the better.

I'm 31 now, the selective mutism started vanishing in my late teens and early 20's, tough there are certain circumstances that can make me shut down.

idk if you ever did it when you were younger but when i smoke weed it seems to intensify the mental flaws that i have if im not 100% comfortable im not talking if im high and ofc the paranoia gets bad idk if its a thing but it seems when im not comfortable where im at or who im with is when these things show up. im very self conscience so i always pick up when i get like that in my head but still it feels like i cantdo anything about it

I got your back, if you got mine.

I tried weed when I was teen, just made me feel funny.

I enjoy watching Alex Jones videos.


Same. Had a "learning disability".

I had a "lack of facial expression and response" though that was just how I was with strangers especially adults