Help me out here lads

Help me out here lads.

no chance.

I thought that I was dreaming
When we matched
It started from nothing
I had no chance to prepare
I couldn't see you coming

Tell her this: You're above average. Just need to work a bit more on your eyebrows and you're presentable.

Make her insecure, insecure bitches will do everything

Don't be beta, don't talk too long on tinder (try to meet her irl as fast as possible)
Then don't start the conversation with a "Hi" because that's boring
Find her intresets and talk about them (eventho you're not interested in them at all) because girl's love to talk about themselves

well, i got two matches today, one super like even, so i hope they'll reply to me... hate it when they match and not reply to my text lol.

one girl had frank ocean as her fav artist so i sent her this which is a line from his song

hei mama. let me tell you about the jews

kek at user getting excited by a fucking tinder bot.


OP let's play a game. We're gonna write your responses. 100% guaranteed sex. Sup Forums certified. Just pick a number and we can go word by word or sentence by sentence.

is there someone who could look at my bio and say if it is good or shit

Okay, sounds good. First number is 14.

true. my fathers anus is very tight. makes me cum instant.

nigger tongue my anus

show me user

Yeah, your asshole is probably so tight I'd bust quick.

" So you like (sth in her bio) too?
Dont ask question she can reply with y or n
And u have to ask her for every reply anything or repeat some lines of what she says


That's a strong chin, when did you start transitioning? :)

Last 6 lines are bs and not Funny/interesting too much Text
Say u love dogs

>do you like pizza?

Go more full retard beta fag with nothing to talk about
Im sure sure wants to talk about pizza
Ask her if she likes dogs never Cats ciz cats are for females or femine dudes who live alone and are desperate
Dogs are the opposite

You+me=sex :3

my friend tom said his mom gave you a 2/5

I don't like animals

thought the last lines would make it more interesting and something that i could start the convo with because otherwise my bio would be boring. but dem bitches don't even bother to write anything...

the response on this could be hilarious

What's your biggest fear?

lets prove that theory then, your place in 1H

My groin aches for your touch

Just fucking lie and say u love dogs
But dont trap urself

Tell her u once had a dog like a doge but he died last year and just tell her bs
It will increase her sympathy for u

I like dogs.


Would you let my dog eat you out


oh ok then... doge, cool. I'll give it a try.

I've got three matches since yesterday, texted two two hours ago but nothing so far

Make her talk about herself

Would you walk me like a dog?


Send her bio
And yours

Ask her if she is a trap. If so, tell her to show us his qt boipucci

normally i do but for you id hold it for at least 8 minutes

her bio consists of her shared instagram pics, nothing else

my bio not a trap, seen her a few times irl

what app is that?

dangit bobby


Hey! Are you the girl from teen mom?


Do you want to be?

so whats your favorite place to go out?

It's either a trap or a bot

obvious bot
don't even bother

why are you saying it's a fucking bot? I've had like 300 matches and none of them was a bot. Where do you live?

So if we are doing this: why do I get matches and then dudes just want to fuck.

ask her if bobby is short for robert

because you are female

lol'd hard. you're the cancer of tinder. this app was made for finding a fuckbuddy, not for finding friends. also TITS OR GTFO

will do

just sent "what's up" to her
>inb4 boring thing to say

>not DTF

you're the male version of those hoes who say I'M NOT HERE FOR HOOK UPS on a fucking hook up app

So if I'm just looking to fuck from a dude who'll buy me some dranks and shit first, this remains the way to go?

Single life ain't easy.

So the equivalent of asking for helping and watching Sup Forumstards lose their fuckin minds at a woman being cunty.

It's basically a hook up app.
Sure not everyone will be looking for that, but you can bet most guys will be.

>fake being a gril
>get someone to drive to some random address'

I'm sure this has already been done, but why didn't I think of this before.

bumping with golden tinder convos