ITT post the nicest thing you can about someone you hate

ITT post the nicest thing you can about someone you hate.

I'll start - Laci Green has an adorable smile

OP is a faggot

Drumpf is very old so he's soon gonna die

she has a bangin pair of tits

Either you would fuck her mouth or you're a faggot

hell id fuck her, fuck her right in the pussy.

she's got beautiful eyes too


This has nothing to do with OP being a faggot

That's an old pic, she's fat now.

She's probably got a cunt which I would like to fuck hard.

>adorable smile
>one side raised expressing equal parts contempt and smugness

Nah, OP, you're a fucking faggot and Laci is a fat SJW retard.


I found the fag who watches John Oliver, the unfunny Jew of [current year].

As long as you stop to get her consent every 5 seconds and to make sure she's enjoying it.

>ITT post the nicest thing you can about someone you hate.

donald trump has more money than me.

I would destroy her live literally every hole, even her nose and ears live in front of all her bitch beta fans on youtube.

I miss the days she wasn't an absurd retard.

She's got some nice tits

I know Laci's fat doppelganger


laci is hot af

niceee any tits or ass?



agree, shopped pic doe




Mike Pence is quite handsome.


none, she has the exact opposite personality to Laci, and she's super self conscious so no nudes

All those man-hating feminists simply haven't had a good enough dicking.

I'd fuck her.

I'd fuck her like a pig

I really like Hbomberguy's gaming videos. Some of them are really good. However, when it comes to politics, they're really, really boring. Seriously. Look up "What is 'Virtue Signalling.'"


same for me with thunderfoot. i like his science vids, but he gets too caught up in his anti SJW antics

>i like his science vids, but he gets too caught up in his anti SJW antics
same, the sjw shit is beneath him, or it should be.

Thanks for your input shariablue


Why are the hot ones always fucking retarded


>that disgusting fat face
>disgusting celluloid legs
>mouth the width of the atlantic ocean

Fucking fat pig.

>also has HPV


American standards are terrible.

>implying you wouldn't ask for consent

kek at that fat fucking neck enveloping her jaw.

Why the fuck is this dopey fat cunt allowed to give sex education talks at schools?


> and here's a dildo I shoved into my fat smelly vagina last night

Stupid cunt.

Jesus CHRIST she's hideous.

OP is a ultra faggot

Her fake glasses only make her look HALF retarded.

look how fat her arms are. Holy shit, how much cock does this dumb cunt swallow?

Milo Stewart is fucking adorable even if she is a goddamn idiot.

milo is literally weaponised autism that's gone rancid.

She's a transtrender.... aka an attention whore. She's on male hormones, now. I can't wait until she freaks out live the first time. And for her to lose her hair.


100% true
But i'd totally fuck her

that's fake, unfortunately

Milo is a putrid animal. Are you actually retarded? She looks like an autistic Peter Parker

She NEEDS a good fucking.


gee ya think

She's not our president.

ew i wouldn't put my dick anywhere it, they're a feminist, they probably don't shave their gross tranny cunt.

I wanna fuck Laci Green. She's honestly fucking adorable.

yeah she's pretty hot, too bad she's fucking retarded. honestly great tits on her.


Is that bait or do you just have absolutely no standarts?

There's no such thing as having a "wrong" taste.
Except that.

I bet she has an amazing ass as well.

Teeth are different

okay yeah she's a complete retard and all but she's still fuckable.

>needs 120lbs more to be believable


She's not too bad compared to Laci. She looks like less of a bitch.

I love how you faggots say Drumpf but have a shitfit when someone says "Bruce" Jenner.

donald trump has nice kids

seriously. i don't think i hate anybody? is there something wrong w/ me?


just some slut people always say reminds them of Laci


i am still aryan af

If she were sane she would be very likable.

But she's not.

You can still find her n00dz BTW

BTW save that one, her n00dz used to be easy to search. Lacey seems to be DMCAing them off the face of the earth.


Look him up.