How many of us here are disabled in a way?

>How many of us here are disabled in a way?
Care to talk about it?

Other urls found in this thread:

I have Autism and some mental health issues. I make Youtube videos to help cope with that. It's kind of cathartic.

Born partially deaf.

Currently about half deaf.


My ambition has been handicapped by laziness.

My dick is too big so I can never leave my room. I have a sex-slave, she feeds me and washes me with a sponge. I make some hit for the government, my latest project were the Bogs.

Rheumatic arthritis here, had to go to a school meant for disabled people. I still have nightmares about waking up and not being able to move because of pain...

We're all here on b, we're all emotionally disabled

Christ that sounds fucked up...

Clinically depressed

no hands... no legs.... one eye....

Aspergers but
Who here doesnt have that

Its not terrible.

Makes communication hard, but noises never wake me up.

Did you step on a land mine?

Bipolar, but i'm fine though

I'd be willing to bet all that is self diagnosed and you're just a pansy bitch.

Traumatic brain injury from a car accident.
Resulting insomnia.
Partial deafness in one ear.
But hey, it's not all bad. I'm alive. I'm still completely mobile. Going on 6 years since the accident, and now im graduating college.
Could be worse.

I'm mentally retarded

Got hit by a car, literally shattered my spine.

Im Yasuo main. Does that count ?

Not disabled per se, Crohn's disease coupled with IBS and lactose intolerance means I diarrhea often enough for it to be a problem. I also have Ulcer's that give me severe heartburn.

I'm married. I win

Does rheumatism count ?

type 1 diabetic since i was 20...

I would booze it least 5-7 days a week (with at least 8-20 beers a day) and lots of cocaine

Life is a disease transmitted by sex and ending deadly in all cases. - Nico Semsrott

I don't like my neighbors

long live to echenique

according to tumblr i'm probably disabled because i'm straight

I have type 1 diabeties and addisons disease both of which i receive from a flu vaccination at 13 ( Got it while sick so it just made it worse)


>type 1 diabetes
me too buddy

that shit will knock your dick in the dirt

Yay, I got trips

niggers detected

Nope, been going to psychs since I was about 6. All diagnosed but the depression is the only thing that actually affects me badly.

I have a 90% disability rating with the VA and just submitted another claim which should get me to 100%

im retarded

paraplegic here. jumped into shallow water and broke spine.

I am missing my right pectoral muscle. Always been self conscious about it.

crohns disease, 40% disability
meds are working fine at the moment, cant complain. I fear the day they stop working

how do you find the will to live?

No, shockingly. Just haven't had a day without pain in four and a half years.


Electrical Engineer here lost my legs in Afghanistan, one above the knee, one below.

Anyone thinking a million yankee green skins for a years work is worth it, it isn't. The safe zones aren't safe.

can still move my upper body and handle most stuff myself.

Rheumatoid Arthritis since age 7, am now 32. Mostly affected my hands, feet, and neck. Pic related, surgery done on both feet a few years ago, to make walking not hurt like fuck anymore.

well extreme ADD/ADHD here. I also have type 2 diabetes


Anxiety isn't real. You just don't like doing some things.

I also used to think that. Then I had a proper anxiety attack out of nowhere. I don't take it as lightly anymore, can't imagine what life must be like if trivial things trigger something like that daily.

Blind in one eye after accident
Born with deficiency in other eye making it effectively colorblind though I have good vision through it Still
Diagnosed clinical depression
Partial nerve damage from accident unrelated to eye
Kill me please

Oh, don't pretend you're not him, Phil

>Brain chemistry is fake.

Oh boy.

The idea that psychological and neurological illnesses don't exist is rooted in the idea that the brain is just a lump of fat and your special-snowflake-god-spark does all of your thinking.

Maybe he can pray that shit out, maybe the Great Sky Captain Lord Father God Jesus Christ will make it go away?

Let it go, we can mess with people's brain chemistry and completely fuck them up, or through similar processes help fix problems. You are your brain, your brain is you.

I can only see on one eye and on the other I see like 30%. Playing shooters is pretty hard.

Whatever you say user. I hope you're not affected by it in the future because it's fucking crippling when you get a full blown attack. Wouldn't wish it on anybody.

What kind of injury. Do you wear a helmet now?