Apparently this movie for kids suck, and the 3 act is a mess. Guess the RT score


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a solid 27%





What does she smell like lads


like mowed lawn, satan

>it's a mess
Top 3 pleb criticism?


satanic trips indicates her soultaker sword probably rubs off on her sheath and makes her smell like death

>reviews held until 2 days before release
>a bunch of youtube influencers watch it at comicon but only a few are hinting at it

Either they learned from civil war that allowing reviews/early viewings get out so early will kill buzz and they want to have all eyes on the good scores as the narrative leading into the opening weekend or it's really a bomb

should be interesting

yeah, he should use the words incoherent and rushed

They showed the whole movie at comic con?


normalfags are raving
I bet each of them knows at the most, 2 characters
and that includes batman


I mean it won't suprise me, but what have you heard? Is your source those leaks?

because it's the patrician way to say mess

She is cute!

Stench of death

You sweet talkin me?

>Apparently this movie for kids
Hence the critics are irrelevant. It'll make mega-millions.

chit chat

patricians don't use vague catch-all terms to replace actual criticism

for kids doesn't mean kids will like it


I unironically think this will open just under bvs but will have legs and it'll cross the billion dollar mark

Gonna getcha hurt

the reshoots made the final act even worse and its a blatant copy of XMen and Avengers. And the Deadshot scenes with his daughter are as bad as the Pa kent tornado scene in MOS


>Pa Kent
so it's a pleb filter then?

You saw the movie? AMA?

Even with mediocre reviews I could see this happening.

I unironically think this will make lots of money. Appealing to normalfags is bad only if you want to fail miserably.

No one saw the movie. It's bullshit.

Can we all just collectively not support Suicide Squad? Like I know it’s kinda presumptuous to assume the quality of a movie before it’s out, but I think there’s something to be said about the bad (and on a lesser note, clichéd) portrayal of neurodivergent people. And I know if this post gets any traction whatsoever, I’ll probably get a bunch of whiny “anti-sjw” dc fans coming up with half-assed excuses to defend the movie. But, I think it still legitimately hurt people and continued the perpetration of common stereotypes of neurodivergent people (or at the very least provided some cringe-fodder (see: “that’s not what the voices said *winku face*)). I’m probably not necessarily qualified to say much about this as I only have OCD (and maybe something on the schizoid spectrum, but I’m not sure), but I’ve heard similar feelings echoed in people who do have disorders on the schizoid spectrum so I don’t think it’s just me being "overly sensitive”.

There has been multiple showings, for the EW exclusives like they had with BVS and the comicon showing so far

>Either they learned from civil war that allowing reviews/early viewings get out so early will kill buzz

Early reviews for Civil War were spectacular. Did you mean BvS?

Is this pasta? Cause its brilliant

You're mistaking normies with human garbage

This movie is everything critics hate

it's not going to get a decent score

nowadays mediocre reviews means that the SJW crowd found it unappealing

1: Karen is a girl
2: She's cute
3: I love her
4: Karen!

>Paranoid starts playing

>People think this will cross $1 billion

It won't.

But if it REALLY, REALLY GOOD, it might make as high as $900 million.

Where? Sup Forums thinks it'll bomb.
It won't though.

The reviews came out early killing a lot of the buzz since most of the discussion from internet personalities and other outlets was basically over 2 weeks before the movie came out. It's one of the reasons why people were shocked it didn't even manage to break $180m despite the reviews and it being marketed as avengers 2.5. People forget that this was projected to open to the second highest opening ever at around $225m, less than $20m away from tfa.

Most movies have been bombing this summer because people have been saving their pennies for this.


Just a gut feeling

The score is the last two digits of my post.

All year movies have been bombing because they're either reboots or sequels nobody asked for.
Disney and WB are the only studios still making money.

Joker and Will Smith? Yeah this'll make money.

Won't stop it from being a piece of shit, though.

5.5 average
I'm hoping to be surprised though


>making money

even with the conjuring 2 and lights out pulling in money, it's still not enough to offset tarzan

It is now.

It'll make a good amount, definitely. However, I predict the movie will be awful, but because of the humor it'll be given a pass and people will call it "freaking awesome" because it's edgy.

in which order?

They're probably banking on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. If fucking Harry Potter bombs that's gotta be some kind of accomplishment.

lol are you stupid enough to believe this.

Great reviews are THE reason it got to 179 ow.

BvS had just got done taking a HUGE shit on the genre which forced Marvel to reassure the movie going public that the genre isn't all bad.

Lets not forget Civil War is the highest opening weekend this year, 5th or 6th all time, and currently the highest grossing film ww this year.

That's because of a great film and perfect strategy to get the word out early. It killed no buzz, only added to it.

The reason they are holding back reviews for SS is because they don't want another "sad affleck" situation. Even 3 day early reviews killed BvS. Now they are going 1 day.

>They're probably banking on Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Doctor Strange and Moana are going to team fuck that flick.

This pasta is fucking fresh

I disagree. The "neurodivergent" community needs to turn out in droves for this. It's our moment. We're going to have a team of mostly antisocial personalities and genuine dissociatives on-screen fighting for the good of all. Furthermore, no self-respecting "divergent" hides behind such bullshit, sjw-pandering terms. Be fucking crazy. Be proud to be fucking crazy. Far more enlightened cultures than ours revered those like us as conduits to the divine, the literal mouthpieces of the godhead.

I'm fucking crazy. Fuck you all.

>harley fucks deadshot in the animated arkham movie
>margot is gonna get b l a c k e d again by woll smoff in suicide squad
>dc constanly allows rewrite of canon

who cares anymore. i want explosions and psychopaths. my body is ready.


The fact that they didn't even allow twitter impressions from the press is telling.

fantastic beasts is tracking very low and no trailer has made any real impact, I wouldn't be surprised if it under performs

This might honestly make more than BvS.

BvS suffered from extremely harsh word of mouth on its second week and most people thought it looked way too dark going into it and/or didn't like MoS.

Suicide Squad has close to as much hype, has the joker, Batman, and is basically just going going to try for edgy hot topic GotG. If the critics or fans don't tear it apart like BvS it could easily pass BvS. If word of mouth is bad enough though it'll make like $600million.

Yeah this. It has the hot topic/Deadpool audience and even people not interested in capeshit due to the joker

After the Kuh-tana scene, there is nothing that could convince me this movie will be good.

Sully and The Accountant will be hits. And they'll still manage to cuck disney/universal at the Oscars

A press screening just ended for it, all the reviewers on twitter are raving about it, and these are pleb normies that hated dawn of kino.


>A press screening just ended for it, all the reviewers on twitter are raving about it
I was about to post about this.

WTF I love karen now!

>A press screening just ended for it, all the reviewers on twitter are raving about it
Same thing happened for BvS

Can't see anything on Twitter. Post some more sauce pls

Critics have been giving Marvel's- and every other other capeship film as long as it's not outrageously awful- ridiculously solid reviews despite the fact that they were all mediocrities. Put a little sjw- pandering in, jack up the budget of how much it costs so that it's basically too big to fail, put in an aggressive marketing campaign, and you've got a film that'll have half the critic community terrified of scaring away their manchild reading audience by giving a less than stellar review, and the other half giving the vomiting out the kind of acclaim that'd make you think the film was actually doing anything for the art of film.

I always get my hype back with this desu

The first screening was positive but that was because it was a fan screening with a few reviewers, the ones closer to release all sounded really fucking sour

Oh shit this looks pretty fun actually. I thought mos was 7/10 and bvs was 5/10. This could be 7-8

>Can't see anything on Twitter.

That's because the press isn't raving about it, you just got played user.

Fan screenings were positive, critics screenings didn't get early word on twitter, so fans took the fan screenings tweets for the absolute truth and we had a hilarious two weeks were fans were claiming that the movie would get a 90%+ on RT, gross $1,5 billion+ at the worldwide box office and absolutely destroy Marvel Studios.

We all know how that turned out.

From 1:50 onwards it amuses me greatly. Nice editing.

Embargo lifts Tuesday (1 day before release), you wont here anything until then.

I remember when I saw that 17%. Bursted out loud laughing.

I really liked the movie though

she's playing it safe but apparently didn't read the nda


>post credit scene
I don't think I've read anything about it.

>Margot Robbie OWNED the role
I love my fridge.

Can't wait for part 2 of this lol

>Some people were very critical of some scenes

Will this be unintentional kino?

Let's also not forget this hasn't been a great year for box office.

To be fair, I expected "Suicide Squad" to receive better reviews. It has a tighter story and isn't as pretentious and self-indulgent as "Batman VS. Superman" was, and that ought to endear it even to the critics.

I'm lowballing it at a 62% and highballing it at 84%, but I think it'll be a 66%-72% on RT.

>everyone has a right to an opinion

It's trash.

How weird, people having different opinions.

This and the Warcraft one are great. We need more of these.

"everyone has a right to an opinion!"

Yup sounds like shit is about to go down next week.

Every early reaction I read has a variation of the "it's not a movie for everyone" schtick.

I'm prepared for BvS-level divisivism.

>Warcraft one

please link

>Everyone has a right to an opinion
This kills the DCEU reddit