What are Sup Forums thoughts on ANIMATED KINO?

What are Sup Forums thoughts on ANIMATED KINO?

how about you take this peice of shit back to the japs and tell them to put more frames of animation in their animation. makes me fucking sick.

back to your containment board monogatarifag

go back to highschool

Animated Kino, known to true patricians as "Image Animée," is typically discussed on Sup Forums. I would suggest you go there.

>chinese cartoon horse shit
I'm so fucking tired of Sup Forums posting here.


I loved the animation adaption of TDKR

That's an anime flick

>none of those birds stepped in to help him

fucking ass holes

Actual Animé Kino coming through.

Name is: Meikyū Monogatari

It's a 3-short film collection, and sort of the predecessor to Memories. Short film #2 and #3 are good but 2 is very effect-centered and #3 is a bit goofy, though still impressive. The first one though is bloody fantastic and i encourage everyone who takes Anime seriously as an artform to watch it.

Ching chong nip nong

Do they not teach "stop drop and roll" anymore?

He's a vampire, not really gonna help.


Literal shit fir weebs

that looks cool. source?

just check Sup Forums and look for the thread

i don't go to that place sorry. your weeb shit looks cool though

I think there is no such thing and you should fuck off back to Sup Forums.

It's okay. Anime nowadays is just for cool webms.

yeah, labyrinth labyrinthos is fucking amazing

>Koyomi Araragi, a second year high school

stopped reading there

literally everything Sup Forums watches is set in a fucking high school

The average anime MC is underage so it's normal.

Go watch your new Thor movie where Thor is a black woman faggot

honestly even Cowboy Bebop, which is supposed to be the one anime that non-weebs can accept, gets boring after a couple episodes
anime was a mistake
japan was a mistake

It's because loser neets wish they could go back.

Pure Kino

Almost none of the story has anything to do with school though. In fact I don't think there's a single scene in the entire series of 70+ episodes of Araragi attending classes. In anime, the school setting is just a generic backdrop for a teenage character who is supposed to be "normal," because going to school is what you'd expect him to do. It rarely offers any kind of insight as to what the story is about or what direction it will take.

Anime Flicks are called 'Toons.

Fuck people, learn your goddamn terminology.

>inevitable weeb defence force