Disney is ready to revamp the 1991 cult classic The Rocketeer, The Hollywood Reporter has announced...

>Disney is ready to revamp the 1991 cult classic The Rocketeer, The Hollywood Reporter has announced. The live-action movie, based on the popular comic-book character of the same name, will get a sequel-slash-reboot—and, in a new spin, the new film will star a black female lead.
>new film will star a black female lead.


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>black female lead

hope it bombs

how can a female use the jet pack? her boobs would make her aerodynamically unstable. it just does not make sense.

>black female doing this
>in the 1940s

They can't keep getting away with it

Will they not be satisfied until every white male character is replaced by a girl or someone not white?

whats even crazier is that it's a fucking fact that this shit always bombs.

>Another reboot
>another female reboot
>another female nigger reboot

jesus christ disney needs to be incinerated

it's far too late for that, the kikes have already planted the seed

People would barely watch the reboot if it kept the regular character. Literally no one will watch it now that it's randomly a black woman. Will the industry finally learn its lesson?

>tfw thought this was a joke

Hollywood studios need some movies to lose money so they can pour profits from other movies into them so they don't have to pay out points or taxes to those due them.

Did he died

I hope hollywood collapses.

No joke. Rarely do we see a good medium between cgi normie pandering and crappy condescending oscar bait.

I hope hollywood fails and those living on fame blow all their money and have to get real jobs.

Too big to fail, for real. It's gonna get shittier and shittier until like 2020 when people get bored of the current diversity meme (because it really is a meme)


theyre going to ruin my favorite old movie and make it shit


>there are people who don't want this to happen

If it's written well it could give credence as to why we should appropriate films.

People say this a lot and I don't understand. Even if this new movie stars Tyler Perry in drag, the old one will still exist. No one can take that away from you user, don't forget it.

Because they could make a new Rocketeer that was as good or better than the old one.

but instead they're just going to make another diversity bait movie that'll barely make it's budget back, if that, and get a 40-60% rating on rt or something, then be forgotten about forever.

It's just a shame, really

>young kids don't even know who the fuck is the Rocketeer
>old fans would want a version closer to the source
>old movie barely made any money
Who the hell is even the target audience for this? At least Ghostbusters had some recognition, and yet the reboot flopped hard

>Who the hell is even the target audience for this?

pretty sure disney and whoever just make movies like this for diversity points

I don't think anyone's deluded enough to think this would make any money at all, it really is probably just so they can be like "Look at us, look how progressive we are"

clickbait shitholes make articles about this like it's some big deal - "Disney is making the rocketeer BLACK and white men are PISSED!" and it makes disney look good

I'll admit, I usually can't give a fuck about the random reboots with black/female/whatever leads replacing white guys. Ghostbusters was retarded, but that was because they were clearly so desperate to push an agenda.

But this... This actually gets to me.

>mfw I've already seen people zealously defend this decision and shout at people who even suggest it's pandering.

I can't wait to dislike the trailer on YouTube and forget about it a day after its release.

Shit like this is why Trump is going to win

What is even the purpose of this one? I could even understand why ghostbusters was remade. Just a cheap cash grab of a franchise with a successful original. I'm sure the following is still fairly large for ghostbusters.

I have a hard time seeing why the rocketeer. The movie barely made it's money back, so I don't see what the point is.

well obviously The Rocketeer was always crying out for a re-imagining with a more diverse cast.

I can remember watching The Rocketeer and thinking, "Why isn't The Rocketeer a proud woman of color?"

Tell me why it's a bad idea.

I honestly don't care because it's probably going to bomb as a typical shitty reboot.

It's clearly pandering in much the same way Marvel turning Iron Man into a spiffy 15 year old African American woman with a huge afro was pandering.

It doesn't take a brain cell to notice a correlation with "white characters are being turned into people of color, or women, or women of color" and "It's 2016, where everyone wants white characters getting turned into people of color, or women, or women of color."

It's an old, barely even cult film that barely made it's money back. It is only remembered by people because we were kids when we watched it and a dude with a jetpack fighting nazis was cool.

Kids today don't know what a rocketeer is, and don't give a shit. The "fans" of the old Rocketeer are not interested by some shitty recasting done for no reason other than to stir up some buzz

tell me why it's a good idea

How do expect for a franchise to sell when most of the characters are white males? How can you even connect when a majority of the audience is not even white? I feel the same thing that happened to Ghostbusters reboot will happen here: a genuinely funny well written movie with good characters gets shit on for being different.

With this in mind, I have a question for you nerds.

Who is more pathetic in this situation, the people zealously defending the reboot, or the people screaming that it's a pathetic rehash with an injection of melanin and estrogen?

>muh strong young independent sassy black women that need no man protagonist.
>won't have young Jennifer Connelly


>when a majority of the audience is not even white

thanks for laff

definitely the people defending it, you are shilling for free for a billion dollar company because a character you didn't know existed an hour ago is getting turned into a black girl

Oh look ANOTHER movie I'm not going to see!
Hollywood is on a fucking streak lately....

young man, most black people only see black people movies (tyler parry, barbershop, etc.)
they're not going to watch a movie about a jetpack man fighting nazis.

>name the new one "The Rocketeer"
>Yeah, it's great bro, truly a manly classic

disney are retarded cucks and should be gassed

It's especially lulzy with Iron _MAN_. Make him nigger, chink or fucking blue, but keep him man.

kys retard

Did this happen with Ghostbusters?

>Hey the rocketer bombed the last time we tried
>Let's ensure that it bombs even harder this time around

For what purpose?

Is Ghostbusters a semi-obscure cult classic?

People with jetpacks are already aerodynamically unstable as fuck. They may as well go for broke at this point.

No? The same thing is going to happen with this, The Rocketeer will be called a reboot, people will look up the original and go "oh yeah, I remember watching that" and then notice the blatant pandering and ignore it.

This has pretty much happened with every cash grab buzz flick out there.

The Jews move their money in mysterious ways.

Ghosbusters was legitimate classic, not cult classic like Rocketeer is at best.

me too, think i read it in one of the comments under the new redditlettermemia videos and had a good chuckle. but this is really happening.

>and go "oh yeah, I remember watching that"
This statement rests on the assumption that everyone saw the commercially unsuccessful movie from the 90s.

See this type of crap just doesn't fly. This society is as diverse as ever and we should reflect that in our movies.

They'll see people talking about seeing it, or look it up and see screens of the original and how the new one is "controversial."

People are good at smelling bullshit, and this movie stinks.

>young man, most black people only see black people movies

Then explain why blacks love the Marvel movies. Black people are sidekicks in that universe until Black Panther comes out

>People are good at smelling bullshit, and this movie stinks.
Which is why I'm pissed the most recent cultural memory of this intellectual property will be a stinker.


Holy shit, this. THIS.

Is it popular though? I only found out about Rocketeer thanks to Broforce.

Waiting for the Bill and Ted remake where they're ham planet SJWs that go back in time to "correct" history.

>well-written funny movie with good characters

Found the Jew.

Never watched it but I heard the visual effects were top notch.


I hate jews so much.

>female lead.
boobies are not aerodynamic

So she can be a strong lead who can't even be served at a restaurant because the US didn't get over that until literally Vietnam

Good shit revisionists

by your logic. all those character should turn into chinks instead of black woman who no need no man

Wait, isn't Iron Man a black female now as well? OR am I thinking about a different red and gold flying robot suit?

everybody's a black woman these days

lol, you silly racists.
kind of fun watching you guys get triggered at inane bullshit like this.

So the reason the original was being shilled here for last few months was to actually determine whether to go forward with this new production, interesting.

>if it's written well
>hamfisted diversity reboot
>written well


For what purpose? The entire point of this property is nostalgia, and that also includes the position of a white male. Doesn't make much sense to force diversity for a property that glorifies an era that lacked such ideals within' media. It's like rebooting L.A. Confidential, and randomly making all the characters black, female, midgets; it wouldn't make sense. It's pulp, and like Noir it's a classic era, and arguably by-gone with by-gone ideals.
Simply put, "Updating" The Rocketeer doesn't make sense, as it glorifies the old.

I came to this thread to make a sarcastic quip about how wouldn't be crazy if they SJW-ized the sequel...

Jesus fuck, the original creator Dave Stevens was obsessed with Betty Page so he did shit like marry Brinks Stevens. Hence why Jennifer Connelly was the gf in the original film. So at least have it star someone like Megan Fox. But no let's put a negress in to get those minority butts in seats. Preferably cast Willow Smith as the lead.

>clickbait shitholes make articles about this like it's some big deal - "Disney is making the rocketeer BLACK and white men are PISSED!" and it makes disney look good.

I'm sure they already have their articles written and ready to go.

Yes... ;-;

It probably wont be as big a deal as ghostbusters. There was a title with recognition, nobody cares or even rembers the Rocketeer.
But that won't stop Disney's advertising department from making a few sock accounts to simulate opposition. Honestly, the worst reaction Disney could imagine is if nobody responded at all. Nobody condemns the Diversityâ„¢, nobody praises it.

>it's a revisionist history replace white people with black people for the greater good of the CURRENT YEAR episode

You actually believe this

Damn she is perfect

Betty has used the pack many times in the comics, probably almost as much as Cliff.

I don't care about this, but I will enjoy the ensuing chaos

The most odd thing about it was that there was already a young black teenage girl with an Iron Man suit in the comics. The first time the Now teaser image was posted, everybody on Sup Forums was "Oh, I guess Iron Patriot's going to come out swinging now that her uncle's died."

Instead it's a "brand new" character that's almost completely indistinguishable from Natalie Rhodes.

Sorry, all black girls in new media have to have nappy hair.

They'll probably cast that annoying con-artist from the last two seasons of Person of Interest. Goddamn I could not figure out why they kept having her as a guest star.