

The blockbuster event of the year is finally here, guys!

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah I'll just watch a fucking movie with chink subtitles on the screen the entire time. Have some god damn standards.

>being this autistic

This movie sucks. Don't waste your time.

>not wanting indecipherable text covering up screen real estate
You're a fucking pleb, kid

>giving a shit what other people download and watch

yes you are that autistic

it's free

so what's the go to place now without KAT??

This has to be the worst film I've ever seen

And I saw that awful second silent hill film

again with the korean subs, aren't they worried kim jong un would hang them if they got caught?

These are the normalfags you browse Sup Forums with.

god it was bad. When My David™ is in the space ship going to the Moon with Thor Jr. and he starts screaming when they hit the FUSION DRIVE was hilarious. It was the most pathetic acting that I have ever seen be put into a movie of its size. It was just great. Pretty much the dude turned this movie into a shitty wanna be sci 1950s B film but with modern day CGI and modern day WE NEED SEQUELS and a Universe mentality

Figure it out nigger

KIT.Kat is the newest torrent site.

Are there more niggers than whites in this kino? This will determine whether i'll end up watching it or not

It's actually Kat.kek

rarbg and tpb


>Not using private trackers

Kill yourself

your mom's house

>implying you are on any good trackers

I watched this movie and got exactly what i expectec out of it a simple but fun popcorn flick like the first


If you expected anything more you need to reevaluate


try it

look at the loser who used KAT


>namefag using kat


Its a sequel to fucking Independence Day.

Why the fuck would you expect anything more than special effects and explosions?

Movie is just mediocre. Too many actors, old ones take too much space making the new characters unable to develop. In the end you don't care for them
Also it feel like it's missing a lot of transition, they probably edited a lot of scene.

but KAT is down

what site?

>ask an alternative to KAT
>10 replies of people mocking you
>0 replies of actual alternatives

I understand guys, it was hard on me as well...

>being this fucking clueless about torrents

fucking retard

Lacked the charm of the original

my brother is a mod and he will BAN YOU unless you tell me an alternative to KAT >_

Cant we be nice to each other?

Cant we be bros memeing it up like old times?

Cant we help our fellow user in need if hes down on his luck?

Come on guys, lets work together, not attack each other. Save that hate for reddit...

go fuck yourself and then join private trackers

>after they survived from the destruction with space ship
>"did you pee your pants?"
>"yeah me too" with smuggling

but I have to be invited to private trackers ;_; and nobody will invite me...

Nobody invited me either but I'm on all of them.


Private trackers usually only have scene stuff though

I interviewed
Private trackers have scene, p2p content and their own content uploaded by members, usually stuff you can't find elsewhere.

Why else do you think people want to join so badly?

>I interviewed for a private tracker that's notorious for being seed hard and nearly impossible to build a decent ratio on
Glad it worked out for you though

what are the best private trackers? I've just joined one that had open invitation but there's barely anything there

Not reading the thread before posting. Fuck you I liked it. I know it's a flick and it entertained me. Fite me.

I have a double digit ratio.

No seedbox.

>what are the best private trackers? I've just joined one that had open invitation but there's barely anything there

Open ones are shit. The good ones are the ones that are not easy to join.

stuttershit is worse then YIFY

Obviously. Which ones are the best?

Read the wiki from Sup Forums and find out.

>not typing on google " Independence Day 2016 download no virus A:10 V:10 "

>Independence Day 2016
FINALLY A REAL ANSWER downloading Independence.Day.2016.avi.rar.exe now , just gotta fill out one survey for the rar password

Godspeed user

>he can't read Hangul


sure kid


Sure is utter shit!

Same here.
Wasn't expecting a better popcorn movie than the first one. Action, nice CGI, cheesy jokes and the right amount of plotholes.
We all know what kind of movies Roland Emmerich makes.

I giggled when I saw on the ending credits that 5 people worked on that script.

I agree with you. Those screams were...really odd. But we're talking about Jeff Goldblum so...

Is this real

Don't bother. 3/10 movie.

>calling people kid
>im insecure about the fact im probably younger than them


about half way through. this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

that's why we dont pay for them

even without all the chink bullshit it is just lazy. the effects are shit, the casting terrible and the acting awful apart from based goldblum who never really acts at all anyway.

I expect nothing less.

hahaha, it just got even worse when third act explanation ball started talking.

what a shit movie



my fucking sides they did the poor ethnics crowded around a radio thing again.

no spoilers fuckhead

One of the worst films i've seen in a long time

The editing and pacing is all over the place. At least half of the characters could have been cut with no impact on the plot

not even worth pirating
bravo hollyjewd

good thing you didnt buy it


I actually paid to watch it in the cinema unfortunately

This is one of those movies that I don't even have desire to pirate it


Judd Hirsch and the kids's subplot was exceptionally pointless

I don't remember Joey King being that hot, damn