Why does Hillary want to bomb Assad and establish a no-fly zone over Syria?

Why does Hillary want to bomb Assad and establish a no-fly zone over Syria?

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What the fuck does this have to do with tv and film

I told you guys but you didn't listen. It's all about HELPING ISRAEL.

In order to increase the amount of refugees heading into Europe.
Merkel will than take on another million of Syrians this will cause the collapse of Germany, shortly followed by the collapse of Europe as a whole, removing a major economic rival of the US. Merkel then retires to California like she was promised by Obama/Hillary ages ago.

>Americans will actually elect a woman president
>a woman who's proven to be a massive cunt and is responsible for the creation of ISIS

But the main part is all about getting people out of the Middle East so that Israel has room to breathe.

Because she's not a pussy like Obama is

So why bomb the secular guy fighting the Islamists?

Israel deserved out help. Fuck the rest of the world. The kikes are our friends and everyone else can shove off


America's largest trading partner is Europe.

>Israel deserved out help

>Between Assad and Islamists, it's better to pick Islamists

This isnt video games



Why would you destroy your biggest customers?

>same tripfag unironically shilling for Israel and ISIS in the same thread


Assad created the conditions that not only lead to ISIS, but actually foster it. America isn't above helping dictators in order to combat a larger enemy, but Assad is counterproductive to our aims.

Makes perfect sense.

>kikes are our friends
Nah fuck off cunt

Because he is oppressing violent shithead muslims and that's a no-no because Hilary wants them to bomb shit in America instead.

Cause it worked so well in Libya dipshit.

>Assad created the conditions that not only lead to ISIS
ISIS started in Iraq.

>it's either Assad or ISIS!
People are actually buying the Russian propaganda?

Where does one even begin...

>Assad created the conditions that not only lead to ISIS
>this is what shillarybots actually believe

>he actually bought the moderates meme

>not voting for the only candidate that is for smaller government and capitalism

>amiricans want to bomb this

This is how she reacted shortly after Gaddafi was sodomized to death with a knife by 'our allies'.


The woman is a bloodthirsty maniac whose tenure as secretary of state has been one disaster after another.

>smaller government and capitalism
No, I prefer democratic control of the country I live in not corporate tyranny.

>Sup Forums - political discussion

Yes, but Assad opened his borders to extremists and basically used them as proxy agents against threats he perceived as being graver. Assad quelling his rebellion is what caused ISIS to take hold in a destabilized Syria in the first place.

>theres Russian propaganda
those are just facts

Yeah bombing the shit out of Isis with Russia is really helping them out a lot. Srsly if u don't have a clue why waste your time pretending to know what ur talking abt, and spreading disinformation.I Fucking hate presumptuous armchair general cunts like you.

Jews are disproportionately represented among BOTH left and right wing intellectuals because of their higher verbal IQ. There are plenty of pro-gun Libertarian Jews.

>Assad opened his borders
That's one way of putting being invaded by foreign insurgents who want to destroy you.

After we funded a civil war in his country through sparking the Arab spring in the first place, God I hate you.

She set him up because he wasn't playing ball. Gaddafi plan to switch to a gold standard instead of fiat money. Stability in the ME? Not good for G*ds chosen.

All of your information concerning the issue come from sites that confirm what you already believe. You're in a fucking bubble if you don't think that Assad is partially responsible for the rise of ISIS.

Does it make you sad that your dreams of going into space exploration for yourself will never be realized? You can, quite literally, blame the Jews. This is why.

The Jews destroyed humanity and, via extension, humanity's chance at interstellar travel. They did so with the "usury banking system" (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury), a system founded entirely on one word.


Trust, as the extremely few of you who are currently happy with a significant-other can attest, is the number one key to any relationship. Trust opens the lines of communication and strengthens the bond between a man and a woman (or, if you prefer, "a man and another man," "a woman and another woman," "a nu-trans fourth trimester transsensual Angst Profile ZETA-8 genderqueer pseudo-dyke reformed lesbiophilic heteromollusc and another of its kind", etc.)

Any soldier who's been in battle will tell you, without the slightest hint of irony, that trust in his fellow soldier is not only recommended, but absolutely vital to keeping themselves and their fellow soldiers, intact. As the old adage says, "every man deserves respect until he proves otherwise."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is why the Jews are literally a cancer that has plagued this planet for thousands of years. Usury banking (and those who, faced with little other choice, embraced it) gave birth to the Rothschild Family, John Pierpont "J.P." Morgan & a host of other greedy, soulless, mistrusting individuals who also used other unethical and (questionably) immoral tactics to further their fortunes, fortunes founded on the misery and mistrust of others. They also silenced visionaries such as Nikola Tesla, whose dreams of wireless electricity for all were crushed forever by those in power at the time.

I encourage any genuine Jew or supporter of usury banking (or even loaning with interest, at that) to debate this with me, if you so desire, but your position is indefensible and your so-called "argument" is unwinnable.

>Assad wants Al-Qaeda to topple his regime

Sup Forums is desperate to get away from its echo chamber

>Assad is counterproductive to our aims.
Where is international law does it say you can train and fund mercenaries to overthrow another country's regime?

Jews, they're like rain on your wedding day. Got a tooth cavity? It was those Jewish corporations promoting unhealthy foods. Jews are the reason my cat died young. They're the reason my girlfriend turned out to be a slut. Jews are responsible for both capitalism and communism. They're responsible for both Western masochism (Noam Chomsky), and reactionary right wing politics (Mark Levin). Jews are the reason my dad left my mom.



Maybe he shouldn't have bombed the shit out of Raqqa allowing them to sneak in

>using sarcasm to deflect the issue

I'm crying. Crying with laughter.

Maybe America shouldn't have invaded Iraq? So let's overthrow Washington?

Nothing wrong with a no fly safe zone, it would keep the refugees in Syria and not coming here, but bombing Assad would make the middle eastern region a lot worse.

She'll probably go through with it if she becomes president, god help us.

Presidents don't make the decisions. If it's part of their plan (or not) it will happen (or not).

Maybe he shouldn't have been an asshole dictator then

International law is for pussy European countries

Jews are the reasons tripfags like you exist. Gas them all

>Nothing wrong with a no fly safe zone
Except every time it happened it led to NATO taking over and totally destroying the place.

>International law is for pussy European countries
>countries should just do whatever they want! That's the way to achieve desirable outcomes!!!

God you're a moron.

Every single post you make in this thread is even more dumb than the previous one.

Why does Trump want to withdraw from Eastern Europe?

Does he think Putin wants to be pals? Its blatantly obvious that he just pretends to like Trump because he wants to dissolve NATO

Except we can overthrow Washington. It's called having a fair and democratic election, which allowed us to expunge neo-conservatism from the Republican party.

Oh and you don't do that? You think i like to look up and see dirt on my country?Your the deluted prick who thinks our government can do no wrong, and the timeline of events don't matter.Civil Ward in other countries in the middle East have no bearing no bearing on how Assad reacts. He knows if he doesn't fight as hard as he can, he and his family will be slaughtered like Qaddafi. So fuck you for wanting to take down a secular non Islamist Arab leader who doesn't murder religious minorities.

So every tripfag post is bait.

Elections overthrow the Pentagon, the State Department, the CIA, the NSA etc.?

If you think it's OK for America to violently overthrow another regime then it should be OK for other countries to do the same to America.

>>countries should just do whatever they want! That's the way to achieve desirable outcomes!!!
The problem with international governing institutions isn't that they're inherently bad, it's that genuinely awful people who don't have the West's interests in mind are often given veto power. There's a reason why the UN is more concerned with women on twitter being harassed than gays being beaten in the streets in Palestine.