It's a Select all images of store fronts episode

>it's a Select all images of store fronts episode

Stupid frog poster.


what happaned to pepe in that image?

>select all images of commercial trucks
Only see lorries
>select all images of cookies
Only 1 cookie and some biscuits
>select all images of sandwiches
No sandwiches, only burgers
>select all images with street signs
Entire image is one big sign

>Select all images with food

>select images until there are no more storefronts
>every chinese grocery in china is in the queue

> run down building with graffiti.
> crime senses tingle.
> automatically assume I can buy drugs or contrabrand from it.
> captcha doesn't recognize it as a store front.

System has a big flaw.

>select all images of fat nigger cocks
What did they mean by this ?

>select all images of x
>ok sounds fine
>select images and they constantly disappear
>try refreshing a dozen times
>images still disappear when clicking them


when i have to select street signs, should I select the signposts as well?

>switched back to text captcha ages ago
Feels good man

I wish I knew why I'm considered a robot. They confirmed during my last maintenance that I should be a human.


that's one of the best ones though

Kek, this desu

Uh no. They're all bullshit UK or Indian stores. None of them look like American store fronts. Waterfalls and pillars are good ones. Aesthetic and distinct. The collage of store fronts is so hideous.

>its a select all the street signs when theres nothing but a giant image of a tree episode

>not having a Sup Forums pass

plebs, the lot of you

who fucking cares what they look like faggot you click on them and then you post your shitty post

>he bought a Sup Forums pass

Some of us have taste you mongoloid.

>tying your bank details to the opinions you express on Sup Forums

>that one blue sign that always comes up

It's stalking me I swear

Pic related

Dumb frogposter

>select all images of store fronts
>all the store signs are in hebrew

>one of the street name signs that show up is from the corner near where i live

>what is 4chanX


>google maps has a photo of you for everyone in the world to see

>Entire image is one big sign

How much do I have to select ? Let's take 5
> failed try again. select bodies of water