Cast him

cast him

Micheal Pitt

Idris Elba

Oscar Isaac

Who dat. Probably fucking GoT

Ezra Miller

lupita n'yongo

Jared Leto

>file name

Let's talk about Guts instead

pretty good

i love the guy but no

But guts has a personality.


Already sick of that Mr. Robot fuckface. Something about him makes me froth with anger



That's a him?

I am only fine with Snyder if someone forces him to use Susumua Hirasawa for the Soundtrack so he can't as always put his fucking playlist into the movie.

my cousin on my moms side. I think his name is Timothy or something.

Those people are all so old.
Guts is a young man, not even out of his 20's

Thanks Rodd, my mom says you're always representing, i appreciate that.


its the eyebrows

Gyllenhaal could be Guts if he didn't have such a weak voice.
