:ITT characters that did literally nothing wrong

:ITT characters that did literally nothing wrong

Come on, using the rocket launcher on the building site was pretty unjustified.

Not really they kinda deserved it

Maybe the ones that gave him shit but blowing up the highway wasn't gonna improve the journey for anyone. It just created the need for even more roadworks. Thousands of people would be delayed. What a dick!


He dindu nuffin. He wuz gud boi.

What is the rationale for holding an entire McDonald's hostage because you couldn't get their breakfast menu?

They had breakfast they just didn't want to give it to him he was in the right


he had severe anger issues


D-Fens is literally the embodiment of failure in that film. It's Prendergast that's the real hero. They're essentially the same person, in a way, with the exception that Prendergast deals with his issues constructively while D-Fens acts self-destructively.

They've bost lost their daughter, which Prendergast accepts but D-Fens can't deal with and ends up going psychotic over. They both have or have had unhappy marriages, but Prendergast has managed to keep his marriage together and in the end he even puts his shitty wife in her place. They both get no respect at work, with Prendergast being insulted by his boss and humiliated by his co-workers while D-Fens was laid off after years of loyal service.

As a result D-Fens goes around town getting involved in shootouts, taking hostages and generally acting destructive, while the only time Prendergast initiates violence is in a constructive way, when he punches his asshole co-worker and gains the respect of his peers. Ultimately D-Fens ends up dead while Prendergast gets to go home and have his chicken with the fucking skin on.

this guy


Being a jerk to your co-workers isn't clever at all.

>Ultimately D-Fens ends up dead while Prendergast gets to go home and have his chicken with the fucking skin on.
Had a hearty chuckle

and pic related

that is to say, prendergast represents the serf who accepts his miserable fate, whereas d-fens prefers to die on his feet rather than live on his knees, and rebels against the system which took away everything he had


>rebels against the system which took away everything he had

No one took anything from him, he's just an entitled piece of shit who blames the system for his own failings.

>muh breakfast hurr

t. low-test beta who hates himself because he fell for the neoliberal individualistic "everything that happens to you is your fault" meme that the elites use to justify owning massive piles of wealth despite never having worked a day in their lives

we all agree it was in his head


>t. low-test beta who hates himself because he fell for the neoliberal individualistic "everything that happens to you is your fault" meme that the elites use to justify owning massive piles of wealth despite never having worked a day in their lives

t. raging failure who rather blame everyone else for his miserable life rather than face his own incompetency



>doesn't realise that it requires effort to change the political system.
Yeah, people against the status quo are just lazy. Keep drinking that kool-aid systemcuck.

he was a little disrespectful

Face it, D-Fens has no one to blame but himself. The film baits you into thinking that he's the oppressed hero, but reveals his true nature toward the end when we see the home videos of him acting like a mean narcissist to his wife and daughter. It's not revelaled how he lost his job, but I bet it's due to him acting like an autist at work. He was an engineer, after all. All of his loss was his own fault.

And who does he direct his hate agaisnt? An honest immigrant store owner, some burger flippers and construction crew. He even murders the noble-minded and kind-hearted WWII-history enthusiast and an upstanding man of conservative principles that gave him refuge from the police.

Uh, yes, that's what the character did, tried to change the political system. Not the meal schedule at a fast food franchise. It's not like it was his own choice to live in the shitpile that is LA. It's the system's fault he abused his own wife and children.

What are you, a fuckin' sick maniac?