Fuck, I just watched Stranger Things and I was really enjoying it but then I saw picture related...

Fuck, I just watched Stranger Things and I was really enjoying it but then I saw picture related. I fucking had to drop it here, there's no way I can keep watching. What the fuck did they mean by this? Did it all happen in the modern day after all? Alternative universe?

no they weren't

>obscure trolling

Yes they were

Visiting Sup Forums for the first time since Stranger Things came out. I'm guessing everyone hates it and considers it Reddit?

>I fucking had to drop it here, there's no way I can keep watching.
That's like 10 minutes before the very end.


not really
OP's find is a legitimate fuck up though

No, most people here seem to like it. Obviously, it's not perfect though.

Not sure if trolling

It's good. Not perfect no, but pretty solid entertainment. Also, it came out of nowhere and made me not cancel my Netflix subscription.

>ywn spread El's pussy revealing the soft lush pinkness inside

Most like it. The main problem is there's only 1 season that everyone already seen so the discussions eventually dissolve into shit posting and pedos jerkin to El


I'm just waiting for the Millie cut by that one guy. Not much else to talk about now...

Will it include the deleted nude scene where she takes off her clothes in front of the boys?

Is this show worth watching?

For El's smexiness

Eleven is for hugs and eggo feeding, not lewds.

my eyes literally started bleeding while watching the first episode, other than that, meh


El is for pleasure.

so a tiny background periodic table took you right out? Not the use of songs that weren't released until well after 1983? The Bangles version of Hazy Shade of Winter, for example, wasn't released until 1987.

You seem like you might know, what's the name of that song that plays when Will's fake body is found in the water and the cops start coming up the road behind Jon and Joyce

It's Peter Gabriel covering Heroes, is that the scene your talking about?

Yeah yeah that's it, thanks guy.


I'm the other guy working on the Real Hero montage.

How would you guys feel about including a shot of Gosling from Drive being slipped in there?

Am I to believe that they have a magic periodic table?

lmao look at this fukken nerd

As long as it's tasteful. Maybe the elevator stomp

you read my mind :^)

> smexiness

Hello 2007!

wtf i hate elements now


>start watching stranger things
>fucking love it. completely engrossed binge watch
>find out there's only 8 episodes


It's ok, season 2 won't be too many years away.

this desu

gonna go write an angry review on imdb