Halfway through Season 1 of Firefly

Whats season 2 like?

Worth a watch?



there isn't a season 2

it was cancelled



Season 2 isn't as good as season 1, but it's still worth it.

>inb4 there is no season 2
Plebs can't find the unreleased and semi-edited season 2

They filmed it. They just never finished editing it fully but you can still watch it. If you're nice I'll upload it to mega.

Why is Firefly held in such high esteem? While a passable show, it did nothing to convince me to watch more of Joss Wheadon's work.

Cause he wants to fuck the female lead. And get blacked by Idris Elba.

The cast is really good and have pretty good chemistry. Even though Whedon's writing is way too "witty," he writes a cast that compliments each other pretty well. He does well with ensembles.

I don't believe you but I'll bite, why would they act an entire series, edit it halfway, and throw it out

>If you're nice I'll upload it to mega.

I'm nice can you upload it now.


>A show is only good if it works as an advert for the creator.
I pretty much like nothing else Joss did. But Firefly is good.


Sounds Legit.

yep theres a lot of shitty copy cats


Holy shit that virtue signaling

Stop watching after s02e02. Killing one and freezing six made the crew lost his balance in terms of morals. Having them arguing between the right thing and the smart and efficient thing to do was a part that make me watch the show.

There's a pretty shortlist of Americans who would be appropriate for DW.
Terry Gilliam probably tops it. That chucklecuck Whedon certainly isn't on it.

I barely got past the first ep. I'll try killjoys.

There is no way we've seen the last one one, and six has already been unfrozen.

Its called Serenity, its short for a season, but makes for comfy binge watching.

>imagine greater

Why doesn’t he write his OWN fiction with a stronk womyn or minority as the main character?

How is taking a popular existing work and changing the characters, “empowering” women or minorities?

Seems to me, it just confirms the notion that female and minority characters are rarely interesting and brain washed self-hating SJWs like Whedon are more concerned about blindly attacking Western society and blaming it for all the world's ills, then making good art.

Since farscape I always give a 1 season chance.

firefly is good because reasons

whedon is a shit

He can finally be the Paul Feig tier hack he was always meant to be.

Doctor Who is fucking shit and I say it as a fan.

That said, while I don't have any objection to female leads, genderbending characters is a political statement and pandering that will eclipse actual story writing.

it's as good as season 1

The definition of racism and sexism right there.


was this after or before the feminazi's castrated him

How bad is it?

After. The guy is fucked in the head. He pretty clearly bought into his own hype after Avengers.

It's not bad. Don't think I would call it good either though, but so far it shows a lot of promise. I'd give it a 6/10 for now, with room for improvement.

It scratches the sci-fi itch that nothing else as of late gets.

Pretty much exactly what I have to say about Killjoys as well.

Only reason I watched it, but turned out to be an enjoyable series

[cuckoldry intensifies]

This is actually pretty good. Starts out a little stiff but then the plot develops quite quickly. The big dumb army guy can't act for shit, but has a weird charisma to him.