Is Nancy a whore, Sup Forums?

Is Nancy a whore, Sup Forums?

well she may look like a boy but she's still a woman, user

Skeletor is no whore

well her name is Nancy The Slut Wheeler, you be the judge


>was this before or after your abandoned your QT THICC best friend for chad?

Ugly as fuck get some fucking taste Sup Forums

Nancy a fucking perfect, delete this now

no fuck off

This bitch is annoying as fuck, worst part of the show.

She's a horny, stupid teenager. She represents the stereotype, although she does develop a bit and takes responsibility at the end, along with her boyfriend.

Steve's two "friends" on the other hand...

I literally begged for them to be killed off, they made them to be two of some of the most despicable human beings I've seen on a show, along with that psycho knife wielding brat who pisses himself.

Why is her face shaped like that?

Considering she fucked on what ? the 3rd date ? Yes then


You mean have a jawbone?

her mom used to drink very much while carrying her

Nothing wrong with that. First date is questionable

She's got tits. So yes, 100%.

>No one in the show even acknowledges Barb after they find out she's dead

Im in love, lads


I'll fuck her mom instead.

She had sex with someone who wasn't her spouse. She is a whore.

I want to cuddle with Nancy, look her in the eyes and tell her everything will be alright

hit dat mf (you) button

Looks uncannily like Julie Benz here.

I'd hit smash Nancy's mother too desu.

>watching ST with wife's son
>he doesn't understand Nancy's character arc
>explain to him that the 80's were a different time, where being a slut was a bad thing

No she's a cute

why you or someone else dont put the webm of episode 3 who she has sex and show bra, cleavage and maybe a nipple?


I would post it if i'd have it but i don't, so if any user wants to share ;-)

It rubbed me the wrong way how you're supposed to get invested in this life or death situation for this kid and his family, while nobody fucking cares about the shy girl who dies in a horrible way

They got the next worst shape since you weren't available.

Got any links?

She's the type of ugly chick Sup Forums thinks is hot

>she ends up with chad instead of the good guy

>Creepy autist virgin is the good guy

trip on jonathan

She's one of those Catholic anal virgins, isn't she.

the lack of apostrophes around the nickname made me kek. read it as a full name

Seemed like that was the first date.

Also, she's even more of a slut because steve was like uhh, muh rents are out, c'mon over and it wasn't even a party so he as well have said hey baby wan sum fuk. He didn't even try to beat around the bush that night. Hang out for ten minutes, jump in the pool, then right to fucking. She didn't even make out down on the couch first she was just like yeah let's get up in your room so you can throw me down and fuck me like good whore then you can pass out and sleep.

Is that type of romance over when you hit 20?

because nobody gives a fuck barb

the best kind

depends, if you are young looking and good looking, then you can just get with a younger girl.

pic related is 30 years old

Jonathan was cuck as fuck.

no really no-one gives shit about thunder thighs

kys, Byers

The jew unhinges it's jaw to suck the life out of it's victim or so I've heard

i want to rub that flat chest


The knife wielding brat wasn't as bad as Steve's friends. He was more relatable

Mmmmm, this.

Good guy means autistic neckbeards anti social loser?

>She's got tits

Please eat nancy, please. Also based cops for calling her slutting out.

what is that?
a scar


She stayed loyal to Steve even when being tempted by bowlcut dick. If I ever catch you talking shit about my underbite waifu again we're gonna have to step outside.

>people find Nancy attractive

>has sex with a guy
>doesn't have sex with anyone else
>stays with the original guy at the end

Fucking whore.

I don't know, but she's so sexy when she's not trying to be sexy.

dat bone structure

>tempted by bowlcut dick

Jonathan is going to play Daryl in the early-life flashbacks with Merle before he gets a new makeover from Lucille, just you watch.

She thinks she's better than every other character, she is a bonelord, and her mum is way hotter.

My boy Dustin knows she's a bitch, she used to dress up as an elf.

Of courshe

Nancy starts as the stereotypical nice girl, in any 80's movie she'd get with Jonathan. But she wants to experiment and feel that popular, more open world, even if she denies it constantly, as seen in the second episode.

She's kind of a bitch because of how she treats Barb, even if Barb herself doesn't give that world a chance and it's too judgemental about it. The breaking point is Nancy sending her home. I mean you could argue all day long but the fact of the matter is that she didn't conider Lena Dunham's feelings, like a bitch.
It's kinda funny when you think that if Barb actually went home she wouldn't have died

At the end of day she isn't really a slut, she sticked to her one boyfriend, and that's loyal. She is bitchy tho, but that's what you get from being a teenager.
Her getting BTFO by Jonathan was satisfying as fuck.


>ywn comfort Nancy while she's crying
>ywn beat up steve and his friends
>ywn wipe the tears of her cheeks
wtf i hate god now!!!!

>You're a whore, Harry.

be honest, who do you like better, Nancy or Eleven?

ay yo reminder

Sure he did, but he had a heart in the end and stopped being such a douche. Fair enough.

She can probably be forgiven for not being wary of interdimensional lamprey monsters

she's a fucking skeleton and has an oblivion face

tf r u tocking about? she's literally perfect.

>mfw she tightens her sweater on her arm and she literally has no meat on her bones

I actually thought Steve was pretty likeable. Definitely had some Chad qualities but overall he seemed to actually give a fuck, and showed a wider range of emotions that I expected (anger followed by remorse). He could've left em to die in the Byers house but actually gave a fuck.

>good guy

I was actually surprised by this "twist" in a show full of cliches

All women are whores user.

>you will never go out with her
>you will never improve her diet so she puts on 5lbs, 10 tops
>she will always be a skellington

Why are people making her out to be such a shitty person? I guarantee you if there was a guy at the party for Barb, she wouldn't have been such a cockblocker. Barb was just jealous there wasn't a guy there that liked her

>the year of our lord 1983
>having premarital sex in highschool
>with known pussy slayer Steve

biggest whore in the show honestly


This board is full of autistic people that can't grasp social situations. Its literally why FOR YOU is a meme

barb is repulsive anyway i'm glad she died

>t. Hothead

if dubs she fucks jonathan during the next season

She was the only non degenerate in the show desu.

I want to see Mike gets BLACKED

no, besides getting her rocks off and giving her friend a death sentence as an indirect result, she didn't nothing else wrong.

Nancy Wheeler
Guess what has two wheels? Yup, a bike.
Guess what Will was riding when he got tooked by the monster? A bike.
You cant make this shit up folks,.


everyone fucks in high school you fucking nerds!!!

Statistics say only half do.

>has two O's
>what do O's look like?
>how many O's are there?
>how many wheels on a bike?

like he said, you cant make this shit up


hey you don't say that