Yes you dumbass did you even watch the fucking show holy shit

yes you dumbass did you even watch the fucking show holy shit

DBZ has a predominantly pro-manlet slant though. Most of the strongest heroes and villains are shrimps and the biggest guys are almost all pushovers.

Why do black people like Dragon all Z so much?

>Manlet status: triggered

Because they relate to the saiyan race backstory

I used to hate that fucking chinese cartoon when i was a kid. still hating it today

Plus krillin was like 4ft tall and he got with one of the hottest girls

thread derailed


Goku average's around 5'7 - 5'9:

Lankets on suicide watch.

That was big-time Chink wish-fulfillment. The weak midget bald Shaolin monk gets the leggy busty blue eyed blonde hair white girl

Piccolo, tien, broly, gohan, cell, king kold and super Buu are all taller then goku

>Goku grows and shrinks

of all shows, why pick this one to focus on whatever weird height fantasies you have OP? size means fuck all in DBZ, it's all about the power level. I could start a list of times a smaller opponent beat a bigger one but the list would be too long, too lazy.

ugh no
cell and buu were tall
>inb4 kid buu

he's a big guy

>size means fuck all in DBZ

Saiyan Saga
>vegeta rekt by bigger man

Frieza Saga
>frieza rekt by bigger man

Android Saga
>androids rekt by bigger Cell

Cell Saga
>Cell rekt by small child
you have a point here

Buu Saga
>Buu rekt by bigger man

vegeta won the battle
he actually got rekt by krillin the midget

Cell's final form is shorter than his niggerlips form.

did you really just give a few examples of when a bigger person won? I said size doesn't seem to matter in DBZ, not that a bigger person never won a fight you autist. Are you forgetting how many people frieza btfo before goku beat him? freiza was short as hell

why is there so many people on Sup Forums obsessed with height? never see this anywhere else in the world or the internet. my theory is that there are a few people here who are tall but have absolutely nothing else going for them, but i have no clue if that's why there's manlet shitposting on so many boards, just a guess.

Vegeta was rekt by the fat weeaboo faggot

Frieza transformed into tall mode to batter Piccolo Vegeta Gohan and Krillin. His one mistake was transforming into a small form allowing Goku to batter him. He even tried to gain muscle mass to out-height his enemy but it was too late

It's made in Japan, what do you think?


Did you read what he said?

>I said size doesn't seem to matter in DBZ

Your example doesn't refute that.

>he had to grow tall to win
>when he was small he lost

>white girl

holy shit, white people have to stop thinking everything is about them

>short guy version btfo all sorts of tall people
>gohan btfo all sorts of cells
>cell juniors btfo most of the Z warrior
>goku btfo broly
>goku btfo nappa and raditz
>frieza btfo bardok

Are you finished?

they were cyborgs, strictly speaking

>be called android __ (I don't even remember)
>is actually a cyborg

huh... really makes you think...

>short guy can't beat anyone taller than him
>gohan fires power beam of huge height to overcome cells height advantage
>cell jrs use manlet tactics to overwhelm exhausted tall men
>films =/= canon
>goku uses manlet tactics to overwhelm exhausted nappa
>goku kills himself trying to fight taller raditz
>films =/= canon

I thought it was pretty clear he liked bimbo Americans

I didn't know Americans had blue hair.

I don't even really remember who Maron is.

Yes 18 was clearly a nigger

OC Donut steel, she was Krillin's girlfriend for awhile in a couple of filler episodes.

Why do the Japanese draw themselves as white? You see that especially in manga and anime.

As it turns out, that is an American opinion, not a Japanese one. The Japanese see anime characters as being Japanese. It is Americans who think they are white. Why? Because to them white is the Default Human Being.

If I draw a stick figure, most Americans will assume that it is a white man. Because to them that is the Default Human Being. For them to think it is a woman I have to add a dress or long hair; for Asian, I have to add slanted eyes; for black, I add kinky hair or brown skin. Etc.

The Other has to be marked. If there are no stereotyped markings of otherness, then white is assumed.

Americans apply this thinking to Japanese drawings. But to the Japanese the Default Human Being is Japanese! So they feel no need to make their characters “look Asian”. They just have to make them look like people and everyone in Japan will assume they are Japanese – no matter how improbable their physical appearance.

You see the same thing in America: After all, why do people think Marge Simpson is white? Look at her skin: it is yellow. Look at her hair: it is a blue Afro. But the Default Human Being thing is so strong that lacking other clear, stereotyped signs of being either black or Asian she defaults to white.

Why does Krillin get all the best girls?

Shame he didn't get Lunch tho. Too bad Toriyama forgot all about her.

Go back to tumblr with that shit pasta

Because it's easy to get into and niggers are easily entertained by drawn out fights

Belongs on Sup Forums

It's the big round multicolored eyes + a lot of anime characters will have brown, blonde or red hair... I mean they don't look Asian at all

shame gohan got brutally nerfed after that saga

Then make me move it you fucking jannyfag cocksucker

When you think about it there is nothing particularly white about how anime characters look:

huge round eyes – no one looks like that, not even white people (even though that style of drawing eyes does go back to Betty Boop).
yellow hair – but they also have blue hair and green hair and all the rest. Therefore hair colour is not about being true to life.
small noses – compared to the rest of the world whites have long noses that stick out.
white skin – but many Japanese have skin just as pale and white as most White Americans.
Besides, that is not how the Japanese draw white or even Chinese people. The otherness of foreigners is clearly marked by physical stereotypes – just as Americans do with people of colour. In anime White Americans are stereotyped as having yellow hair, blue eyes and a long or big nose:
Gone are the big round eyes and the strange hair colours. Because those things have nothing to do with whiteness.

Note that the Japanese drop the markings of otherness if the action is set in a foreign land, like China or America. In that case the characters are drawn in the regular anime style. Because for that story the Default Human Being is understood.

Some Americans, even some scholars, will argue against this view of anime. They want to think the Japanese worship America or worship whiteness and use anime to prove it. But they seem to be driven more by their own racism and nationalism than anything else.

That's a silly argument, the eye to face ratio is ridiculous compared to any human and hair-wise, they have green, blue and purple just as often as any other colour.

Go back to tumblr


Imagine living in a country where everyone's hair is shades of brown and black and everyone's eyes are the same colour, that's why they do that