Magnificent 7

Magnificent 7 looks really fucking good desu.

>pizza man screenplay

Never again.

10 shekels have been deposited into your account

fucking semen demon, who is that?

>Black lead role

into the trash

fuck off

dollar bin jennifer lawrence (Haley Bennett)

Denzel is a bro you double nigger


I don't find her appealing... if something wrong with me? Looks below average.

she's qt

looks weird af... is she mixed with something asian?

Finally, a perfectly flawless movie.

>She has English, Lithuanian, German, Scottish, and Irish, ancestry

dollar bin?
maybe in not getting overpaid, but in looks surely not

non asian people can have those kind of eyes. It's called hooded eyes. Her's look distinctly monolid though.

Either way, she's not asian.

lmao shes a mongol. A cute one too.


>tfw Haley is not white

The Progressive Seven.

>native american
>old guy
>stronk female

At least one of them is also a fag and there has to be a jew obviously.


bitch, how many parents do you have

>Lithuania 99% European

Yeah, it should have been all Irish/Scottish. Give those subhumans a chance.

Jennifer Lawrence is an ugly Haley Bennett

ITT: people who have never seen Seven Samurai or The Magnificent Seven.

>we work for her
>I'll take revenge

Let me remind you that in the Seven Samurai and Magnificent Seven, which is a Western remake of Seven Samurai, they're defending a village against a gang of bandits.

In this one they're hired by a woman to fight a bad guy who killed her husband?


Her boobs look really really good.

What are the stakes in this movie?

If they fail her husband's murderer "gets away with it"? In the grand scheme of things thats not such a big deal.

In the originals the stakes were if they fail the villages starve and get fucked.

Haley has 7 movies coming out this year

She looks like a prettier, non obnoxious, non-redneck version of J Law.

I guess she finally gave in and let a bunch of producers throatfuck her.

Mmmmm right

This is pretty much western 7 samurai, but after playing party based rpgs my entire life i can't deny that i'm a little big hyped. I fucking love movies/games when a team comes together.

wtf I want to be a hollywood producer now

She got a lot of offers after working with Malick

this is the chick from hardcore henry, right?

This x10000000000


calling it now Chris Pratt is going to be the comic relief cowboy and is going to get shot at the end. One of the last scenes is going to be Denzel cradling a dying Chris Pratt.

>Sony Pictures

Guaranteed shit


I guess he told everyone about her magnificent vagina and bjs.

too bad fuqua can't director for shit

how to tell a movie will be shit

>has rap music in the trailer

This is actually more accurate than most western movies.

Most cowboys were a mix of black,white, Mexican, and native americans.

he jumpstarted her career just like he did Chastain's

His dick is clearly in her ass.

I mean, I'd fuck her, but her face looks weird. Look at OP's pic.

Dem tities are godlike, but the face mang and the weird eyes...

green eyes are god tier

>Christian Bale and Haley Bennett's scenes were cut from the final film.[13][14][15]

Malick probably cut their scenes for more birds and trees

Grass, you fucking idiot

More like the Malignant Seven

damn, thanks for showing me this qt Sup Forums

To me the trailer looked like she was the village's rep. Clearly looked like they were setting up defenses at one point.

I will bury my nose in her asshole

it smells like shit tho

more like the magnificent 2

>This is pretty much western 7 samurai
Not pretty much, its literally a western adaptation of kurosawas movie. The same way fistfull of dollars and last man standing are literally just Yojimbo in the wild west.

Actually most cowboys were mexican. like at least 40%. the others were mostoy whites and natives.