New Rocketeer

They are making a new Rocketeer. Finally my favorite superhero movie from Disney, from my childhood is coming back.

>"The Rocketeer, is finally getting the respect it deserves. The Hollywood Reporter says the company is prepping a brand new sequel/reboot called The Rocketeers and the new hero is an African-American woman. Set 6 years after the original."

>a young African-American female pilot
>stop an ambitious and corrupt rocket scientist from stealing jet-pack technology
>turning point in the Cold War

GODFUCKINGDAMNIT!!!! Why won't this ride ever stop.

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Ignore it. Watch something else.

Stop giving clickbait bloggers something to write about by bitching about it endlessly.

>I wanna be angry XD

Make better use of the Internet your parents pay for.

>Only whites can have jet packs in my power fantasy

Fucking manbabies I swear.

>Don't want this
>didn't ask for this
>don't know any black people who would except for the hyper liberal ones on twitter and tumblr
>will get partial blame by proxy

Not OP but you're just not getting it. Every superhero can't be black, a women or both. This is a minority population that the majority and certainly majority of comic book readers just can't relate to. I can't connect to the story of some negro the way I can that of a normal person

I mean, as long as it's a sequel and not a straight reboot. From what I'm reading, it seems less like Cisbusters and more like Creed.

>Some negro
Yeah you probably can't relate to them because you're racist

Why does nobody care about Hispanic women? Is it because they're the majority among the minorities?

>I can't connect-

That's your problem

this is all your fault you bombos

>turning point in the Cold War
I am not a historian, hell, I ain't even American, but didn't the Cold War start AFTER WW2? And didn't WW2 end in 1945?

>I can't connect to the story of some negro the way I can that of a normal person

Well that's more of your own issue. And Negroes are normal people because they're a large percent of the world's population.

Just like how niggers have to be able to connect with white characters, idk why whites can't connect with black ones.

>io9/Gizmodo link
You don't get to be upset if you're using that shit as your news source.

Also, does it really matter if this gets made? Regardless of if this had a white male protagonist or not, it would still do poorly, just like all the other live-action Disney action films that aren't based on one of their animated films. So even if it gets made, Disney will push the property under the rug for a few decades again, and then put off using a black female as the main protagonist in a film for a few more years and it might even push other companies to do the same. Hell, it's possible that Black female actresses are more likely to be screwed over by this film than anything.

>I can't connect to the story of some negro the way I can that of a normal person

As a black guy I can relate to plenty of non-black characters just fine based on character alone. What the fuck makes it a hurdle for you?

Black, Hispanic, it doesn't matter. I've a colorblind dick. To me, a girl Rocketeer movie is gonna be the most expensive porno Disney has ever made, that much I know.

>a young African-American female pilot
At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see a black woman cast as a Confederate general.

Dude Internet racism over the age of 15 lmao

Poor niganon

nobody can tell what one looks like? Why do you think because one was passed up for one particular bad idea is indicative of hate? I'd consider themselves lucky they get normal roles and not weird stuff like this. It's like with riri. If she was hispanic Bendis would just write her with the same level of shit.

>I can't connect to the story of some negro the way I can that of a normal person

Man, I'm not even deffending this movie because I've all but given up entirelly on maintream hollywood at this point, there's a problem when even Sup Forums isn't as autistic as you are.

Just don't go see it, like I did with Ghostbusters 2016. Glad that shit flopped.


The actresses didn't pull the trigger, they just twisted their finger in the wound.

I really couldn't give a shit.

The comic still exists and will continue to exist. It's strange Disney's even doing this, but whatever I'll be behind them all the way unless certain conditions were to apply.

>Finally my favorite superhero movie from Disney, from my childhood is coming back.
Not only do you have shit taste now
but you had it as a kid

Honesty I say make a Confederate general a chinese woman for pure shits and giggles.

On the topic of confederates im still surprised sjws never discovered Hell on Wheels, an entire show about a confederate soldier working on the transcontinental railroad, killing anyone that crosses him, fucking 2 teenage females over the course of the last 3 seasons, and partying it up with the freedman and irish to kill the fuck out on injuns

>fanartist conception of the design

I remember liking the first season, did the rest of the series hold up?

It had its problems but overall it was a pretty good show, last episode just played last weekend.

If ya like westerns, the time period, and/or the actors you'll enjoy it.

>AMC tried to mercy kill it somewhere around the 3rd season and move it to a saturday night death slot
>saturdays are the days AMC plays mostly westerns
>Hell on Wheels views tripled upon the move and got to finish up at 5 seasons

Well that was unexpected. The diversity pandering is obvious but hopefully have any other effects on the movie's quality.

If they were "rebooting" the comic I'd be a little upset but they can do whatever they want with a movie. Heck, an episodic cartoon would be awesome

I'm really confused as to how they thought this would be a good idea. It's a blatant attempt to pander to nostalgia about something that was already pandering to nostalgia back then... and they decided it needed "modern sensibilities".
It's dumb, really, really dumb.

Its. A. Sequel. Not. A. Reboot.

Quit your bitching. This has potential to be cool.

"Modern sensibilities" sounds like marketing bullshit, like "urban market."

It's still a period piece, still a pulp throwback, still about a jet-pack. There's nothing yet indicating that it'll suck. Be cautiously optimistic.

Mostly I just feel bad for the lead actor from the original Rocketeer (it's terrible that I can't remember his name, that was my favourite movie as a little kid), you just know that they're doing this so that they don't have to bring him back in any capacity.

Its Disney, they might push some to make a character a minority IE a light skinned black woman but they never go overboard with it into full on full retard social justice territory like Ghostbusters did

Billy Campbell. He's aged 25 years, but his character's only six years older. It'd be tough. Even so:


The new take keeps the story in a period setting and offers a fresh view on the characters. Set six years after the original Rocketeer and after Secord has vanished while fighting the Nazis, an unlikely new hero emerges: a young African–American female pilot, who takes up the mantle of Rocketeer in an attempt to stop an ambitious and corrupt rocket scientist from stealing jetpack technology in what could prove to be a turning point in the Cold War.

Cliff Secord is still being acknowledged and will probably have some presence in the story.

Sup Forumsmblr strikes again

Look at Rogue One.

It's a rule in Hollywood that you have to appease the lowest common denominator. You have to portray all women as hyper-competent GRRLPOWERSILLYBOYZ stereotypes or you get called sexist. You have to make any non-white character oppressed in some fashion - there is no strong minority character in Hollywood for this exact reason.

When Hollywood realizes that the vast majority of blacks, hispanics, women, and gays aren't walking stereotypes and honestly could not give half of one ounce of shit about SJW partisanship, we'll get better movies.

Until then, enjoy your Whedon/Abrams pandering.

Still, I bet you that he'll get a scene or two tops, while Alan Arkin will be the actual mentor figure.

>Still, I bet you that he'll get a scene or two tops, while Alan Arkin will be the actual mentor figure.

This is fine, as long as the first movie still happened and is plot relevant.

Yeah I guess. Though I just thought of something that would be crazy; and they'd never do it, but I sort of hope that they would do it: retcon Neville Sinclair's death, bring back crazy Nazi Timothy Dalton!

Retconning a death in the second installment would be balls crazy.

On the other hand, more crazy Nazi Timothy Dalton would be awesome. Stupid, but awesome.

>People saying 'you're just racist, OP, this film will work regardless of lead!'
>No one remembers Red Tails

The world can't even accept male black pilots that actually existed in a relatively accurate scenario, after the shit storm that was Ghost-'look, we have women!'-Bustets' this shit will go down like a lead balloon.

It's nice to be hopeful, but no one will give a flying duck about a franchise no one cared about rebooted with a female minority lead.

There were no black female military pilots, but the Rocketeer has always been a civilian, and there absolutely were black female civilian pilots in the 40's.

Even if there hadn't been, "assistant who's secretly learning the craft" is a thing that's been around since King Arthur.

It'll be fine.

nope no invasion here

>>No one remembers Red Tails

Irrelevant, RT wasn't particularly good

I know it's stupid, but how can you top Timothy Dalton IS Errol Flynn IS an actual Nazi spy IS a complete fucking psychopath for villains? Whoever this corrupt rocket scientist character is will pale in comparison.

>and there absolutely were black female civilian pilots in the 40's.
[citation needed]

Here's the first one, licensed in 1938. There were others. It wasn't unheard of.

My point isn't that there weren't any, it was that no one will care.

First occurrence in the 1910's

Kinda cute tbqh

As long as the movie's good, and it doesn't get buried by a competing mega-franchise-blockbuster releasing the same week like what happened to the original, people will go.

What was Sup Forumsmblr about the last few replies?

OK, here's the problem with Fembusters.

The problem wasn't that they were all women. The problem wasn't that it was a reboot. The problem wasn't even that it was a mediocre flick.

The PROBLEM was the instant any criticism was levied, the filmmakers and the studio tried to SHAME audiences into attending by making it sound like they were sexist if they didn't want to see it.

That one commercial that quoted that review, "WOMEN ARE FUNNY, GET OVER IT."? No shit women are funny, anyone who's seen Janine from the first film could tell you that.

NONE of what made Fembusters shitty has been shown here yet, so I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt.

Willa Brown earned her pilot's license in 1938.

For fuck's sake, you're as bad as those people who saw PatF and went, "A BLACK DOCTOR? IN 1920'S TIMES?"

>The problem wasn't that it was a reboot.

Yes it was.

Well you could argue that the Cold War started with Claus Fuchs and the Rosenbergs selling atom bomb secrets to the Soviet Union in the middle of the Manhattan Project which; going by the descriptions we've gotten for this movie's plot, it seems like they're going for a rocketry-based analogue for.

>Willa Brown

Wow so there was one

I will accept this movie if the main character is named Willa Brown then, otherwise you can take your snarky "there was one you bigoted meanie" and shove it up your gaping asshole you enormous faggot

>muh minorities!
>you're just mean!

Minoriteam is never going to happen (except in the actual cartoon Minoriteam). Stop trying to make it happen.

There were plenty; she was the most famous.

Jesus Christ, you're obtuse.

>it wasn't unheard of

That's not how you use that phrase. It was in fact unheard of, what you mean is that it happened even if the overwhelming (probably 99%) of society was aware of it.

Bessie Coleman, started flying 1910. Janet Bragg, started flying 1928.
Not enough? I got more.

Please stop shitting out of your mouth. It's unsanitary.

>there were plenty

Name some more then smart guy. Otherwise fuck off, I'm fucking sick of you faggots on Sup Forums who always make it your business to go "whoa fun fact this one black person did thing therefore having them do thing in this movie makes total sense".

>Period piece
>Nappy headed woman is the main character.

>"stop calling me a retard, you're the retard"

Feel free to suck my dick, retard

>You will never be the mechanic of a qt black girl's fighter plane.
>You will never form a professional camaraderie with her.
>You will never quit the service together lifelong friends.
>You will never help fix her dishwasher and refrigerator on the weekends.
>You will never grow old in the same neighborhood, seeing each other every day and reminiscing.
>You will never hobble over to her home decades later to help fix her wheelchair and keep her company.
>You will never hold each other's hands on the porch, watching new cars, new planes, and new people go by and tell each other quietly that you couldn't imagine life without the other.

Also see fucking Google, Jesus Christ. Instead of making a claim and then challenging others to disprove it, why don't you make sure your claim is true on your own BEFORE you make it like a fucking adult?

I laughed

If by that you mean unheard of by 99% of white society, then yes. One thing that a lot of people forget is that during segregation and before the Great Society black communities in many parts of America pretty much had a whole parallel economy going with their own businesses, hospitals, universities, insurance/welfare groups, and yes; airports and air traffic.

So Why would white people trust a black person with their super advanced rocket technology?

See >why don't you make blah blah blah

No I demanded you show me it was a common occurrence. What are the actual statistics? One aborigine becoming a CEO doesn't mean you should frequently cast aborigines as CEOs.

In any case as I said- I laughed at you. What the fuck do you annoying cocksuckers even get out of this constant defense of stupid casting choices or replacement of X white superhero with Y minority character? Is it the endorphin high knowing that you're righteously defending those minority characters (and by extension, minorities) from da big rayciss meanies?

It's a joke, you're a joke. But the worst part is you're an annoying joke.

Shhh, you have to say all white people are racist all the time or you get put on a list.

You tell me

Why would they trust a down-on-his-luck civilian show pilot? They wouldn't. They both found the rocket by chance and basically stole it.

Have you seen the fucking movie you're bitching about?

The majority of black people then and now lived in the South and most would have been rural back then. I guarantee it would have been impossible for the majority of black society to know about it and given that most of these women are probably from the Talented Tenth of blacks wealthy enough to afford a fucking airplane in 19fuckin10 that would mean in fact 99% of society did not know about the existence of black female pilots.

Have you ever watched a movie?

She's going to be a bystander who gets mixed up in it, and is all, "I don't need this, I have my own problems" and then some guy is gonna give her a pep talk like, "this is bigger than you, this is bigger than us, take your place in history" and she's gonna be all "wow, I suddenly really care about this, let's put on helmets and shoot some commies" and then everyone will cheer and she'll be like "I overcame my own personal demons to become a heeeeerooooooo," and then there will be a dramatic swell of music as she flies, in full rocketeer regalia, into the camera.

Roll credits.

>black person steals rocket technology

Already the jokes begin to flow. Praise kek.

>No I demanded you show me it was a common occurrence.

What does that matter? It's fiction. Uncommon occurrences are going to be a given. You said it never happened, and it was historically inaccurate. You were shown to be talking out of your ass, and now you're walking it back to "but it didn't happen a lot". Which is still an ass retarded point to make.

Jesus Christ. There's no reason to be this triggered. It will be fine.

Ah, but you literally explained here that there was a massive segregation So sure, they may trust a white guy who finds the rocket and shows aptitude, but why would they trust a black WOMAN of all people.

Look, I'm all for cool black characters. Turns out, replacing white people with black people doesn't make them cool, it just makes them white people in cinematic blackface.

>"Prove there was a black female pilot before the 60's."
>Posts black female pilot.
>"That was a fluke."
>Provides more examples.
>"Lol, what a shithead, defending this dumb choice."

Don't strain yourself moving those goalposts. Do you need a hand? Lift with your legs.

Unless they show a whole bunch of black women with as pilots instead of just one or very few, then what's the problem? So long as the individual character is a rarity it should be fine.
I mean there's also this

>So sure, they may trust a white guy who finds the rocket and shows aptitude, but why would they trust a black WOMAN of all people.

Who the fuck is "they"? Cliff didn't have a "they", he had Peevee. There's no organization handing out rocket packs to people they "trust".

Exactly, when Hughes found out that Cliff had the rocket, he had the FBI fucking arrest him! It's like these fuckers never watched the goddamn movie.


In fact there is a reason to be triggered because this is a fucking stupid casting choice and the movie will inevitably be a flop. Yet imbeciles like you continually feel the need to go "LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR ME, NUMALE MAN".

However it does give me insight into why people with retardedly liberal views like comics so much- you like the idea of being a hero, of saving people and shit. And shitposting on the internet about how casting a black woman as a superhero in 1944 against the criticism nazis from Sup Forums and Sup Forums is the best way you can accomplish that.

Actually that post sums it up perfectly.

the 1940ies were a rough time for black people. Getting arrested by the FBI as a black person would be a dramatically different tale.

Also yes, this is Cinematic blackface.

Why was this moved to Sup Forums? The Rocketeer is adapted from a 1982 comic character.

Are the MCU and DCEU threads Sup Forums now too?

>this is a fucking stupid casting choice

You still haven't explained why, other than you don't like watching black women do things.

You're the idiot here. The fact that you think I'm an SJW is fucking laughable. You're the reason nobody can seriously use that term any more. I'm not an SJW, I'm just not racist.

It may very well turn out that this movie is shit, but there's literally nothing to indicate that at this point.

Mods are fags.

Here, I offer you a proposal.

If they handle the racial tension in the movie well, and it works as a good period piece about the segregation and highlights the achievements of black people despite it, then sure. I'll say the casting choice is a sound and good addition of depth to the movie.

We both know it's not going to go beyond "Oh she's a black woman OH NO I HAVE BEEN PROVEN WRONG" though.

Because showing actual racism on screen that isn't hilarious KKK brand racism would be both too hard for Hollywood, and would rustle the jimmies of SJW everywhere.

The better question is : does anything other than comic books/books/videogames/anime adaptations belong here anymore? I don't think so.