I can't figure out if she's hot, or she just knows how to use makeup well

I can't figure out if she's hot, or she just knows how to use makeup well.

its because shes aging prematurely like all white people do. Probably should wear more sunscreen.

Second, she looks like clown, but without makeup.

she's also a smoker

Her body of work is pretty good.

i've found her hot since 21 jump street, even when she isn't going overboard with the makeup, theres just something about her
she looks like shes going to age like shit though, jenna fischer 2.0

This girl at Target near me looks just like her, face, tits and body.

idk I saw the leaks and it looked suspiciously like fake tits

she has good feet

There's nothing wrong with fake tits.

Those pits.

Repeat after me

she got attacked on twitter after she retweeted that

No matter what she does with her body, she always has that fat girl face

and that is my fetish

This woman is 26 years old...

I thought you were shot in Dallas.

shes 26 and she looks 35, come on familiar

Why aren't you dead yet?

She was pretty cute a couple of years ago, but she's not aging well. She was cute in 21 Jump Street, but she also kind of had a lot of baby fat in her face, and since she lost that, she kind of looks like a lollipop. Huge head/forehead on a small body.

I'm usually not a fan of them, but she could really use some kind of bangs to soften up her look a bit.

Fuck off, nigger

dem nipples though

She has one of those faces where the way she looks depends heavily on the way she's styled. I think actors actually benefit from it because they can blend into roles better

>There's nothing wrong with fake tits.

Top tier tits

Best joke I've heard all day

If you think her fappening tits are fake you have never seen a real pair of tits

Those are some prime ScarJo tits right there.