This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again

This movie opened my eyes. I'm never eating at McDonald's again.

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Just made me really hungry.

Why would you eat there in the first place? It's shit, there's a plethora of cheap food options that taste better than McDonalds.

But dem breakfast tho

Don't be a fast food elitist, friend.

>be me
>a highly intelligent gentleman who is picky about quality and value
>often looking for a delicious new lunch spot
>try Burger King on a whim

My friends I tell you, it was one of the best meals I have had this year. The crisp vegetables mixed with the moist and hot broiled burger. The cool soda, the hot and crunch fries, totally blown away.

I was able to get a value meal for $5.99 and they even complimented my shirt. They don't let black people touch your food and they also have ice cream.

Head on down to Burger King today and get yourself some good mood food. You won't regret it!!

>dude eating mcdonalds for a month straight is bad lmao

Watched this shit in school. Most of the class was saying how gross it was and that theyd never eat it again

I was hungry as fuck and got mcdonalds right after school

I used to watch this shit EVERY YEAR in health class and now the thought of Mcdonalds just pisses me off. Mission accomplished I guess.

Eating McDonalds all the time is bad for you.
Nonetheless I hate this liberal paternalistic propaganda.
The lies and and hyperbolic insinuations are just fucking atrocious.

Watch fathead (also full of propaganda and debunkable shit) to even out your view again.

Diet is one of the most misrepresented aspects of any modern culture.

Didn't this guy falsify his findings?

>mcdonalds right after school

Idk friend, I'd rather go to Bojangles or Biscuitville (I'm a North Carolina native) since you can get a whole breakfast for under $5 that's much better. Tbqh, I don't even think McD's has a good breakfast.

Fast Food is terrible for your health wherever you go, but McD's is the worst. It's pretty smart to broaden your horizons.

Documentary was a load of crap with results that couldn't be reproduced because he fudged the actual amount he was eating by a lot. One study even had subjects, a larger sample size than just one, consume 1000 more calories a day than Spurlock's reported amount, for a month and at the end none of them had the emotional problems and organ damage Spurlock reported.

All it makes me want to do is get McDonald's.

Except it's been debunked.

This guy did the same challenge and by the end of the month he was healthier than when he started.

Tom Naughton made his own biased documentary that does manage to expose the deceit and hypocrisy of Spurious Morgan Spurlock.

he lost weight doing it though, surprised mcdonalds didnt use it in their advertisements

>let me stop working out and move less
>then i'll shove thousands of calories a day into my face
>holy shit! mcdonalds is so horrible for you!

It's more about his not moving anymore, and the fact that he ate more than he claimed. Just try to find his food logs. He won't give them up because they are falsified or they don't even exist. You should watch Fat Head. Dude eats nothing but McDonalds for 30 days and loses weight because he pays attention to what he eats and exercises as well.

Forgot the image

I hate McDonald's and completely stopped eating fast food before it was cool because that's damn near all my mom fed me while growing up. We were probably eating that shit 5 days a week so ever since I've been old enough I go hardcore with healthy foods.

I sence sarcasm, but these are facts, so..

Finland got burger king recently

At least it beats Hesburger and McDonalds

Might eat there when drunk, no adult should eat that shit sober

Man, I forgot how much I missed Bojangles and Biscuitville. Wish I had gone to the latter more often, but as I recall, they only have a drive-thru, and I don't have a car.

Fathead is also biased and questionable.
He did, however, expose Spurlock's bullshit. I appreciate that.

I'm glad many of us are on the same page about Fat Head.
Not perfect, but definitely called out Super Size Me, which needed to be done.

>Fathead is also biased and questionable.


Guess they'll make a lot of money then.

Your Biscuitville only had a drive-thru? Huh, I didn't know they even had those.

I'm friends with the people who own Biscuitville and whenever I go over to their house they make the authentic biscuits. It's pretty sweet tbqh

Basically thats the customer base at some countries. Finland does not even have the 1 eurodollar burger after 10 pm.

Really makes you think, the movie.

fathead should be watched as the companion piece to super size me, not only for balance but also to expose how stupid these amateur documentary makers are

if you want the summary of the combined experience: body composition and health are governed chiefly by caloric intake, not macronutrient intake.

carbs, proteins, fats it really doesnt matter. If a person loses excess adipose tissue, all of their markers of health improve. Likewise when a person gains fat, their markers almost always worsen.

Same, but then I saw the movie Mr Deeds and now want to eat at Wendy's.

Excess salt will fuck your shit up.

there is nothing wrong with it as long as you don't eat there too often
but one burger or week or something like that isn't gonna kill you, if you have an otherwise healthy diet

>Purposely ate the highest calorie shit on the menu
>Went out of his way to do as little exercise as possible
>Dude Mcdonalds MADE me fat and unhealthy lmao

Fuck this guy, a number of people did his 'challenge' with exercise and moderation - whilst losing weight and getting healthier, and most got little to no media attention whatsoever

Well, for one thing the documentary hinges on debunking the lipids hypothesis. It does so fairly well from my layman's perspective. However, the conclusions he reaches as to what you SHOULD be eating are questionable. The whole, "we were caveman who ate nothing but meat" bit. That's generally accepted as untrue. Even if it was true, it's a fallacy to say mother nature knows best! This is both true and untrue. While we have an evolutionary history that developed around certain foods, there's no reason we cannot tailor our diet to be better than what we naturally ate in the past.

Also, not all, but some of the "experts" used for info believe some wacky crap. Al Sears wrote a book stating that the sun prevents cancer.

These are just bad documentaries in general.

hurr if you eat 5000 calories a day without exercise you'll get fat!

documentary of the year, really made me think

>unironically stop eating fast food in high school because of this movie
>10 years later, still don't eat fast food
No regrets. Forget all the health bullshit (Oh really? I shouldn't eat it every day? So it's exactly the same as candy, ice cream, red meat, fish, beer, etc.?), fast food is always just the shittiest fucking quality. Tiny little patties on some sort of weird-tasting bread that never molds.
You can't even really argue it's cheaper because you need to order so goddamn much of it for a full meal.

>red meat, fish
kill yourself lmao

You're right user, but the ends don't justify the means in the case of Super Size Me.
It further deludes insane vegans, and confuses people who would otherwise eat fast food in moderation.

I share your snobbery. But that's all it is, snobbery.

Healthy or not, 99% of their menu is bland.

They're serving ice cream floats where i live right now