Other urls found in this thread:


The season was lost
The cancellation signed
I was not caught
I crossed the line

I was not caught
Though HBO tried
I write among you
Well disguised

I had to leave
My Cary behind
I wrote some scripts
You’ll never find

The seasons told
With facts and lies
I had a reputation
But never mind

Never mind
Never mind
The season was lost
The cancellation signed

>tfw I'm one of like five people that unironically liked season 2

2/5 reporting in

I was not cucked
Though many tried
No buck will ever
Fuck my wife

I wouldn't go so far as to say I liked it but it definitely didn't deserve the critical kicking it got. TV critics are some of the worst plebs out there.


Sometimes I think to myself Frank your Dad beat you with his old shoe and locked you in his shine box for over 6 years and I get out. Now my celeing has this wet spot like from the movie the ring and I was like is this all some deep dark mystery or are we all in some virtual reality simulation and God is actually a harddrive and our collective seed is a "motherboard"

>I am franks medulla oblangata
>I am bobby boucher


4/5 reporting in


5/5 here, better than season 1

>mfw no season with Rust and Based Ray


it was a masterpiece of modern cinema and a great english vocal lesson from vince vaughn aka nigger

Nothing is better than season 1

the marriage lost
no prenup signed

What exactly is so good about season 1? Rust is a shitty "baby's first nihilist" character and the mystery has a terrible conclusion, DUDE IT WAS JUST A CRAZY FAT MAN IN THE WOODS LMAO.

Shut the fuck up about cults and "lovecraftian" shit. It has no point and contributes nothing when the main story is fucking dumb


not him, but just dropping my 2 cents.

i think season 1 was perfect, s2 wasnt, but for some reason, i miss s2 characters way more

your mother pussy is dude it is known

>he didn't appreciate goat kino season 2

kys pleb and never return cuck

How do you fix S2 Sup Forums?

>I wrote some scripts
>You’ll never find


more fat pussy

I mean it wasn't all bad but it was a clear step back from the first season. Not just in writing and pacing but the overall directing wasn't nearly as good as the first season, nor were any of the characters as interesting, likeable or relatable as Rust and Marty.

Where is season 3 anyway? Did they can this shit after season 2 or are they just taking their sweet time with it?

cut 50% of the story lines or give it 15 more episodes so it doesn't feel super rushed

>watch S2
>I ain't no rapist's son starts playing

stop reddi/tv/ors and Game of Shit plebs from watching it

>Slap Pizza's shit until his ego drops to normal levels
>Invite Fumucima back
>Reduce number of main characters to 3

There, done. You dont even need to go back to meymey lovecraftian mystery shit

7/5 here fuck the plebs

I stopped watching season 2 around the third episode, can someone tell me what it was actually about?




some land deal or some shit who cares they all die in the end

It is nearly all explained in this 6 minute scene

I unironically prefer it over season 1.

Nothing wrong with season 2 senpai.

i didn't save any
have this instead

my favorite

its a doggy dog world Ray, and im the fucking chinaman.


i ironically use 80% of the vinceposting in real life

they are just so good

Add another to the list season 2 during cold weather while drinking on a Sunday night was best comfy feelings I've had

Did you just completely misread my post? Because I said that I'm one of the few people that actually like it.

>implying Hiroshima wants to waste any more time on plebby TV shows

The man is a true kino connoiseur, he just did the one TV show for the experience, he's back to pure kino films now.

all the men die in the end*

Ok let me explain

>actor chemistry 10/10
>Great dialogue, it leads you in to a dark world but it isn't absurd like season 2
>The story is better
>5+ minute track shot, comparable to goodfellas entrance scene
>direction is just better in general
>better more original scenes and southern bayou type shit that hasn't been done over and over
>really good mysticism and occult research was done
>everything feels beyond real, in another realm
>probably the best single season of tv ever made

ani died her hair :o)

Season 1: organized pedo occult that perform paganistic rituals where they rape and torture children
Season 2: evil business men that used to rob jewelry stores
pizza wasn't even trying

32/5 we are legion

>probably the best single season of tv ever made

This is such a loaded statement but its the type that I might actually agree with.

dude green ears lmao

better than S1 after the faggot was gone

Pls lol it was actually a good season even though I prefer season 2 purely for the characters and their dialogue
I won't deny this is true but still S2 is my favorite

I can barely even remember what the fuck happened in season 2.
>some birdman showed up once
>some fat kid got shit in his shoes
>something about Friends
>something about a rapist in some hippie monk village
>something about a whore house for rich dudes
>something about a gaycop who liked to ride motorcycles
>something about a gangster running a casino
What even was the central plot of season 2?

the shootout in season 2 was straight baywatch tier
looked like complete ass

He is probably making a miniseries for HBO

Not as good as S1, but I still liked it.



tfw Sup Forums wrote a better story, involving a group of dark navajos or some shit, that started killing people because of their land


the thread is lost

but nevermind

you crashed the plane
None survived