Do jews really rule the world?

Do jews really rule the world?


Is Donald Trump a cuck to Israel?

Yes, yes he is so they kind of rule it through proxy.


Pretty much. They definitely run the banks and hollywood.

>Do jews really rule the world?

Not overtly, no. They control banking and media. They do everything they can to avoid being found out, to avoid being realized.

How many Jew heads of the "Federal" Reserve have their been? How likely does that figure seem to you? Jews make up 2% of the population, but how many media corporations are headed by Jews?

btw you are forbidden from researching or discussing this topic.

"Why don't you and him fight?" -- Jew suggestion for the goyim and the Muslims a la 9/11/01 -- Jew false flag event meant to demonize Islam

Yes you retard

Usururs rule the world, and the most prominent and powerful usururs are jews.

Yes they do, but they are too rich to make it obvious.


Yes, most people work for Jews and don't even realize it.

Haha lel xD

jew detected.

I grew up in a Jewish family and I'll tell you the truth.

Jew parents encourage their kids to study their asses off. School and success are more important than anything to the Jewish parent, and marrying intelligent, hopefully Jewish, spouses comes in as a close second.

This is common in Jew culture, and in some other cultures like the Brahmin caste.

There is no conspiracy, just an encouragement to be successful, become a doctor or lawyer, or marry one.

The pressure is so extreme, you don't have to be a Jewish genius to figure out why Jews are successful, and physically weak and unattractive for the most part.



Fucking idiots it's not real Jews. They are faux Jews, converted Jews 2000 years ago.. you want the real leaders take on the Rothschild's they are not real Jews they changed their religion over to Jew for the fact that it would be easier to gain control over money because of the religions stigma. In doing so they are the main profiteers of every war and privately own the FBR. How does these white people and Hitler keep fucking up this idiocracy is beyond me. do research or, do what I did and contact the fucking demon himself Jacob rothschild. The child of rot.

I'll add that there may be a SUBCONSCIOUS bias in hiring. When you see a Jewish last name, of course you're going to think "oh hey there, fellow Jew."

All jews must die.

If Jews really rule the world then how come they're the only ethnic group to suffer a real genocide in modern times? The only people who think the Jooz or the whites or any other group "rules the world" are sorry ass losers who are allergic to real thought and honest work and instead sit around all day spinning theories about why the world doesn't just bow down and give them everything because they're just so much better than everybody else.

In a manner of speaking yes & no. They like to sit around a dream up new ways to screw things up. They're self destructive and self hating and they project this on to white people....Yes white people. They like to tell people they're "jewish" when they're really Polish, GERMAN, and or Russian. Many of them hide behind Judaism when they're nothing but self serving godless douche bags. Then there's the crypto Jews...The ones that convert to Christianity and or change their names to more anglicized names. Names like Harris or Lauren hen their names really Lifshitz or orloff. The ones in positions of extreme power in media, business, govt are some of the biggest losers the world has ever known.


Dubs confirm.

>only real ethnic group to experience genocide
Jew spotted


le epic reddit maymay xD LOL

I was thinking about buying a Switch.

i too, hate niggers.

Slavs got genocided

>Rule the world
>rule banks
>rule Hollywood
>statistically smartest race

I think you fags are confused about who the master race truely is. Bow down, gentiles.

this has to be bait

It's just a mixture of rich people. Jews were the only ones that were exposed but there are more prominent owners of the world out there that are hidden to the public still.