The Night Of

shilling this show until Sup Forums gets on board

reasons to watch
>great acting
>well shot
>great slow burn

Other urls found in this thread:

the real moider is def the creepy black dude from ep 1 who's face they close up for a few seconds.

>prison drama


or stepdad
I'd go with black dude though, he doesn't have a nice look in his eyes

still, there's only 2 possible suspects so far

I hope the story doesn't stay there too long, prison dramas are boring and have been overdone
So far it hasn't been a prison drama (but it could become one)

Bodie did it

Everyone is already watching it nerd

Seeing Naz in prison is scarier than most horror movies

The detective was nice to Naz, but he was just looking for a conviction.
Stone was nice to Naz, but he was just looking to get paid.
The lady lawyer is being nice to Naz... What's going to be wrong with her?

she just wants the press. I'm curious what Omar wants though..
Also I get the feeling the detective thinks he might be innocent.

it's not a mystery. he fucking did it.

I'm thinking he really did kill her. I know if I were on the jury and presented all the evidence against him, I'd have very little doubt he didn't do it.

Congrats, I'll never watch the show now out of spite because random posts on Sup Forums have the power to influence my watching behavior.

HBO mini like this and Show Me a Hero are absolutely amazing.

>watch first episode
>"slowburn" long ass fucking boring shit
>every character is an asshole
>main sandnigger uncharismatic as fuck, just let him rot in jail desu
>dumbass fucker probably did it and forgot cause of le drugs
>still haven't watched ep 2 & 3 because why the fuck bother

Do you guys really think HBO would produce Red Herring: The Show?

>named Nas
>Arab instead of black

totally unrealistic desu

best hour of my week every week

box/stone buddy cop adventures when?

oh no i wonderwhthappnd

why would this guy do it? just cause of a look? when she got into the cab she said she couldn't be alone that night so I think someone was already after her and they get her when she left the catgate open

>main character isn't a Muslim
Totes the same.

He's not arab
Nas is going to become Omar's buttslave, you saw the looks he was giving him

>Attorneys feet condition: Not all middle eastern people are terrorists The series
It has potential but so far it has been boring and shit.

It's going slower than I want desu.

I like courtroom movies (not regular shows like law and order) and dislike modern prison movie stuff. The promise of a break out is always a huge plus that's not happening here. Once trial stuff begins I'll probably enjoy it more.

Yes HBO we get John Turturro has gross feet enough with the close ups.

b-but he gets to fuck thicc guards

it has already been established that the cat is the murderer. So only only reason to watch now is to see Omar jump out of a fifth floor prison window and Naz become the prison mastermind.
Also Sup Forums is very much on board already.

Step dad killed her for sure.

How would you guys feel if they went with a crazy twist and revealed the detective to be a long running secret serial killer ?

To be honest, I kinda wanted to give up at the first 40 minute mark. Naz is incredibly stupid and naive. I refuse to believe there's people this stupid at his age. You don't have to be "street smart" to avoid the hole Naz dug for himself.

Tbh the biggest clue is the stepdad denying he knew the girl initially.

He was fucked the moment she got him to stab her in the hand.

>mfw he talked to box without a lawyer

what's up with the foot? It's not eczema or a simple rash

No, he was fucked when he was caught in the station with the bloody knfie. Him being quiet as hell about the murder just only incrimnated him further.

Dude could have influenced the narrative if he just called the cops ASAP when he woke up from a blackout. Dunno if he's still able to get drug tested for the drug which took him to the kitchen.

whether this was an act he put on or not, either way it was showing shock and denial. Probably happens a lot or at least that is what the writers believe to be a natural reaction.

what is his character's endgame?

Tbh. I'm okay with this happening in the show even though it's a stupid move. Dude is obviously sheltered and naive. But who the fuck is dumb enough to witness a brutal murder scene and run away? Dude left all kind of evidence there (even though he's not in the system because of no criminal history) such as his inhaler.

Is that Grumio?

At first I think he just wanted to get paid but I'm pretty sure he's the only guy who believes Nas is innocent at this point

The robe-wearing neighbor/witness did it.

Agreed. But it's the only clue we have against the stepdad. There hasn't been much so far to implicate him.

>"Officers I swear I didn't murder this woman who has a stab wound in her hand from the knife with my finger prints all over it."

In the real world Naz would have been shot and killed during the traffic stop.

Good show. I like that they've made the "whodunit" plot almost secondary to everything else. I'm a little concerned about the addition of the Gloria Allred-esque stronk womyn lawyer, not my type of character.

I read someone that this show was initially supposed to be a James Gandolfini vehicle, and that he was supposed to play Turturro's character. I can't possibly envision that, but would've like to have seen it.

>There hasn't been much so far to implicate him.
True. The show might not even end up with a murderer. There is no emphasis on the investigation, no forensics, questionings, nothing. It seems to be more about how biased the system can be sometimes. Not because it is generally crooked or there are evildoers, but because we are all humans with faults.

The stepdad theory is too obvious for me. They way the guy acted the part was too over the top for it to be him. Too obvious.

I'm actually more interested in Naz's journey through the legal system. I sort of don't care about the whodunit.

The detective did it. Season two will be flashbacks of his time as a serial killer in the United States.

>it has already been established that the cat is the murderer
death penalty ten days from now. And it is a cutie too.

Do they really throw people who haven't been convicted yet into prisons with murderous niggers in the united States?

>examine naz's knife
>it only has blood on the first inch or so
>can't be the murder weapon

All contacts leave traces. If that was the knife used, it would've been infused with blood. If it had been cleaned, that would've shown too.

They'll try to argue the shallow hand wound was defensive, though.

>Do they really throw people who haven't bee
uh yeah?
where are they supposed to put them?

Dead body identifications are hard because, typically, you don't see people with zero blood pressure. As dead bodies sort of deflate and lose color once the heart stops pumping and all the blood runs out.

Murderer is the guy on the motorcycle, screencap this post just like I told you faggots to screencap this post 5 minutes after he was on the motorcycle THE NIGHT OF airing.

Considering "the night of" isn't a propaganda piece about why surveillance of every citizen without their consent is a good thing, chances are shit can (and will) play out differently.

in a place where they aren't guaranteed to get extrajudicially raped or killed?

yeah, I did three years in state prison for selling drugs, first you sit in a county prison until you make bail, go to trial or take a plea
Then you either
>Go home
>Go home on probation
>Go to a state prison for X number years
>Go to a federal prison if it's a federal crime you're convicted of
Thing is this show is the most true to life Crime/Prison drama I've ever watched, I was having a bit of anxiety from remembering how much prison sucked
Also yes unless you fear for your life and take PC (protective custody) you are put in population with others who've committed (or been accused of) the same crime as you
This being set on Riker's Island in NY would put Nas on one of the cell blocks that all violent offenders in NY are sent too.

Huh, I think John Turturro is channeling Gandolfini pretty hard. At least once an episode I get pulled out of whatever is happening and think "Yeah that's totally the way Gandolfini would say that" or "He's sitting exactly like a fat man would". It's not too distracting though I think he's doing a great job.

the main focus is definitely a grinding axe for the criminal justice system. Doesn't seem like they're arguing for surveillance.