Ask a guy with a full bag of doreets anything

ask a guy with a full bag of doreets anything

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a full bag of doritos is still only half full.

or half empty


how fast can you eat the entire bag?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

if I was trying, prob 2 minutes. but I like to make them last

african or european??

Too much sat fat

where is cool ranch harvested from?

can i have one?

there's 1g in 12 chips. the sodium is worse
maybe if you post some pictures that l like

You're asking too many questions...

fuck that, I'll go buy my own chips
I'm out


what's your favorite flavor?

Feed me some?

do you enjoy living off of fat and salt?

are you going to share?

cool ranch is clearly the best. the purple bag is good in moderation
post some good pics

how many carbohydrates do doritos have?

Two of our most rudimentary dietry requirements

people who post good pics get rewarded with doreets

cum in it

18g in 12 chips which is 6% daily value

>cum in it
This seems to be the answer for every problem on Sup Forums

does it taste as good as it looks

2 minutes?
BS I don't believe you can eat a full size bag of Doritos in 2 minutes

with your post you have motivated me to and buy my own

you're right this is a family sized bag. maybe 8 minutes

nice I'm trapped inside under a 12 inch snow blizzard with my gf. was trying to play war thunder but the fucking rolling brownouts keep turning the computer off


honestly not really. most doreets taste kind of stale now

my gf lives with 2 retarded Chinese exchange students who she hates so she disapproves this image

it is

I agree with this completely. In mexico they drench that shit in flavor dust. Here in ameirca they just litely sprinkle flavor on it. Fucking capitalism.

Bummer. Better luck next bag, I hope.

How often do you find one of those 4 ounce massive welded Doritoes boulders?

if that's true fuck them. I know they've completely changed since I was in middle school because back then the vending machine bags were packed full and now you get 4 chips.
I've never found anything unique in a bag. maybe a double diamond but honestly shit luck when it comes to weird food stories

thanks to you im going to buy a big bag of doreets rn

I just made Doritos 2 sales of doreets thanks to this post

better advertising than their shitty commercials

what kind of monster calls them doreets?

seriously, op, where are the bodies?

Try buying a bag at a little mexican store and do an elaborate cross comparison of flavors percentages. Report back to us with your research.

my gf does
but I don't live in Texas. maybe if you can find them on Mexican Amazon

this good enouhg?

lol that's pretty good and my gf approved so here you go

do u ever eat the doritos sauce it comes with? i always thrown mine away.

you better not be fucking with me

is there supposed to be a sauce packet like you get with macaronees?

thanks,also nice peanut butter pretzels

they all come with a sauce packet. you never knew that?

the sauce is shit idk anyone who eats it

fuck ya peanut butter pretzels are the shit
wait is this a real thing you're actually giving me autism right now

alright guys this has turned into a battle of the snacks. first one to get trips chooses which snack will die.

Will it be the doreet? the cheezeet? the combo which is hard to see in the bottom right corner?

Different user
Can confirm Doritos come with sauce packet
Although i think it taste fucking good, you haven't experienced Doritos until you've had the sauce that comes with it.

holy shit I'm about to kill someone if this Doritos sauce packet is just you guys fucking with me

a lot of people throw it out as i said but everyone knows about that thing. wtf user? each flavor has a different sauce packet.

find me a picture of this sauce packet because I don't believe this nigga I'm trying to find it but I don't see shit

look at the bag you just bought. there it is.

>my mind


full bag of trips

holy shit I didn't even notice. btw the legend continues

Nice trips. matches the ritos.

also insert through anus or dick.

Just got back from the store
Feelsgood i got two packets of sauce

oh my fuck

open the packet and take a picture

I still don't believe this. what country do you live in?

Here is the sauce on the chip
I got the Spicy Sweet Chili kind
so the sauce taste is similar to the name

I will never believe this is a real thing unless I see it inside the packet

that looks like it could be duck sauce or some kind of BBQ sauce

don't bullshit me, bro

i suppose it's possible to overlook if you are so hungry but honestly it's a normal part of eating doritos. weird you didn't know...

Why not cookies?

Is this enough proof for you?
I flipped the packet over thought it might help.

>weird you didn't know...
My same exact thoughts. i thought it would be common knowledge by now.

dude you just photoshopped the Doritos logo onto the back of a ketchup packet

Should have used a displacement map on that shoop, the logo would have stuck to the wrinkles in the packet better.

Are you really this delusional OP?
Wow i don't even know why i'm wasting my time trying to convince you of this when you are just so willing to blatantly disregard any proof i bring to you.

i wouldnt trust him either hes using mozilla

you don't fuck with a man and his doreets

but to be fair this idea is amazing and I don't know why they don't do it

Alright the jig is up
it wasn't a ketchup packet either
It was hot sauce
aaaand i'm shit with Photoshop

Yea it was also pretty stupid of me to have Photoshop opened in that picture too

i don't know why this guy photoshopped something that's in every bag of doritos you can buy.

lol it's funny because I've been playing retarded the whole time

though for a second I figured it could have been a regional thing

the adventures of doreets

good save. we all believe you.