I dunno but is somebody brave enough to do her???

I dunno but is somebody brave enough to do her???


I'm not confident she knows what sex is.

I want to be the middle of a Kellyanne and Ann Coulter sandwich. Hot Republican vagines FTW

You would have very little competition for those beasts



Traps are gay


how about a nice HJ?

It's the internet. No need saying "what" cause it's written down. Here you go

oh dear lord no... not this


I'm gonna fap just to see how it feels when I cum, stand-by!!

who said anything about traps faggot?

Kelly-Anne is a good choice but Coulter?

I'd want the double K. Kelly-Anne and Kayleigh McEnany. I'd have them grinding my cock between them while making out.

I'd go for the new one, she's fuckin' hot.

Nobody asked you, libtard.

Haha, do libtards even like women anymore or has their love of cock finally reached critical mass? Dude probably gets fisted lol

>implying Sup Forums wouldn't fuck anything... except niggers

I did. Here Goddamn your lack of retention skills shouldn't even be a problem here. I dunno what's going on.


that's a dude. right?

Would bang. Hard!

sorry your retarded attempt at being funny flopped

Humor lobe is so out of wack that you can't even distinguish humor from somebody just being condescending. You could have gone for the "you're a pretentious asshole" card, and you would have destroyed me, but you couldn't even muster that up. Now you can't use that defense cause it's too late.

You fucking suck at everything.

how can you condescend some girl who's much better looking than any woman you have ever had and expect someone to take you seriously? you made a shitty joke and it wasn't funny, sorry

Oh... oh I'm sorry...

I didn't know you were developmentally challenged...

I am so sorry.