If Sup Forums can help me make a gif from an MP4, I'll show you all my sister's tits

If Sup Forums can help me make a gif from an MP4, I'll show you all my sister's tits.

Pic related.

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Is webm noticeably better?

I have 2 more vids

Try it out. Google a converter, mp4 to webm.

webm has higher quality and apparently lower filesize than gif

my webms keep coming out way over the filesize limit

she has more than 2 ?

I meant that I was addressing you all.

anyways here's a webm.
Ask me how I catfished my sister.


Dkan those are some fine tits, good work user. How did you do it?

Awesome. I wanna see her face? Or at the very least a full body shot.

made a fake tinder/snapchat & used casper with a bunch of pics I found of some guy online.

She was very reluctant to be naked on camera at first.


Last one for now but I can still take questions.

any pics of her face?


I just love those massive tits. You should continue catfishing her and post some more wins. A lot of anons would be grateful. You have any more?

This is amazing OP. Did you send her pics of your actual dick or did you just use all pics of someone else?

I've used my cock most of the time.


not yet but working on it

>tease her with pics
>make her crazy about you
>compliment her
>send her a pic jerking off on a family picture of yours

What did she say about your dick? Super fucking gay question but I enjoy women reacting to dicks.

funny, but in all seriousness I want to figure out a good way to tell her that may lead to wincest.

Maybe start talking about siblings? Tell her you remind her of your sister and you've always had a fantasy about it. I would also suggest only mentioning it or talking about it while shes horny and especially if shes ever a little tipsy. Just start planting it subtly, maybe push her to fantasize about her brother even if she is a little against it at first.

she reminds you**

there's no good way. keep it real.


thats plain sick, nobody would want to hear fucked up things like that

I want to make you an uncle

why are oyu sending dick pics to a guy

why are you shaved gay boi

upload the vid to mega or vola?

>Reverse image search
>0 results

upload all of the videos and images to mega

Ok, listen the fuck up, this is literally the cheat code to incest.
Massages. That's right faggot, massages. If she's complaining she's tired offer her a rubdown. If it's out of character for you and she questions you be like "oh yeah I read this whatever thing about massages and I haven't had the chance to try it out yet". The first time keep your hands to yourself, but make sure you do a good job.

Try to make it a regular thing, then get a bottle of baby oil or coconut oil (I prefer coconut), then tell her she needs to get rid of her shirt, if you were a pussy and did it over her clothes the first time. Start at the shoulders, then move down, then ask if it'd be cool to unhook her bra, cuz you need to go under it.
Offer to massage her legs too. Pay extra attention to the thighs, if you're ballsy enough you might let your hand "slip" and bump her pussy gently a few times and measure her reaction.

If you play your cards right, you will be fucking her within a couple of months.
This is FOOLPROOF, I've heard half a dozen people claim to have started incest relationships like that, and I myself can vouch for it. I've been fucking my first cousin for about 5 months now.

Lol look at this incest faggot.
Bro, are you going to write a book on how to fuck your sister and then fuck her retarded child?

Well,chloroform is quicker


can confirm chloroform works miracles

stay mad, while I'm tapping my 18 year old cousin, normiefag

cousin sex is amazing too bad mine got all cold feet after i fucked her and stopped talking too me


This guy knows what's up.



Please keep posting

Great tits

Fuck how old is she

It's real fun cuz one of her nipples is normal, the other's inverted. When she get's horny and after I suck on them they're both pretty pokey though. Shit, I wanna fuck her again.

upload the vids to eroshare and share here

My goodness more pics pls

What happens when you want to get a real gf, and when you do, you bring her to a family function and your cousin tells her you two used to bang on the reg?
I'd likely laugh uncontrollably and leave the person with their cousin at that point.

Joke's on you, buddy. I have a girlfriend and my cousin has no problem with being my side fuck.
Why would you even think we're a couple?

how do i download these webms on mobilr

God damn those are huge i want to squeeze them hard