New prank

New prank
lets trick everyone into going to culiacan mexico for springbreak 2017
make them think its the new cancun or cabo when its actually the deadliest city in all of Mexico

I like it.

Google exists. Nice try nerd.

If we spam it enough google retard algorithm will show what we say

>Assuming Facebook people are smart

Con mi ciudad no te metas.


implying we couldnt get rich bored normies to go without researching just cause eveyone else is doing it
google existed for all the previous pranks they still worked.

check em!

u actually down with me user?

sound fun

Oye no

pues si no Culiacan Apatzingan es mejor jajajaja

el bumpo

tambien bumpando

Mexico's Hidden Gem!!!

alguien dice Culiacan?

this is NOT A PRANK.

you would literally be sending people to their likely deaths you stupid morons.

i get it, you're edgy teens behind computer screens, but keep your edginess on the internet.

It might not work, but let's give it a try retard normies will get fool

>Being this mad over a joke
We get it your a Tumblr faggot

>your a

lol. amerifat detected.

>sends people to die
>"It's just a prank bro"

one less gringo in the world the better if you ask me.

good one OP

honestly though if youre stupid enough to not research the place youre going to because of a facebook post then good riddance

there's some shit gringos, just like there are shit mexicans, and every other nationality.

being shit is a human trait, not a gringo trait.

This wouldn't work. A lot of businesses probably don't even have their planes or boats come anywhere near that location for obvious reasons and if people did start asking others about how they can get there, they're probably going to be warned about it.

just because they have a high murder rate doesn't mean EVERYONE will die

>have a high murder rate
> people will still die

>it doesn't mean

>their likely deaths.

you speak english comrade?

Shut up you fucking faggot, I'm 21 and have a job, have been posting on this chan for 2 years, and have sex regularly, don't fucking call me edgy. I'm going to take thirty fucking Kershaw kerambit knifes and furiously stab you until your screams of pain are reduced to gurgles and then in your death throws find the biggest knife wound and fuck it until I orgasm, using the blood as lube, and I hope all of you other liberal retards get cancer and in your final days bleed out in a car crash so I can jack off to the images just like I did where the Starship Troopers where Diz gets ripped apart and chokes to death on her blood, you'd better fucking run before my penis is covered in your blood, and be a lesson to all of these faggots who think the fallacy of calling me edgy is a legitimate tactic for arguments.

why is there never any information about violence in these types of cities anywhere to be found on wikipedia. like seriously wtf

Is this copypasta or is this idiot for real?

you should go there and find out camarada.

get the information yourself.


Yes I do speak English. Do you understand statistics? You seem to think the murder rate in this Mexican town is 100%. I argue it is not.

It's copypasta, I have seen it before

many will die totally worth it

sending tourists to compton would not be a good idea either nigger faggot. but nigger wont cut off your head for ransom.

>cut off your head for ransom
>cut off your head
>for ransom.

Who would pay a ransom for a headless corpse??

dude you are no fucking fun dont you have like chores to do or something?

I live a few miles away from Compton. It's actually not that bad as long as you mind your own business and don't walk around with shit that makes you look wealthy

you are fucking clueless about cartels. and logic wont help you there.

it can go either way, whether you pay or not.

eres un pendejo. so shut the fuck up.

im an LAcunt too last time i went to compton they were gearing up for gentrification. there were actually a fuck ton of families at Mcarthur park, there were more heads there than ive ever seen at echo or exposition

MFW when Culiacan is actually a beautiful resort and the Mexicans tricked gringos in to thinking its shitty to keep them out

Can you try saying that again? What is your question?

No no no, my question is legit. Explain how anyone would be getting paid anything if the hostage is executed. Do you expect the family to pay for a dead family member to be sent back?? How fucking retarded are you??? I mean, I know they have no education system whatsoever in all of Mexico, but come on, it's like you're just acting retarded on purpose to get attention. You're doing a great job of pretending to be the dumbest fucking person on the planet.

>you would literally be sending people to their likely deaths you stupid morons
you racist trump supporter

didnt te mad hatter run out of ether in vegas and then became blind presidente at culiacan for some spy kids?

>edgy teens behind computer screens
Sounds like a Facebook meme page

>Explain how anyone would be getting paid anything if the hostage is executed.


people with any money get kidnapped, and then even if you pay, there is no guarantee your getting your loved one back because its easier for them to kill them off and move on.

You are projecting qualities on people who have none. There is no "honor" to be maintained here. You are way out of your league if you think you understand them.

I can tell by the pixels and having seen many copypasta in my time