Loli thread

>Loli thread
>Last 404d'
>Bonus points to anal

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I think you need to learn how to greentext nigger

mods are trigger happy tonight

Actually, holy fucking shit.
Learn how to make a thread
>makes loli thread
>the thread pic is not loli
Also, work on your English.

that school bag looks plastic as fuck, dont tell me that's how a real japanese school bag looks like?



Wtf her legs look like an adult, but clearly underage. Also reported.

it is

Look at filename faggot

that's leather or pleather. You can't really tell the difference with that quality photo

it's shuna kagami shes legal

Holo isn't a loli. She's hot, but she's like super old and I think she's supposed to have the body of a 16 year old?

best legal loli

Video name? i know Shuna and i cant remember seeing her riding with a school bag.

you're contradicting yourself in your own sentence

i don't mean to get philosophical but what really is a loli?

all these japanese porn stars pretending to be underage always have the most disgusting nipples for some reason

i don't know, sorry

people say different things, all we can be sure of is that loli is love and loli is life

any uncensored?

wow that's deep man. as deep as the dick inside of a loli.

probably 6-12, with a cap at 14 for some late bloomers? could go younger or older but it's pretty much the undeveloped female body (small/flat tits, similar ass) and young age. Prepubescent or in the very early stages of puberty
I don't fap in loli threads anymore because it would crush my girl friends heart but I still enjoy discussing it in these threads.

i don't know if shes japanese but i love this girls nipples

no, not of her unfortunately

She dosnt have to know user

it's okay though. I plan on having kids some time in the next 3-5 years and I figure the further removed I am from this fetish the better.

i don't think age is a good way to tell whether something is a loli or not because anime and or hentai charterers are between 12 to 1000000. the body type i can agree with with though.

loli is short for lolicon, which is a japanese word used to describe a pedophile who likes girls. In japan, lolicon can refer to attraction to real or drawn little girls.


there it is! well, as long as you agree that loli is love and life it's fine.

I wouldn't keep coming to loli threads if loli wasn't amazing. These threads have a sense of community. Loli is love indeed.

unfortunately no one seems to be feeling the love tonight, post more lolis

Not sure if real....

open the thumbnail

Not cp if thats what you're wondering

dude got perma banned for posting similar pics

like what ? Kagami Shuna pics?

nah the sex dolls
it had a really creepy asian face and he titled it

well the thread starter failed terribly, just look at OP. nobody would think this is a real loli thread

dude i post my doll all the time and never been banned, can't be true

doesn't mean you cant post some cute lolis

like i said friend got perma banned for it

The thing he posted wasnt even passable it looked like a fucking alien

>can't be true
mods ban for retarded reasons all the time, the rules of Sup Forums is way too open for interpretation. global rule 3, 6 and 8 is a complete joke.

that's stupid, surely they un-banned him

well, maybe they just like me

nope his home server is perma banned it happened a month ago

and it will never be repealed because CP
so even Sup Forums doesnt store evidence

check out Sup

hover over the view link to see the posts that they got banned over, there's so many that are completely ridiculous.

and that's far from all the bans on that page, anything related to loli probably isn't displayed there at all

he should refresh his IP

i remember that there's a site that archives bans on Sup Forums but i cant remember or find the url.

Sup Forums itself only show very recent bans as you can see

wow that sucks, there's really no way to appeal the case?

thank you for the link, i've heard stories but .....

where did you get your doll from and how much was it?

how would he do that?
i doubt its as simple as putting the paper clip into the router

His IP is banned. If he has a new IP then he cant be banned


queen Latifa is a strong black nigger who dont need no figure

or just rebooting the router by turning it off and on again.

you can find some here

I got my eye on this one
not posting pic tho,searchweb201602_1_10065_10130_10068_433_434_10136_10137_10138_10060_10062_10056_10055_10054_302_10059_10099_10103_10102_10096_10052_10053_10050_10107_10051_10106_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10110_10111_10112_10113_10114_10078_10079_10073_10070_10122_10123_10126_10124,searchweb201603_9,afswitch_1,ppcSwitch_7,single_sort_0_price_desc&btsid=634d02f9-5ba5-4691-9356-4ed4072199cc&algo_expid=c2457a14-da37-46df-bc76-9615545b81a4-22&algo_pvid=c2457a14-da37-46df-bc76-9615545b81a4

most ISP's would lease for like 2 weeks or something. You can unplug the router for a few hours and that should get you a new IP. If he has a home server that hosts a website or something it's quite possible he has a static IP and he's shit out of luck.

dumb niggers

i love your dolls , show more of them pls

Go away fag we've all seen your doll, unless you finally post some pussy shots then you can stay

reading now, you can check this old thread

The top seller is a cute 128 cm loli.
I wonder, are these high quality? Do you find any seams on them? What does the hair and skin feel like? I know some cheap silicone sex toys like dust and whatever sticks to the silicon.


haha shit, i never realized they have that on aliexpress

thank u bro
and good job for all your pictures

that's creepy, i see they havent mastered putting joints into the fingers.

What kind of sick fuck beta male would want to own a doll like that?

a pedophile that's too afraid to get caught to try to molest a child but to weak to settle for porn/loli

i actually kind of want to own one just to pose in my hall to freak out visitors that come over. unfortunately they would be confiscated here and people would think i wanted to have sex with it

The government are scum, telling people how to live their lives. It's repulsive.

it's funny how you're in every thread posing your stupid doll for reaction pics, some of the people on this site are real crazy

Yup. If only people were mature enough to cooperate and be friendly. We wouldnt need a government.

you could look for one that is posable but isn't fuckable?

At least those faggots should stop policing morality and victimless 'crimes'

Fuck the police.

More pics of shuna kagami pls

for (You)

quality is god imo, yes there are seams but not that noticeable, hair is a wig, skin is soft (tpe)

yep, it's the official store for DH168

yeah just wires

that's rude

... y-yep

that's my dream

There was a rlly good WebM I didn't get to download last thread. Any WebMs to see if I find the right one?





Not really. In Japan it's used synonymously with petite.






my girlfriend is from japan and she wasn't thrilled when I told her lolicon was my fetish.



Study brainwashing. Repair her damage.

Did you tell her in English? If your girlfriend speaks English fluently, divorce her. Americanized Japs hate Japan. I had an aquaintance I was trying to bang but decided against it when I overheard her talking to her friend about how she actually hates Japan's hard work culture and admires the laziness and relaxedness of America.

she is fluent in english and pretty solidly hates current japanese politics. She dislikes the sexism in the work place that she's aware of because of her exposure to america. And she's a total pansy. No one should ever die or hurt anyone for any reason and there's literally no reason a country should ever go to war (in her eyes).

Are there some more like skinny starts anywere? Give us the names

Japanese women hate feminists. Feminism has never taken off in Japan because they realize they are the priveledged gender. Grandmothers are like the tribal leaders of the family. Western women just revealed how selfish they were and fucked up the balance. Why get a Jap woman if she hates Japan? Can she even be considered Japanese? Just my opinion. Make up your own mind.

she's super subservient at least. She knows I'm a pervert and she seems to be alright with anything I want to try. I told her I like wearing cute panties and she wanted to share her panties with me. I told her about slime girls and she got grossed out though. slime girls are pretty awesome.

Equality is great. Feminism never wants things to be equal though.

Letting you wear her clothes makes you sub from her point of view. Though some dudes feel dom. Don't know your case, but this is why I share my weird fetishes out of the gate. My ex already told all of my mates what I'm into. So I have no shame in it. I wouldn't recommend that for everyone though.

in bdsm terms, I'm a sub leaning switch but mostly I like to try a lot of things. She is quite solidly a sub.

Lolicon comes from "Lolita complex". At least in mainstream Japanese culture it means someone who is attracted to little girls (what we'd call lolis).