Can I live off 200 calories a day? And how fast would I lose weight...

Can I live off 200 calories a day? And how fast would I lose weight? I'm 180 and with work I have no time to work out whatsoever. I feel fasting would be the only option to lose weight at this point. And the fastest.

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aim for like 1300 or so. Losing too much weight too quickly is bad for you

i go through periods of quick weight gain and quick weight loss cuz drug addict

usually i eat 1200 a day when strung out

no and no

stop posting on Sup Forums and you'd have time to workout faggot

You probably burn like 1700+ cals at rest. So if you only est 1200 calories a day it's like doing 800 cals of cardio (jogging like 3 miles)

What drug?

>No time to work out
>on Sup Forums/internet
You literally can just walk, jog, or do other cardio for 15-20 minutes a day.

Losing weight is easier than people make it out to be, just need a bit of willpower.
Don't eat like a 400lb murican.
Walk for an hour a day.
There you go.

He's probably at work right now you dumb fucking cunt

Eat whatever you want, just purge right after.

0% content post.

>Can I live off 200 calories a day?
no, but with internal fat reserves you could survive for a time

0% content post.

Triggered. Next time don't be such a useless cunt.

It's easier to loose body fat than it is to loose weight.... Just eat no bread and eat tons of meat and fish and veg for 3 weeks... Nothing processed. That'll detox your body and allow you to more efficiently loose weight. Google "PDF Fitness" and "the caveman diet".... Good luck

But I'm so good at it

go for about 1400 calories a day with a maximum of 60 carbs a day. eat loads of white meat and veg for your carbs. You can have cheese ect as well. You'll lose weight fast.

wtf im 179 and 6' tall im not overweight......kinda skinny


Because everyone is 6 feet tall? Christ you are fucking dumb as fuck

Eat very low calorie dense foods.
Now oil, no added sugar, etc. Best is basically a diet without animal products whatsoever with a mocronutrient ratio of maybe 80% Carbohydrates, 10% Fat and Protein each.
Fat only in form of nuts, etc. Only whole grain Carbohydrates (The Fiber in whole grains lowers the absorbtion of actual energy).
Try having fresh whole fruit around. They taste nice but don't make you fat at all.

And no, chicken is not a lean source of proteins. Not at all. All meat is associated with weight gain, especially chicken. Beans are a good protein source though.

Lol I bet this no meat faggot has arms as thick as my dick. You need animal protein and fat to survive. Worst advice of the entire thread.

Jesus dude, why the fuck would you need animal protein to survive? Researched this topic at all fag?

WRONG. Bean "proteins" are 48% bioavailable. Do you even physiology?

Christ you are either trolling or have no clue about human physiology or evolutionary biology.

if you'd have the required willpower to 200 calories you would not be fatass you are in the first place

Some of the literally strongest men in the world eat no meat at all

top fucking kek. Stupid shit post of the day.

Alright, sorry, I'll try to actually be productive again.
Wait, I'll post some studies.

You'll be fine. 200 calories is more than enough. If you find yourself feeling tired frequently or you start getting heart palpitations, just power through it. :D

kiddie has never bulked then cut because no stretched skin evidence

>posts study
>study conducted over 5 year period
>zero control group

Please do show me a study contradicting 2+ million year existence

>What drug?

No you fucking retard, if you stop eating your body stores fat and slows your metabolism. It's are bodyies way to protect against starvation. If you eat slightly under your bodies maintenance and be very active. Supplement caffeine and eat 7 small meals a day at maintenance like 2000cals, this will lean you out. Then when your not such a dumb fucking twat if you want to get really thin look into dnp and ephedrine. I hope you take DNP now actually because your so fucking stupind with this 200cals shit that you would most definetly kill yourself on dnp.



Probably a heroin junky

Alternate Day Fasting. Eat nothing every other day, and eat as normal (try not to eat too much shit, obviously) on the alternate days. It's easy after a week or less, you get used to it.
Mix that with any exercise you can be bothered doing (Don't get too carried away, I did 30 miles of cycling a day (1000 calories or so) and passed out at work twice) and you'll lose weight like crazy.

try mephedrone you can eat 0 calories for 4 or 5 days

>passed out at work twice

Go to sleep with plastic wrap around your body and wear a bunch of blankets you'll sweat like crazyand you'll burn off a extra calories


>30 miles of cycling a day (1000 calories or so) and passed out at work twice)

I'm not at all denying that we eat meat for huge part of our evolutionary history. ´We also mainly ate plants. And also...that's not solid evidence. We actually need to test it.
If you're actually interested, I can recommend you check out this site:
While I search the studies to actually live up to my claims ^^

what work do you do and why do you give a shit?

>30 miles of cycling a day (1000 calories or so) and passed out at work twice)

200 Calories is like a piece of bread with cheese and no butter.

And i might be wrong, that might even be above 200.

No you fucking moron. Take 500 calories off your maintenance calories. To effectively lose weight you actually need to eat some (healthy) fats. But you can ditch carbohydrates if you want.

I used to do a 1k a day cal diet of egg white omelette for breakfast, fistful of prunes for lunch, and an egg white omelette for my evening meal.

No butter, minimal fluids.

and no cashew nuts

OP don't fasten with those amount of calories. 30% of all energy is consumed by your brain which would make you feel completely drained, disfunctional and generally much worse. Also, you want to lose weight or fat? Weight loss is realized by cutting down on dietary fibrous material (as it absorbs water), sweating with sweat suits to get rid of body fluïde and generally avoiding suger as it messes with insuline levels

>loose weight

Illiterate AND a hippie? That's no way to go through life, son.

Carbohydrates are not "toxins", woomeister, but reducing one's intake of them is nonetheless a good idea.

Cut out bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes. Eat a shitload of vegetables, protein, and fibre. You'll do fine.

These methods only work temporarily and I used them to weigh in in competitive sports, on the long run it's pointless OP

Read this: The Obesity Code: unlocking the secrets of weight loss

This is what vegans actually believe.

Nice fantasy, though.

He's actually right.

Patrik Baboumian, for example

4 world records.

This is how it works OP: your body has a daily energy requirement for 2500 calories. If you consume more than the 2500, you have a so called positive energy level. If you consume less than 2500 you have a negative energy level. So either you consume more energy to compensate (by working out) in order to level off the energy level or reduce the intake of calories. Therefore, adjust food so you sit on 2000 cal per day leading up to a 500 cal loss per day and 3500 cal per week total.

World Records for (according to wikipedia):
-beer keg lifting (150,2 kg)
-Front Hold 20 kg (1:26,14 minutes)
-yoke walk 550,2kg over 10m
-yoke walk 560kg in 28 sec

Plant protein for muscle building works just fine.

There are also some other factors to consider.
For example Fiber can actually lead to some carbohydrates not being usable which means you can eat more but keep the same energy intake. Also if I'm not mistaken lipogenesis from carbohydrates has only a 70% efficiency but...I'm not that well versed in that topic.

m8 whatever calories you intake you gotta supplement with fucktons if vitamins and fish oils and shiet other than that u can go pretty damn low on calories for short term obviously healthy range is 2000 once u get to the desired weight less than 1000 is pretty ridiculous thougj

prunes and egg white omelette and you'll have the slimming charm of a laxative from the prunes and the cell repairing properties of the protein from the egg whites.
>you're welcome

eat them separately and as alternate meals though. do not eat together

or any stimulant

Fasting isn't bad for you, but I'd recommend short periods to start and then work your way up. Look up Dr. Jason Fung and read some of his content on intermittent fasting.