It's time to admit that Attack of the Clones was good

It's time to admit that Attack of the Clones was good.

Only If you admit The prequels were better than episode seven

fuck off

Why does an assassin hire an assassin to use an assassination droid?

Not good but still better than episode 7.

Ive always admitted this

I will admit it's better than Revenge of the Sith by the "virtue" of being so fucking boring and pointless, it's completely inoffensive and doesn't retroactively ruin stuff.


Yeah, Attack of the Clones was good. Not without its flaws, but still good.

The Good: Count Dooku was a neat character, as was Jango Fett. The clones being the good guys was an interesting twist, most people had assumed the Jedi fought against clones in the Clone Wars. The settings all looked great and were really imaginative (especially the water planet with the cloning facility), as did the aliens. The thing with Anakin's mom and him killing the tusken raiders was great. The arena fight was one of the best sequences in Star Wars, probably the second or third best in the prequels (the Maul fight and the Kenobi/Anakin fight trump it).

The Flaws: Obviously the romance dialogue. People always point to "I don't like sand" but the line where he says wish twice really stuck out for me as the worst when I saw it. The Dooku/Kenobi/Anakin fight was bad (the Yoda part is questionable: people complain about him using a lightsaber, but he is a Jedi, and the lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi). I'd also say the middle drags, much like in Empire, except Empire had the Yoda bits to alleviate some of the boredom there.

But yeah, it's a good movie.

Watch out for that vicious bounty hunter Boba Fett, Luke. Did I ever tell you about his father? He was hired to assassinate a senator that me and your father were guarding. We kept bringing her around open windows and public areas in order to draw her would be assassin out, but his cunning surprised even us. He had used his payment to hire another bounty hunter to kill the senator for him while he sent us on a wild bantha chase. And then that 2nd assassin used her payment to buy a robot to assassinate the senator for her. Did I mention the 2nd assassin was a shapeshifter? She could have been a good friend in disguise for all we knew! Where was I? Oh yes, then that robot used its payment to buy poisonous bugs to release into the senator's room while she slept, after lasering a hole through the window. It could have just lasered her because we we weren't watching her at all, but it as not a good shot. So we sense the hostile life forms in the room and rush in and save the senator in the nick of time! Then I jumped out the window to chase the robot back to its owner! Luckily it didn't have a self-destruct function. Then we found the 2nd assassin and chased her across the planet, and caught her when she tried to kill us instead of shapeshifting and escaping. But to our surprise, Jango Fett was watching the whole thing instead of going to kill the senator while we were away chasing the bugs chasing the robot chasing the shapeshifter. He shot her with a poisonous dart instead of sniper blaster, and only her instead of shooting all of us or blowing all of us with a rocket or something, then he escaped with his dumb jetpack. Mace Window killed him later, right in front of Boba. Mace was a good friend. Boba is a bad friend.

I saw it six times in the cinema, once twice in a row. So much better than phantom menance, so many jedi, much fighting. And yea much cringe with Anakin and Padme.. Still.

And her so hot...

I hate sand

Honestly, the Han/Leia romance wasn't much better if we're being totally honest. The only good part was "I love you/I know" and that supposedly wasn't even written in the script.

I liked Count Dooku's arthritis.

VII >>>>>>>>>> every prequel

fuck off prequelfags
I don't believe anyone that claims to unironically prefer the prequels over any of the others

Literally the only good thing about the prequel trilogy was the Emperor. He was the only one that seemed to actually have logical reasons for his actions, motivations, and good acting.

Ford came up with it I believe, the script called for: I love you too, but Ford said that that was not in Solos character..

lucas had a good idea, the first 3 films were good cause he was railwd in by others.

Prequels could have been so much better if he took other peoples advice, but people just nooded and said greit George, cauce they were afraid of being fired..

This is like comparing Mona Lisa with your child's finger painting

Yeah, prequels could have been better, but they're still good as-is.

I concur.

Han Solo: Well Princess, it looks like you managed to keep me here a while longer.
Princess Leia: I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.
Han Solo: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight.
Princess Leia: I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brain.
[Chewbacca laughs]
Han Solo: Laugh it up, fuzzball.

That's shit writing. "Laser brain" and "fuzzball" are worse than "I don't like sand."

>he genuinely thinks this so he can pretend the prequels have any merit

One of the worst """"""""movies""""""""" I've ever seen in my life.

I'd rather watch cuck porn

i know u would tehehehe

>he genuinely believes reddit's "empire is a film masterpiece" bullshit

Dooku - cool character overall. In the deleted scenes they have a statue of him in the jedi library and no one believes he is evil. Also curved lightsaber handle.
Jango shooting the jedi that jumps on the balcony.
First time we've seen more than 2 jedi do anything.
Anakin killing the sandpeople

CGi everything
Whiny Anakin
No one knew about the clones.
Jango hiring an assassin made no sense. He couldve just shot Padme.
Space Diner

I agree

I always liked it so there is nothing for me to admit .

A very underrated piece of cinema.

>he hasn't got a leg to stand on so he invokes le Reddit boogie man
I guess that passes as a compelling argument among people retarded enough to like the prequels

Worst star wars movie desu, this is coming from someone who loves ep 3

>he correctly got called out on his bullshit so he invokes "boogie man" boogie man
I guess that passes as a compelling argument among people retarded enough to join the Reddit hivemind.


I forgot how great scenes like this in the prequels were. To the weekend queue they go!

It had a lot of world building

Because of that some amazing games came because of it.

And the Clone Wars series and Rebels and so on and so forth.

>move all quadrants to sector 5-1-5

I forgot how bad that line was, the writers really really fucked up there, they desperately needed to find write a sentence that sounded vaguely military related.

Should have just gone with "Order all batteries to focus fire on the starship"

>that one shaky cam shot

jesus, why

out of all the shitty parts in AotC you posted one of the best ones

>This party's over

>They're coming in! Three marks at 2-10!

I don't get it. What's supposed to be bad about this scene?

It's a bunch of fake shit and overblown battles taking the place of characters and acting. Clones vs droids, a battle with no ramifications

>bunch of fake shit
NEWSFLASH: Star Wars isn't real you stupid asshole

>shit acting
>shit story
>shit action
>shit diolouge
>shit chatacters
>shit cgi
>shit pacing
>better then a familiar, yet competent reboot

I like "they tried something different but failed" more than "they played it safe and made a mediocre-at-best copy." At least the prequels had ambition and moments of glory. Seven was just meh.

kill yourself mouth-breather

Santa isn't real, either.

The character development of Anakin and Obi-Wan are unmatched.

>C3PO shoved in for no reason
>R2D2 back for no reason
>dude Jango Fett is also a bounty hunter lmao
>Clones are a ripoff of storm troopers
>dude Baby Boba Fett lmao
>Republic ships are a ripoff of Imperial Star destroyers
>Naboo is earth
>Death Star plans in Attack of the Clones
>All Jedi wear Tatooine farmer robes
>Coruscant is a ripoff of the city from Blade Runner
>dude Genonisis is Tatooine with rocks lmao
>dude Kamino is just Cloud City with water instead of clouds lmao

There's literally nothing ambitious about the prequels, they are bland and boring green-screen bullshit with no heart.

TPM is also a copy of ANH.

Is it dumb o'clock already?

forced marketing

I know several early-access games on steam with better CGI than this.

Holy jesus, this scene was some specter tier bullshit. At least with the deathstar they hit the power source so it makes sense that the whole thing would explode.

After Force Awakens I miss prequels.

Its the best prequel buts its only ok.

Youre really tempting me to leave for good Sup Forums

My favorite thing is the bitch has a sniper rifle and snipes her own robot from like a mile away. Why didnt she just blast the queen when she got up for a midnight pee?

Force awakens was better than the prequels tbqpuhwy fampatchi.

>cocky rogue teases stuck up princess in a cocky and humorous way
>she rebuffs his flirtations in an embarrassed over the top way as you'd expect from a stuffy upper class girl
>this is your hint at later romance
Compared to
>unhinged lunatic who us supposed to be a well trained warrior monk bitches angrily at beautiful woman
>she attempts to placate his autistic rage while he has a tantrum
>I hate sand, it's course and rough and gets everywhere... not like you, smooth and soft (creepily touching the woman who had been repeatedly rebuffing him and who met him as a child)
>he pitches another tantrum where he admits to murdering women and children

Yeah a lovable rogue flirting with a tsundere princess is not comparable to a psychopath giving autistic monologues to a clearly uncomfortable woman.

>C3PO shoved in for no reason
>R2D2 back for no reason
Like they were in TFA? They're in it because they're the center of the original film, so the prequels should at least feature them in some way.

>dude Jango Fett is also a bounty hunter lmao
And? Lots of people follow in their dad's footsteps.

>Clones are a ripoff of storm troopers
Storm troopers weren't clones, though. They were individuals recruited by the Empire. Clones are all the same dude. They're also a lot better at what they do. Just because they wear similar looking armor (which makes sense) doesn't make them the exact same.

>dude Baby Boba Fett lmao
He's not a baby. He's a child.

>Republic ships are a ripoff of Imperial Star destroyers
The Republic becomes the Empire. Like with the Clones/Stormtroopers, it makes sense that they'd look similar.

>Naboo is earth
Earth has a watery core you can swim through and gungans and underwater cities? Huh?

>Death Star plans in Attack of the Clones
Yes. And?

>All Jedi wear Tatooine farmer robes
Lots of characters wear robes in Star Wars, though. I don't get why it's a problem that Jedi also wear them.

>Coruscant is a ripoff of the city from Blade Runner
Except it's sunny and bright and vibrant during the day, something very anti-Blade Runner.

>dude Genonisis is Tatooine with rocks lmao
Exactly the same except how the sky looks and how the landscape looks and who lives there and what people do there. Oh, not the same.

>dude Kamino is just Cloud City with water instead of clouds lmao
Cloud City was a cloning facility. Are you mental?

Yep. I've debunked all the straws you grasped for trying to call the movies the same.

>There's literally nothing ambitious about the prequels, they are bland and boring green-screen bullshit with no heart.
Crying about green screen is oafish.

>TPM is also a copy of ANH.
Prove it. PROTIP: you can't. If you try, you'll do so by speaking as vaguely as possible.

Practical effects are more real than computer images, retard. There is no suspension of disbelief with cgi.

>shitty dialogue
compared to
>shitty dialogue

You liking the characters doesn't make their dialogue good, laser brain.

The prequel trilogy is far better than the boring OG trilogy. Only redditors prefer the latter.

Blind ambition that did not recognize what came before in any respectful or interesting way

That makes more sense though
>three targets at the position of 2:10 on the metaphorical clock used to indicate enemy position (ie on your 6, ext)
As opposed to
>move all quadrants (a section of geographic area) to 3:15 (a specific region or a direction on the 2d plane indicated by the aforementioned clock?)
He may as well have said move all acres to 315

t i just finished the plunkett reviews for the first time

No, they aren't. Practical effects are just as fake as computer images. A puppet isn't a real person. Yoda wasn't real. He doesn't even look real in Empire unless you're, like, three or something. Otherwise, he looks like a puppet. He moves like a puppet. You can tell it's a puppet. Suspension of disbelief shattered.

Except the dialogue is between two great actors who make you feel like they have any kind of relationship, that's what makes it good.

Three targets all in the same position? So they're flying in a nice, neat line? Except in the scene, you can see they aren't, so it's retarded bullshit.

I get it: you kids love the originals and hate the prequels. But the shit you lob at the prequels (like "bad dialogue") also applies to the originals (for the most part). You just give the originals a pass because you love them.

Think critically.

>C3PO shoved in for no reason
>R2D2 back for no reason
It's to show us how they met up. This isn't really a bad thing.

>dude Jango Fett is also a bounty hunter lmao
Okay? He also did a lot more than Boba did in the OT.

>Clones are a ripoff of storm troopers
How can one person be this retarded?

>dude Baby Boba Fett lmao
I'll give you this one.

>Republic ships are a ripoff of Imperial Star destroyers
Again, how can one person be this retarded?

>Naboo is earth
And? And also not really. Last I recall earth doesn't have underwater cities and it isn't entirely green.

>Death Star plans in Attack of the Clones
How is this a bad thing?

>All Jedi wear Tatooine farmer robes

>Coruscant is a ripoff of the city from Blade Runner
Not really.

>dude Genonisis is Tatooine with rocks lmao
>dude jakku is literally tatooine lmao

>dude Kamino is just Cloud City with water instead of clouds lmao
Um, it's not? At least try to make good comparisons.

>There's literally nothing ambitious about the prequels, they are bland and boring green-screen bullshit with no heart.
As opposed to a soulless remake of the first Star Wars that haams no heart?
TFA has a bunch of CGI too.

>TPM is also a copy of ANH.
Proof that you're literally retarded.


The prequels had top-tier designs. Also their soundtrack was up to par to 4-5-6 unlike 7.

Plus, based Christopher Lee was on the job for episode 2 and 3.

Which is what makes it even worse: they gave one great actor (Carrie Fisher is shit) terrible fucking dialogue.

So terrible, in fact, that he actually had to change at least one line, and wound up making one of the best lines in the fucking series off-the-cuff.

Fuck the dialogue in Empire. It's trash.

Actually nerf herder i compared
>characters acting logically given their previous charactarizations and interactions
>characters acting in a way that makes no sense given their previous interactions
Han and leia acted in character and their romance made sense.
Padme (strong indipendent queen from TPM) had literally no reason to fall for a character who has shown her no middle ground between angry outbursts/admissions of murder, and creepy romantic overtures.

All the prequels were good, they just weren't the groundbreaking 5 star movies everyone wanted them to be.

>Revenge of the Sith's labyrinthine opening shot— of Anakin and Obi-Wan giving chase to Dooku through the space vehicles on the planet of Coruscant—is a mighty and audacious gauntlet-throw, the digital equivalent of the opening shot of Orson Welles’s “Touch of Evil." It wheels and gyrates and zips and pivots with a vertiginous wonder that declares, from the beginning, that Lucas had big visual ideas and was about to realize them with a heroically inventive virtuosity. And the rest of the movie follows through on that self-dare.

>If I had seen ROTS in a theatre upon its release, in 2005, I think that, at the moment when Sheev, sizzling in the blue lightning that Mace Windu reflects back at him, cries out to Anakin, “Power! Unlimited Power!,” I would have leaped out of my seat yelling with excitement. The entire movie is filled with an absolute splendor of the pulp sublime, and that moment is its very apogee. Lucas reaches historic heights in the filming of action: the martial artistry of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s double duel versus Dooku, the gaping maw of outer space and of the airshaft into which the heroic duo drops, Obi-Wan’s light-sabre fight with the four-armed Grievous, and, above all, the apocalyptic inferno of the confrontation of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watched these sequences over and was repeatedly and unflaggingly amazed by Lucas’s precise, dynamic, wildly imaginative direction.

>The scripted politics of the conflicts have a grand imagination to match. What Lucas brings to the script of the movie is a Shakespearean backroom dialectic of power-maneuvering. The dialogue is just heightened and sententious enough, just sufficiently rhetorical, to convey the grave moment of ideas in conflict and the grand mortal results of that dialectical clash—the making of a villain and the unmaking of a republic.

What did Richard Brody, film critic and Chevalier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres for popularizing French cinema in America, mean by this?


Episode II was the worst, followed by episode III

You're really grasping onto the literal definition of real here. The puppet is tangible, I could touch it, it's real. Next you'll tell me The Thing has worse effects than the remake.

The illusion of reality is better than a poor imitation that is outdated as soon as it's released.

It may not be 100% exactly correct, would yout prefer a clunky line like
>3 marks at 2:10, 2:25 and 2:15
At least all the words are in the right context. As opposed to using.... quadrant for some reason.

Is that a new meme?

>nerf herder
Another stupid bit of dialogue.

You're talking characters when the discussion is the dialogue, because you can't defend the shitty lines, so you think you have a win by saying "well we like the characters." You're trying to change the topic because, otherwise, you've lost.

Again: the dialogue in Empire is garbage. It's poorly written and downright stupid. You might like the characters, but the things they say are awful.

But he's right though.

You think a universe having it's own slang and insults is bad?

Assassin hiring an assassin to kill for him.

A puppet is a real puppet. When you see Yoda on the screen in Empire, your brain says "that's a puppet." If seeing CGI and knowing it's CGI is bad, then the puppets in the original were just as bad.

I think bad dialogue is bad, whether it's calling someone a "nerf herder" or a "sleemo."

You arent picking out "dialogue" that's bad. You're picking out a few specific words that sound cheesy to you that are just sci-fi jargon. The actual conversations between the characters aren't nearly as stilted and wooden as the prequels. The dialogue is fine. You're just scared of a few cheesy eighties words. And before you say that it's all in the delivery, no actor could have saved anakins lines.
If you honestly think the dialogue between Han and leia where he says "you just couldn't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight" is as stilted and cheesy as the fucking sand speech you're beyond saving.

I just wish it was two hours of Detective Obi-Wan solving a murder mystery. That stuff was enjoyable.

Less Jar-Jar
Less kids
A few real locations

Basically everything else, this movie is dogshit.

>nobody is ever allowed to have the same opinions as those expressed in a 90 minute video
Hi there, Sup Forums

I feel most of the problems is that george was given complete control with nobody giving him supervision. Of course there's gonna be plotholes when you're the only one writing this shit. I feel he works a lot better as an executive producer. This is proven by the Clone Wars series.

Except I picked out an entire scene earlier in this thread full of bad dialogue. It's in this thread of replies.

I'm only talking about "nerf herder" because another user used it and I said "yeah, that's shitty, too" as an aside.

Your attempt to nitpick has failed. Try another tactic.

The biggest crime of the prequels is wasting the potential of Ewan.

Sheev is good because Ian chewed the scenery and had a great time, but Obi-Wan had flashes of real greatness desperately trying unsuccessfully to break out.

Then I go back to seeing a character, because it's physically there, fitting into the scene. Instead in the prequels I have to imagine everyone sitting in a green screen room, constantly, talking to a little green man that isn't there.

I can understand liking TPM and ROTS but AOTC is a big piece of fucking shit

One of the hottest females in any sci fi movie ever. You cannot disprove this.

Your logic makes no sense.

If you can see a character in a puppet, then you can see it in CGI. They're both just effects, one no different than the other.

When you're acting with a puppet, you imagine it's alive and there talking with you, the same way you imagine the CGI is alive and talking with you. In neither case is Yoda there because Yoda doesn't exist because Yoda isn't real.

>an assassin hiring an assassin to hire an assassin to buy space worms she slips in a hole she couldve easily used to shit the bitch

>Instead in the prequels I have to imagine everyone sitting in a green screen room, constantly, talking to a little green man that isn't there.
In other words, an actor has to act? Oh no!

The Phantom Menace puppet was shocking. no idea why they didn't use the Empire/Return Yoda puppet. That looked way more realistic.


>no idea why they didn't use the Empire/Return Yoda puppet.
Physical props degrade over time.