ITT: We discuss each fighter's positives and negatives and see who will ultimately come out on top

ITT: We discuss each fighter's positives and negatives and see who will ultimately come out on top

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Mayweather will dance like a jack booted negro and win on points, just like he has for every bout hes ever won.

McGregor is seriously kneecapping himself by agreeing to fight on boxing terms.

>Mayweather positives
Nigger leg strength
Looks better in a hat
>Mayweather negatives
>McGregor positives
Glorious white master race
Probably drunk 80% of the time
>McGregor negatives
Potato nigger

In a one on one Mcgregor would win if you get rid of the point system, I think

If it was first to tap / k.o then yeah mcgregor would come out on top.

But Mayweather is just too experienced a fighter to get himself committed in a way that will give Mcgregor the advantage.

New Sup Forums is coming

Well when it comes to boxing vs. kick-boxing, kick-boxing usually wins. However kick-boxers tend to wear out faster, where Mayweather never seems to run out of steam.

That's true

First post best post.


Floyd is a champion boxer and one of the best defensive fighters of all time


Conor is not a boxer

That is basically what it comes down too

>watching 1.70m """tall""" manlets fight eachother

easily mcgregor

Conor just wants to make an easy $100 million off Floyd's back, that's all it is.

And before anyone says 'Conor is the bigger star!', Conor makes about $10mil a fight in the UFC. The only way he's going to make $100mil is by attaching himself to Floyd.

$10 mil a fight?!?!?!
$100 mil?!
that's fucking ludicrous

There no going to fight, Dont waste your time speculating.
Floydd isnt about to risk his perfect record for Conner.
Floydd will win imo. But 1 good shot will take him down.
Floyd makes money still why risk it for a clown who calls u out on twitter, just have fun with it like floydds doing

Imagine two men, one is a champion archer, one is a champion rifle shooter, but has very limited skills with a bow and arrow.

Both men agree to an archery competition because it will pay a lot of money.

This about sums up the whole McGregor v Mayweather discussion.

in an actual fight, no points, no ring
mayweather would get fucked

Connor is hot headed enough to go through with it

It's ok, you can still watch WWE which I'm sure you do anyway.

niggers are to be beaten, when I was into gambling always betting against a nigger made me win.

In an actual fight, several of Floyd's 500lbs black security guards would throw Conor through a plate glass window.

yeah but that's not my point

Yeah but your point is irrelevant anyway. The discussion is around a possible boxing match. You're the one who went 'hurr durr but in a real fight...'

The point user is making is that in a real street fight, its rarely one on one.

Implying McGregor is calling any shots.

easiest fight to see ever

with boxing rules, mayweather will spank mcgregor with little to no effort, he's one of the greatest defensive boxers of all fucking time, mcgregor won't be able to do shit, look at anderson silva for example, amazing mixed martial artist... but his pro boxing career was 1-1 vs a bunch of nobodies, if mcgregor fights on these terms, career suicide for a big payday

OTOH, if they use MMA rules, mcgregor wins hands down, mayweather is not a kickboxer and he would get raped by mcgregor kicking his legs and taking him down to lay on top of him and punch him in the face, his only hope would be a swift knockout which mayweather isn't exactly known for, it's hard to move outside with that amazing footwork if your legs have been kicked in and don't want to move anymore

both are good in their own respects, mcgregor is top dog right now in mma, but mayweather is an actual legend, some people hate his style and say he runs away, but the man is defensively untouchable, he's always in the right place, he knows where to be, and it will take old age before he can ever be touched, a true tactician

Casual fightsports fan detected

Hahaha exactly.

Conor can beg for this fight all he wants, but he has to ask his daddy Dana White for permission first, then talk to Floyd.

In the chain of power, he is at the bottom.

Here the thing...McGregor has actual KO power if he ever touches Mayweather shit could go down.

McGregor KO's Mayweather = McGregor becomes biggest sports star on the planet.

McGregor loses a 12rd decision to Floyd = McGregor last 12 rounds with a champion boxer

The only way Mcgregor comes out a total loser if if he gets knocked out in this fight. Floyd's smart and always fights for the biggest purses. It's why he "retired" there was nobody left for him to fight that he knew he could beat that anybody cared to pay to see. This is a fight that people will pay to see.

Lol can you imagine the purse bid negotiations if TMT camp even entertained the possibility. I'd be surprised if they offer McGregor anything more than 10% of the bat.

Mayweather would likely offer a ludicrously low cut just to humiliate that Irish clown and so he can save face by forcing McGregor to turn down the offer.

Do you not remember that Floyd effortlessly beat Canelo Alvarez. That's a dude with definite knockout power. He couldn't even touch Mayweather and he's an elite level hitter. What makes you think that McGregor has more knockout power? What McGregor is bringing to the table is something Floyd has fought a million times better against in his career. There is literally nothing for Floyd to fear in this fight with boxing rules.

Mate Freddy Roach has stated that McGregor has been training at Wild Card West gym and sparring with pro fighters. He's been rubbish... Roach says he's not even journeyman level.

Bob Arum has said on record that even a novice boxer would beat McGregor.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Here's the thing, there is nobody for Floyd to fight in boxing anymore, well nobody that anyone would pay a PPV fee to see. There are opponents that Floyd will not face that would probably beat him right now like Keith Thurman or GGG but they will never happen. How else is Floyd going to get paid? A fight with McGregor is your answer.

IKR, all these casuals really think that UFC can be compared to boxing. It's not about which is better, they are different practices. It's like comparing NFL to Rugby or soccer. Really pointless discussion tbh, but somehow always triggers me lol.

Oh no question in my mind that he has no shot whatsoever, I was talking what ifs. I don't see Floyd knocking out McGregor though...its just not his style, he's not in his 20s anymore.

This would simply be a bad career move for McGregor. He would make an immense pile of money, but his name would be ruined. It is more or less lose/lose for him. If he enters a boxing bout with Floyd, he will undoubtedly lose, he will more then likely be embarrassed and defeated utterly. Floyd is likely the greatest defensive boxer of all time, McGregor is a nobody in the world of boxing,

If you put it to MMA rules, McGregor will likely win because he can just kick his legs to fuck up his footwork which he is so famous for and take him down if he is losing. Stylistically this would be bad for Floyd but then you have the added that in MMA rules you have MMA gloves and Floyd would have a punchers chance. This is still a better chance then McGregor would have the other way although I still think it is much more likely McGregor would win an actual fight with MMA rules, I suspect Floyd would never even chance an MMA fight knowing this as it would tarnish his legacy.

With boxing rules there is no chance Floyd would lose, probably the greatest defensive boxer of all time. He will run away and always be in the right place at the right time like he always is. He will never get caught and he will win on points like he always does. do realise Mayweather has retired right? He doesn't want anymore fights. It's McGregor who is desperate. From what I see, Mayweather spends most of his time counting money and yachting with strippers and shit. He doesn't give two fucks about McGregor.

Well I guess if there was some freak accident, maybe Mayweather is blinded by some light or has an aneurysm or something than McGregor would have a chance.

Mayweather is a very conservative fighter but I honestly think he would take more risks with such a low level opponent, its more likely that Mayweather would knock McGregor out than go the distance.

>counting money
He's a nigger, and a boxer. I'd be mightly surprised if he could count the number of grape drank boxes in his fridge without resorting to asking one of his friends what comes after the number three.

I'm sure he's crying about your mean comment as we speak buddy.

So, overall Mcgregor will get his ass kicked, but only because its boxing. If it was anything else, he'd kick Floyd's ass

No ground game (but doesn't matter in a boxing ring)
Knockout power, size, has a chin, age
Smaller, older, fragile hands, no knockout power
GOAT boxer

At the end of the day it doesn't matter because MMA is the far superior sport. I'll be rooting for McGregor, not only because I'm a fan of his (which I am), but because a win over the boxing GOAT will put the final nail in the coffin of boxing

Haha, I didn't say he wasn't rich. All celebrities are rich in proportion to the crowd they pull, but don't mistake this fame for quality as a person. It bears no reflection on anything outside of the particular venue, wether it be a concert, boxing match, stripper's show or drug dealer's infamy in his circles.

No amount of cash can wash away the stench of being a nigger. Currently, there is no monetary value large enough to improve the inferior genetics that his kids would have. Maybe they'll be good at boxing too, if they're lucky, because they certainly won't be intellectually endowed.

Dance, boy. Dance - it's what we pay you for.