Starting my new job at a car dealership tomorrow,can any anons out there give me any details about what I'm in for?

Starting my new job at a car dealership tomorrow,can any anons out there give me any details about what I'm in for?
Pic related,the dealership ill be working at


First customer: "so what does this one do?"

You: "It is essentially a shoebox on 4 wheels, it takes you from A to B"

"So how much is this one"

*Add some onto it* "X amount"

"The label says X"

*Shake fist*

"What you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that?

I'm a Toydarian, mind tricks don't work on me, only mo-ney"


They're starting me off in inventory.anybody know what that is exactly?


>Stocking parts

Wew lad that's a shit job. Become friends with as many people as you can and work your way up.

"A Nubian model aye, I have the engine for that. 25,000 dectarets. I promise you no other shop has the part you are looking for"

Absolutely I will,but they said they wanted to move me up to straight stocking parts a physical job,cause I'm cool with ,worked as a stage tech for 12 years

Just work out a script that you can use for almost every customer, shits easy bro once you have a mental script, good luck

>*Shake fist*
>"What you think you're some kind of Jedi waving your hand around like that?
>I'm a Toydarian, mind tricks don't work on me, only mo-ney"

Thanks user.i applied to this job randomly,still can't believe I got it.just have no idea what to expect, never had a sales job before

first thing you should do is to leak the spare part numbers catalog of all audis
because i cant find the parts that i need

lot monkey

Make a show on [as] next and then get cancelled for saying you support Trump on Twitter

Yeah,but it's 1.00 more an hour than I'm making now,and ill get another 50 cents in it's 40 hours a week,guaranteed,with promotion being the end goal

Anybody know how hard it is to get a sales licence,or even audi certified?seems like ill have to study for that


at least your not a porter. it's hell in the summer

Never use the refrigerator that the salesmen use, because your lunch will be stolen 9/10 times. I'm neither joking nor exaggerating.

do what you're told and you'll move up lightning quick.

lots of drama.

lots of fun also.

i've had some of the best times of my life in a dealer. it was audi too.