How do you sort your porn user?

How do you sort your porn user?

Also Rule 34

I shove it all into the downloads folder until I reach a point where I tell myself
>holy shit it would be embarrassing if anyone saw all of this
then I delete it all and repeat.

>file type
AVI, MP4, PDF, Etc. I will put them together if they are all about the same thing but besides that they all go on different folders.
If it's books or comics
>what the files are about
If the files are about the same subject/object







Thread needs more ass



















>See character
>go on burst porn spree
>very picky but save what I think I'll want to keep in big folder
>repeat for about a week or 2 with different characters
>sort through file and put them in their corresponding sub folders or into my dump folder

It's fun







More booty?

I wish someone would make a proper sorting program or something, I get all my shit off r34, can't there just be a way to sort it using those tags


>Sorting a porn folder



god tier konosuba stuff holy shit


I mean it's not hard, don't you enjoy sorting? I like seeing the number go up




Final Fantasy XII wasn't that bad, actually, when it came to gameplay - but the story was disappointingly uneventful, especially when it came to interpersonal relationships (not necessarily romantic ones).




| +--category
| +--shortcut_to_content
| +--artist
| +--videos
| +--photos
| +--text

For such a cute character you'd think there would be more decent porn of her


leave my whitespace alone






I finished watching Kill la Kill this very morning. I came to this thread five minutes ago thinking about how nice it would be to find them here, which must have been about time you were getting ready to post this image.

Thanks for reading my mind, user, and thanks again for making my wish come true!



I do but it feels like a chore, I end up ocd and trying to sort hundreds of gigs of porn into stupid specific categories

I'm waiting to reach this point after 2TB but it hasn't happened yet.





If I were you just have to go big then into smaller folders like you could go Anime, Western and then try to make it smaller and smaller.

I make sure I keep on top of it when it gets close to 100 unsorted images but for some reason I really like sorting




Anyone got some fire emblem awakening stuff?





Dump League of Hentai



that's why I store it all on a usb, in a baggie in my toilet.






You can pick a specific character but no there's about 1GB of porn in there I ain't posting that.








I have it all saved as random ass letters and numbers, in one big folder then i stick it all in vlc on random.




Rolling for 6, need that thight Luma ass
