Why aren't we talking about this amazing show?

Why aren't we talking about this amazing show?

I mean, fuck Stranger Things.

Other urls found in this thread:


I have no idea what the fuck is going on this season but I'm liking it.

We have about 10 threads a day and they 5 of them are people calling it a kino masterpiece and the other 5 are calling it tryhard edgy shit.

Fuck off and make a general.

Provide me with a convincing scene.

Calm down famalam, I just checked the catalogue and saw no Mr. Robot threads so I started one.

>i hate popular things!!!! X[ X[ X[

KYS, kid.



I'm just waiting for Tyrell to show up eventually.

Meanwhile I'm just enjoying watching Elliot flip his shit.


No,you kill yourself. There's no reason to have the exact same threads every fucking day. There will be one in hour saying that he hated how the MC had sex then there will be another thread just like this one after that and then there will be a thread trying to discuss the most recent episode and this will keep happening over and over and over. Just fuck off.

>Poorly-written plots with occasional good moments
>Okay characters
>Good editing/directing
>Blatantly pandering bouts of dogshit social criticism
>Hit or miss music choice

This show is unremarkable

See and then slit your wrists because you can't properly articulate a response to criticism of things you like.

I can understand why you would think everything you say.

But "hit or miss music choice" is not something I can agree with. The music in this show is nothing short of impecable. The way the bass draws you torwards the edge of your seat is amazing, how it beats your eardrums to dust while witnessing how a poor man's mind shreds into pieces is just incredible, it's one of the main reasons why I watch the show. It's also gotten really better during this second season, given that the first half of the first season is not really anything to rustle over.

not sure I agree with this
I've never been convinced we're supposed to sympathize with anyone's cause in this show
Everyone is really shitty toward each other

I'm on Season 1 ep 4 and it's really boring le edgy shit.

It's literally Fight Club the tv show

>protagonist that has social/mental disorders
>the whole "everyone is a slave to the corporate machine" shit
>him and his group get together to do some havoc
>trying to wipe out debt

I'd bet money that Christian Slater's character isn't real.

>I'd bet money that Christian Slater's character isn't real.
You got it, bub

>You got it, bub

I figured. In the 2nd or 3rd ep Slater just showed up at his desk in his office and no one seemed to notice or care that some homeless looking guy was just hanging out

Gee its almost like you already had the show spoiled for you/watched it already :^)

No surprises there. They literally play Where is My Mind during the revelation scene
Pretty sure one of the main draws of this show is Berniefags feeling vindicated
And the politics/social criticism aspects are not just unsympathetic, they're like reading an angry 20 year old's facebook status
Nigga you baked or something?
The basslines are aight, the music in the Knick was better. The mental illness shit is pure, unadulterated meme, and the only reason it sort of works is because Malick is a good actor selling poor writing as much as he can

Also that piano cover of Where is My Mind in season 1 was fucking egregious

It's on the verge of disappearing up its own ass.

>mr. Normie

Not everyone is as much of an idiot as you are

Everyone saw that twist coming a mile away, they were very obvious about it

Just hide the thread if it triggers you so much.

It took me till they revealed it in the show but I wasn't even surprised in the slightest. If anything I was disappointed

I was kinda bummed out by the first two episodes, but 3rd and 4th are gold.

>Elliot on aderall
>Elliot imagening happy future

Amazing. The ways its produced should be set as canon to all tv/film production companies.

I cant wait to see more episodes.

Also, I think Elliot commited himself into psych willingly and is only imagining his surroundings. He's not in his mom's house.

This. I loved season 1 but right now its getting too caught up in the split personality shit

>Fight Club the tv show

>amazing show
Mr. Robot is like Breaking Bad. Dreadful writing propped up and dragged along by a charismatic lead.

The last episode kind of noted that they're moving away from that.
It's still not bad by any means. Not sure why people are turning away from it.

>everyone saw that twist coming miles away

Yeah I'm sure you did

hello contrarian

memes and buzzwords best arguments, right bro?

>he didn't
Suddenly an edgy homeless guy shows up and turns Elliot's life upside-down. Not a single other person interacts with him, or ever even acknowledges he's there. Nothing fishy about that!
If you didn't pick up on the blatant clues, you're either inattentive or just fucking stupid

Because it went to shit after season 1.

>hurr durr I'm hallucinating

Fuck off. Show me hacking. Show me some action. wtf.

Started out semi-interesting and ended up being my favorite show this year so far.
I'm still having trouble getting anyone I know into it.
"it looks boring." "Crimeshit" "retarded computer nerd shit"
I need new friends...

>mr robot is in a van with two characters
>those other characters never respond to him whenever he talks

If you couldn't figure it out at that point then you are an idiot.

Yeah I could tell by your original post.

People do interact with him though kek

I literally just marathoned season 1 this week.

Bet you saw Darlene being his sister coming too huh know it all faggot

>haha don't u see? i've flipped it! now u ar the one who is the memer not me!
Smart bro. Real smart. I don't how to recover.

No, your friends just have standards

Why are you saying it like its a bad thing? Its an homage. Wellick is also homage to american psycho and there's a lot of elements from the Matrix. Elliot is basically Neo before being contacted by Morpheus. All these references are making this show fantastic.

Stop. No one figured out Slater's character wasn't real until the reveal.
Anyone that says so is just bullshitting to act superior.
It's okay to admit you were confused, no one is going to make fun of you for it, but acting like hot shit is something everyone frowns up.

I'm SURE you did.

You can lie all you want, it's meaningless now that the twist is reveled.

Maybe if you called it beforehand but now that you're late to the party and the information is out there, your "predictions" are meaningless.

>Not a single other person interacts with him
Did you even watch the first season?

If you count binge watching entire seasons of Paradise Hotel a high standard then ok...
They're extreme normies who haven't even watched The Wire because "it was boring".


this is what they reduced christian slater to.
and he was doing a great job in the first season. shaking my head

Far better than GoT 2bh

he clearly didn't. nobody is that fucking stupid.

I'm enjoying this season so far but I seriously hope the show doesn't turn into law enforcement constantly being on his case like I feel like other shows do for seasons.
I also hate talking about the show here because people take Elliot way too seriously.


t. Mad as fuck that he's being called out

>your friends have standards
>they literally cry at episodes of Greg's Anatomy

Yeah I'm sure they're patrician as fuck

>picks up on obvious twists clearly based on other movies
>know it all
Sorry I pay attention to things and/or am not an idiot
And nah the sister twister was sold better, even if the underlying concept was sort of cheesy
>no one figured out
There are probably tons of reviews/recaps that called the twist as the first season was airing. My friend and I figured it out independently, before the finale came out. It really, really wasn't subtle
Also where did he interact with other people? I watched it a while ago so I don't remember. For the vast majority of scenes I thought he was ignored by everyone but Elliot
>they're in denial about being idiots
If you were smart you'd be arguing about why it was subtle, instead of putting your fingers in your ears and screaming nuh-uh
Plebs are intolerable sometimes

there's nothing better on tv right now, and the show is pretty good. it's 'fresh.'

you faggots need to stop worrying about what gets said here.

preacher is much, much better
lol they triggered you bad robopleb

>anime poster
Opinion discarded.

Show me reviews/recaps, hell even tweets before the reveal that people thought Slater's character wasn't real.
Also, my guess is your friend knew the twist, since it was well out there by now, and hinted it to you and you agreed.

thanks for the reminder, been meaning to pick that show back up.

Kek had to google that to find out what it was
The true patrician enjoys and digests things alone though, welcome to your fate

>Also where did he interact with other people? I watched it a while ago so I don't remember. For the vast majority of scenes I thought he was ignored by everyone but Elliot

He didn't. A lot of people are thinking back to scenes like this. Here Elliot and his dad are not in the same place at the same time although they are connected via in-ear receiver, which allows there to be a sort of organic division between them. This scene was surface watching bait.

Most people talk past Mr. Robot when Elliot is also present but there's a scenes where he speaks to people from fsociety and Tyrell.

>stupid enough to call a twist
nigga wut

>a charismatic lead
At least we can agree on something

I don't watch anime, but I have a folder full of anime faces :^)
NP matey
It's been staying pretty solid, finale's this Sunday and I'm jazzed
I hadn't considered the possibility that they were dumb enough to think these scenes counted as direct interaction
Elliot's most likely already been institutionalized
If they save this until the finale oh lord will I laff

Too lazy to research, so I'll rescind that out of necessity
And we only found out the other was watching it at that episode where they open with Pictures of You and his qt gf gets axed . He mentioned it and I told him I'd been keeping up too


No one is going to remember this 4 episodes
Honestly they feel so unremarkable

I can understand wanting to build charcter development but by this time in season 1 Elliot was already at steel mountain, rather then just getting out of bed in season 2

I hope they finish this inner turmoil, aside from the bullet shot through the head it's not enough for me to care about it visually, nor does elliot say anything thought provoking to leave some sort of impact
It just feels like a lot of nothing

I want twin peaks remake to come out already to show how to masterfully do an inner turmoil scene rather then this bland self-pitying shit

oh it's just a AMC shill.

I though you were legit retarded for a second.

Oh, does the boo boo hurt?


As a dude with actual social-anxiety, this show and Malik's performance is some of the most genuine and accurate stuff I've ever seen.

Sure, it might be somewhat best in reality but it's not something that the average person cares to listen to
It's not a show about social anxiety
It's a show about hackers

And seeing how it's viewer count is dropping im not wrong in my point

as long as it keeps winning Golden Globes and getting Emmy nominations it'll never get canceled.

USA has nothing else of note on its network.

Why does mass appeal matter? The creator and writer of the show based it off his own anxieties about life (and obviously dramatized it with the split-personality and hacker stuff).

You still mad that we bullied you for missing a kiddie-tier twist? Give it up senpai

Also Breaking Bad was bad :^)

>why does mass appeal matter
hoo boy

Since when is viewer count directly related to the quality of a show?

Pitbull is very well known amongst plens.

yeah don't click that image guys

>why does mass appeal matter
Because money user

In terms of viewer numbers it was at the 2cnd to bottom of the list
And USA still has great shows like SUITS which is it at 1.8 million this week higher then even the start of season 1

The shit with Craig Robinson is garbage. He can't act for shit. I really didn't care for ep 4 much at all.

It's not
But it is directly related to how much the show is willing to get in terms of its budget
If it's not selling ad space it's not going to get the money needed for good shots or crew

If it continues down this path expect a lot more of elliot talking in his room with a fish eye lens

trold u hehe

considering how contrarian this place is,
the less viewers, the better off the show is.

Isn't and his mate running a dodgy kiddy fiddler website

I cannot argue with that.

Yet your image of a smug anime girl makes me inexplicably angry. Please stop.

I'm guessing it's about drugs or some l33t haxx0r shite. I just hope he dies or something. Can't watch him stumble his way through dialogue anymore. Especially when most of the rest of the cast is doing a pretty good job.

>It's a show about hackers

The hacking is only there for the drama. It's never been a show about hackers. It's a show about the duality of man, about the struggle between the soul and the body, the war between the desire for comfortableness and the drive to destroy. The show's rich in sci fi culture references and the rythm and pacing is very well done, but the main theme remains the same: the struggle of man within himself.

And it's a very good show at that.

The last episode was pure telekino. But quite honestly nothing is fucking happening this season and we're already 4 episodes in.

you forget that Breaking Bad didn't start off super popular either.

The show will build a following.

That's the point senpai



Idk, english isn't my first language, excuse the derps.

But it continued to gain viewers and always stayed above a million

I'm honestly not seeing anything positive in mr.robot's future

>It's a show about the duality of man, about the struggle between the soul and the body, the war between the desire for comfortableness and the drive to destroy. The show's rich in sci fi culture references and the rythm and pacing is very well done, but the main theme remains the same: the struggle of man within himself
My fucking sides

seriously this show is reddit trying too hard to be 4chns

Please, do explain to me why you would mock my seriously written opinion.

Ooh my bad, the rest of your English was good enough that I thought you were a native speaker
Normally in that case it's comfort
Comfortableness made sense though

Or it's a show about hackers with a mentality ill man representing the main protagonist

is it because of the
>lmao fuck religion
scene that you think about it like that?

There's nothing to suggest a deeper meaning to any of elliots ramblings
and the most potentially thought invoking scene was when phillip price made the amazing scene where he exposed how little power the government actually holds and how it's all based on fabrication

Other then that I don't see a deeper meaning to the rest of it other what i'm shown at face value


good post

Season 2 is very weak so far

he can't, that why he just copied what you said and put a meme image in his post.

he can't articulate why he disagrees with you because he's just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.

>watch first few episodes
>typical leftist commy shit
No one older than 15 with at least average intelligence can enjoy this crap.

>Operation Bernstein
You guys should read the /x/ conspiracy on the name bernstein. Or if you're Sup Forums its the jews. Enough maymays. This surveillance ops most likely found out about Romero spying on them and killed him. Whiterose is surprised that the FBI found out about F-society and Roms death. I guess the government is the boogerman behind it all.