Hi user. Can you please take a picture of us?

Hi user. Can you please take a picture of us?

someone call child services.

this should be considered child abuse

>this should be considered child abuse
Legally it is just the opposite. Fitness trainers of children are commended for their community service.

Fucking christ that is definitely child abuse

I don't care what society thinks little girls should look like body builders in training

Genuine smiles, and those kids are healthier than just about any other human on the planet, plus they have a great head start in a healthy lifestyle that will allow them to live longer, happier, and mentally sharper than most.

How is it child abuse in any way?

Of course a white male wants to impose these types of body standards on little girls.

All you retards that say this is child abuse.. yes this is the result of patriarchy

At first I thought the guy was legless

Would you have to overwork someone that thin that much to get abs like that?
I don't really see how this is child abuse, they all seem happy and healthy.

i knew asians were short, but damn

Might as well be. He's a manlet. Living the dream though.

meh, that's not how i like my lolis

Even though the effect can be just as detrimental. Goodluck to any of those girls having their period at that body fat %.

"child abuse"

Yeah, because being an overweight NEET with a 40% BMI that spends his entire day on Sup Forums is a lot better, huh?

>Of course a white male
the guy is a japanese brazilian


One is a person who is fully mentally developed, the other is a child. Dumbass.

these children are neither fit or strong, they are mal-nourished

as long as the 12 year olds don't beat me up

How do gymnasts and divers get so cut? They are always noticeably more cut than any other sport.

gymnastics uses alot of your muscles. basically the more muscles activated by an exercise, the more energy it uses. energy=kj=kcal. Also the more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolism. Gymnasts are strong as fuck from the loads they deal with.

Divers however, I have no idea.

it's not so cute if they actually hurt you when they "fight back"

I would be pretty embarrassed if one of those girls could actually hurt me.


nice try faggot but if patriarchy were real it wouldnt encourage little girls to get muscles because stereotypically women arent supposed to large muscle. try harder fag


His face is how I feel

BMI used as a singular measurement, treated as accurate in any way. OHHHH BOYYYY.

>His face is how I feel

hope your dad beats you harder tonight

Children should not have 6 packs

especially not pre pubescent girls. That shit will ravage their menstrual cycle.

Honestly the only way this thread is going to move is by people fat shaming men who have no business being here.

>it really doesn't matter

Healthy lifestyles are taught, patience is observed, faith is witnessed.

In the end everyone is the same. People don't be healthy to be healthy any more. They do it to be better than everyone else.

Uh plenty of kids who are even a little active have them. I had like a 4pack from childhood tkd and muscled legs from skiing

It's of no consequence. They are impure half-breeds.

women with abs are nasty, same goes for children men or women

Manlets, will they ever learn?

look at the abs on this one
she could kick my ass

doesnt getting ripped at a really young age affect how muscles will grow or something

>implying that having abs automatically makes you strong
i know plenty of people that have abs that i could/have beat the shit out of them. Having abs only means you can take a few hits in the stomach.

ive also heard this. Would like too know as well?

Depends on your fighting style. A strong core and core rotary muscles can enhance your punching power, depending on what style and technique you are using.

i bet no-one fucks with her at school, not even the teachers
fuck i gotta stop drinking my tongue tastes like liver damage

>become wata my fren

fake and gay

Came into this thread solely to let you know you made me laugh

Thanks for brightening my day

Rotary power is a thing.

it's a thing, but having abs doesn't make you Van Damne.

Nobody said it did. I just said that depending on your style, it can enhance your punching power.

>tfw 5'6" manlet