-No stealing pepes
-If you take one, give one of equal quality back to bread


das rasist

>nobody posting new pepes
>pic related




fuck off


Just dumping from my unsorted folder.








Every Pepe I've seen I already own, you're collections need rarer pepes
Have this one Sup Forumsros, free of charge




Appreciated Sup Forumsro

Im here to steal all your pepes

how very reddit


bumpin and dumpin


Here take this


also witnes these dubs






Is this count as Peepee??????


Someone needs to start a Pepe trading card game









I'd play that shiet




I'm deleting my fucking pepe folder. help me get a new one, anons.

I stole every Pepe in this thread.


Can I get some dubs o blessed kek?


The sadness never ends

Awww yissss



Dubs if this is a rare

Holy shit one number off I want to die





Free for the taking







>Implying you have the power to give away pepe
You worthless niggerfag. Kek and dubs are the only ones to will the pepes in motion. It is Kek's will that a pepe is given, not a mere mortal such as you. Respect the god of chaos or die in fire.

this could actually happen. maybe have your previous post digitz dictate what number pepe iin your folder you play? we just need to give the cards attributes... if I had enough of the cards or a full set I could probably code a simple java applet.
>inb4 pajeet
i'm a white man


the rarest of pepes.
so rare due to its unorthodoxy.





Rarest pepe of them all. Legend has it that any thread with this image gets 404'd. Save it quickly, brothers.

Little did user know, I am the one and only Kek.


I've been waiting for this thread.





You have not gained even dubs, once. Do not lie to me heretic


i do not understand.







I must conceal my identity. To only you have I revealed myself. Believe what you want. I know who I am.

