Is it acceptable to go to the theater alone?

I really wanna see Suicide Squad but none of my friends want to

Same. Let's go together? :3c

i always do even when i have a girlfriend. i can't really fully concentrate with a person i know. i am not american though, it must be hard living with the no singles policy.


If you don't have the confidence to go see a movie by yourself pls hang yourself.

It really depends on the movie. You can go see some boring drama by yourslef, but if you see a blockbuster capeshit movie, then you're probably going to get some teasing from teenagers. Try to go watch an early screaning on a weekday so there won't be any teenagers.

If I see a dude by himself I will call the police on him

you must look like a complete bumbling mess if you get bullied in cinema lmao

Maybe you should listen to them for once and not go see that piece of crap you know.

haha same. *high fives you lightly so as to not sexually oppress you ;)*

How bout going to a movie filled with teens. They won't shut the fuck up.

I guess not... I'm feeling a bit of dissapointed with my friends, some of them got tickets for Suicide Squad and didn't bought one for me (even if I could pay it later) and now it's all sold out I will have to wait a few days until the hype so done.
Some other friends doesn't want to go watch it because "it's not their kind of movie", I just wanted to have my own "squad" of friends enjoying a movie with me, walking through the mall until the movie starts.
Don't go user, just watch it at home when possible, theaters are good when we have company, otherwise we will just want to kill ourselves after the movie.

Thank god I'm a patrician and don't watch the shit edgy teens watch.

>brown and black countries are a utopia of gender equality

Fuck you piece of shit
Fucking monkey looking asshole cunt
This really triggers my feelings

Theater experience is awful nowadays. People eating, making noises, texting, clapping and cheering, talking, etc.
I just wait for the bluray releases, got a nice hometheater setup. I don't mind being 3 months late.
What I did for episode VII was to buy all my row and the rows in front and behind me. It wasn't that expensive in my country (like $300), and I'm not a poorfag. It was totally worth it and will do it again for episode VIII.

>Is it acceptable to go to the theater alone?
Nigga, I fucking prefer it if it's a movie I'm really into while the rest of my friends aren't. Watching movies with someone else is done for 2 reason: fucking women and watching commercial schlock with your friends so you can mock it later over a beer.

It's the superior way to watch films bro.

dumb frogposter

Kek your 'friends' dont give a shit aboit you.
I bet you always walk behind them when you are walking down the street together

If you're in Europe sure.

If you're in America you're gonna be made fun of by girls, get spilled food on by jocks and get shot by niggers.

Kek is this real?
Surely people must've asked about it, did you tell them "yeah they're empty and they're my seats"?

Where do you live? If we're in the same city I'll go with you.