Got a live one. You know the rules. Dubs decides

Got a live one. You know the rules. Dubs decides.

explore my prostate

I'm actually very rich and would like to make a $1,000 donation during one of your shows in exchange for sex

Can you do an Anne Frank cosplay?

My dick is hungry for some clit and chubby tummy

Can you send me some of your work

She loves her job too apparently.

I collect STDs. Which ones do you have?

You want to know what kind of jobs I love?

How wide can you gape? I can make my ass streach 10 inches

You know my friends and family call me the anal annihilator

wanna rim my ass hole

I'm the faggiest dude at my nigger-hate club...

how old were you when your dad molested you?

Can I beat you?

trips winwar

bait, just post the nudes already

Can I bite your clit off?

Ready for some sensual unconsensual?

So, you're a cam whore?

How much loose change can you carry in your rectum? I have a lot of loose change...

we don't have all fucking night, OP.

Can I beat your clit like a speed bag?



hapy birthday


I've got a job you can give me...