(White Dudes) Say you're on Porn Hub, there's smoking hot girl, whatever race. You click the video, but in the video...

(White Dudes) Say you're on Porn Hub, there's smoking hot girl, whatever race. You click the video, but in the video, she's getting fucked by a black guy, so you skip it. Is that racist? I try to justify it to myself by thinking that the reason is because I can't immerse myself in the situation, not being black and all. What do you think?

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Not fucking racist. I've never in my life purposely looked a picture or watched a porn clip with a black anything in it, male or female. I find blacks disgusting, and just looking at them makes me angry most of the time.

I'm a kinda drunk, sorry if that didn't make sense.

That sounds a bit racist.

Nah. It's just not preference. It's a different atmosphere and attitude with black men. It's more over the top with them. Personally idc as long as the girl is hot

To add to this, I see them as animals, I really do, less than people. And I'm not in to bestiality.

no more rascist than preferring redheads to brunetttes.

I don't consider myself racist and I do the same thing. I'll watch black girls taking white dick IF they have white looking facial features. Being attracted or turned-off by one thing or another isn't racist, you didn't make a decision, it just strikes you (and me) as gross

nah cause part of porn is being able to visualize yourself plowing that bitch and I can't do that if it's a black guy or asian or hispanic

theyre only popularized by fetish viedos
no real place in mainstream porn

who cares if it sounds racist, no ones opinion should matter. Don't apologize for your personal preference. I dont like black people, and ill never apologize for it.

well with most porn we identity the dudes as our avators in other words as ourselves , fucking that girl in that moment so the immersion obviously breaks when its someone other than white if your white yourself
so there ya have it


im no scared by some monkey dick

Nah man you're not racist, you're just not into bestiality.

I don't considerate being racist, I consider it having a working brain and open eyes. No one ever taught me to think that way about them, in fact I was brought up being told the opposite. I reached my own opinion on them based on the fact that through out my life 9 out of 10 black people I've come across were the stereotypical nigger, my observance of their online presence, crime statistics, etc etc. It's smart not to trust a nigger, not racist.

The sad part is that they're visual sex objects for fetishes. Objects. Not people. That's what they've become. So it's hard to see a girl fuck an animated object, it's rather uncanny valley, though not too weird.
Any other race still are seen as people.
Idk, media shit.

I've watched a few lighter-skinned blacks, but for the most part, their dick just looks like a turd going in and out.

stop caring

Wanting to preserve your own race is not racist.

People DEMANDING your race be destroyed by interbreeding are racist. They HATE your race. They want to DESTORY whites.

Link the video.

If the girl is hot idgaf

Either way im not banging her but ill still fap

same user as last post. by stop caring i mean about being racist just to clarify

Stop caring about the race of the dude in the video? Or stop caring about whether or not it's racist to care?

>refusing to watch something SOLELY because of the race of the person involved
>is this not racist?
It is obviously racist, denying this is retarded.

The real redpill is that EVERYONE is racist, the only difference is where we each choose to draw the line.

No one has ever taught me the way i think about blacks and i disagree with you. Opinions are shaped by the occurrences in our lives so i assume we have had different experiences with black people. Although i don't live in the hood or bumfuck so most people i see are respectable.

Know what's racial? Current marijuana legislation. That nigga owes me $5.


It's not about preserving my race, I whack it to black girls all the time. I just can't do it when there's a black guy in the video.

No video specifically, just whenever.

I like anal pron, black dick looks like poop. Idgaf if thats racist looks gross and my dick isnt black so theres that too.

Quit trying to excuse your racism. Not everyone is racist, you are racist and want to render the word meaningless so you can get away with it

Is it racist to eat ham like the Chinese guy no one could beat at the NYC hotdog eat it all shit?

I like ham more than general tso's

That's not racist. That'd be like saying it's sexist not to watch lesbian porn.

If you want to immerse yourself in the situation, it helps if the guy looks the way you look or wished you look. I certainly don't see myself as a black man fucking a hot white girl. I don't begrudge that guy, but I'm not gonna watch him fuck.

If this doesn't turn you on , then you are racist

This plus id fuck/date a black chick

Actually, most negroes have the same penis sizes as caucasians.
This whole "BBC" myth was started for marketing purposes by online porn businesses, but eventually got picked up by cultural marxists and spiraled out of control.

In many movies, they use human like dildos, this is especially noticable in scenes with clothes or gloryholes.

No. It's kind of like asking if you're sexist because you don't like gay porn.
>it's not racism it's just sexual preference

Actually, back in the old days of black face and super racism, big cocks were scary, so white men said the scary black guys had scary big cocks, and that stereotype carried on, to the point where it's far from a negative thing.

>the reason is because I can't immerse myself in the situation
I mean I definitely get that if that's actually your reason. I'm the same way. That's actually why I usually find it hard to watch solo or lesbian stuff, there's no way for me to insert myself into the scenario.
I have nothing against black guys, or any race at all. It's faggy as hell the way so many pepole on Sup Forums freak out when they see black dudes in porn or just say racist shit constantly. It amazes me how many retards there are in the world.

Not really, because I like seeing a hot girl get fucked. So if I'm watching a video of another guy fuck that girl, why should it matter how dark his skin is?


Sauce ?

Why you looking at the guys dick?

I do the same. Furthermore, I love black women but if I find out they fucked a black guy it's a huge turn off.

There's nothing wrong with not being turned on by blacks



Color isnt a race so no.

Simple answer. No. It's not racist. Everyone has their own fetishes and tastes in porn. If you don't like it, you don't like it. No one would seriously try to argue that you're sexist or a homophobe because you don't want to watch a couple guys fuck (assuming you don't want to).

Tolerance and acceptance of others is something to do in community, and common spaces.

In your self intimacy you can be and express as you feel the most comfortable.

You have the right to feel good with your sexual expressions and tastes, if you dislike blacks, latins, asians, whatever, is your choice.

OP is a faggot for not knowing a shit of sexuality 101

Are you 13?

Fair point, but the dude probably doesn't only like to see a girl get fucked by a his own race. Or maybe he does IDK, probably not though.


Well I typically don't care but I will admit that more often then not i will skip videos with black dudes black women only half as much so long as they don't look to chimpy

my favorite type of porn is pov because i like to pretend its me getting my cock sucked/fucked. if the dick is black, my immersion is broken and it's not a good video to me. it just looks like a turd and my dick doesnt.

also i hate how they took over cuck porn. i guess the point of cuck porn now is to humiliate the guy and black people are the shittiest people but i miss please fuck my wife dot com with that juilian guy, he made some good stuff.

Fuck that sad ass shit
Only faggots self insert.

I don't really give a fuck if it's racist or not. like being a racist is actually a bad thing? Ethnic groups don't belong mixing in with each other. I have a clan mentality and I was born with it. It should be as respected and tolerated just as someone wanting diversity and niggers and faggots wanting to be treated like a human being.

I think this is on the cuck coat of arms.

Even if does only like watching a girl get fucked by a white dude, he still isn't racist as long as he believes that no race is superior to one another (AKA, pretty much equal)


me too user, i got dumped about a week ago now and i can't fucking get over her, every second i spend thinking about how i can get her back because i know whatever shit we'd been through was completely worth it, so since i was too weak to fucking end it im drunk af

IF it's racist (which it's not) it's not a bad thing. People should be forced to like black dicks.

I consider myself highly racist but the only reason i dont watch blacks in porn is the light doesnt reflect off their dicks in a manner that pleases my brain.


you just described what you are doing, you racist cunt

If it's any comfort, you'll get over her. You may not like it but love is a human comfort, and forcing yourself to get over her will only save you time. Best case scenario, you get over her, she becomes interested in you again, you either get back into her, or don't, then you don't give a fuck.

Or not gay...

That's.. that's being racist. Lol
You're still discriminating by assuming all blacks are criminals or degenerates.

I mean.. I feel the same exact way, but at least admit to it? It's normal human behavior to discriminate to a certain extend.

But seriously, who is this?

thats good ass advice user, thank you.

No I didn't, you're acting like a scared white boy being confronted with his racism


Congrats, you don't have a cuckold fetish.

It implies prejudice however. If the girl was the attraction to the video, and the black guy was the deal breaker where the guy elsewise would be a non-issue then yea you could make a strong argument for it.

What does any of that

Literally any of that

Have to do with your porn preference?

>Blacks are bad
>I'm a moral wanker for not wanking to blacks

Do you even hear yourself, negro?

You racist though

sounds legit


as would I

>watching straight porn in 2017

Yeah you can't self insert, which is usually the best part. And ontop of that the girls are acting way too much, it's always more natural looking & sounding with white dudes. Porn is porn bro, don't make it deeper then it has to be.

What do you have against blacks?

Jontron, is that you?

Really eye-opening posts, WOW.

It's natural to be racist. Racism has only become a social stigma within the past 70 years, because a few black hybrids have come out on top from their African ancestry.
Africans bred separate from the Neanderthal hybrids of Europe and Asia, for many generations.
To say they are the same, is like comparing a wild wolf to a domestic dog.

If you really have to ask, then to some degree it's racist.

If you don't watch it because you can't relate, and doesn't turn you on, then that's not racist.

If you don't watch it, especially if the clip still turns you on, because the idea of a black man having sex with the girl angers you or disgusts you, then you're racist.

The real question is, why do you consider "racist" a negative term?

I hate white people and I'm white. Fuck white people. Fuck you. Whiteness is a pathology, a monstrosity that needs burned

If you can't self insert into the scene, than your watching for a dude and that's gay,
So the fact you close out means that you can't insert and don't want to watch for some other guy.

I personally never have a problem self inserting and blocking out the guy in modern porn, but retro porn is unwatchable for me since they do alot of zoom ins on the dude

As long as the girl is hot and loving the dick (bonus if the dick is close to mine or bigger), then it's good porn in my eyes. Race or ethnicity be damned

If color doesn't mean anything to you, then neither should gender.


well if you dont have a bbc then i dont think you can relate to the black man in the video

Fucking racist homophobe

Don't be afraid of being racist user, it's just biology. Accepting it will make you a happier and more well rounded person

What a cowardly response. You need to confront your racism and rid yourself of it, even if it means killing yourself .

It isn't racist to not want to associate yourself with subhuman scum and skanks that sullied themselves by being race traitors.

I'm not into bestiality, so I skip it.

I've experimented with a dude when I thought I might be bi and it wasn't for me. Didn't get hard and couldn't get hard, though I tried.

You're not racist, as a black dude I don't care about the guy. That's not the focus lmao. But if you really want to immerse yourself it shouldn't matter.

I prefer to put myself into the porn situations, so its easier to imagine its me fucking if the cock is white