Why no rekt, Sup Forums?

Why no rekt, Sup Forums?

they took it down!

it 404ed




Fuck you.


in all honesty didnt know what i was posting









I assume mods have become even more gay since the last time I was here.





Everybody just thought he was eager to get on the train...

what kind of fucking CPR was that

anyone have any videos of explosive decompression?


Blue jeans has a nice ass


shieet Trups plz

she's fucking hot




I like this more than I should



Man can you imagine if these were white people?


>I swear mum
>video evidence why I'm not a virgin


that's a free hat





That is the last straw I can't stand smelling shit every time I wake up!



This is what I call a nanny state shot.


Not surprised. It's China


Thanks for oc faggot

wonder why he waited to cap him. gave the other guys plenty of time to get a look at him.

Assassins creed death chat


This bitch looks like a female Bill Maher.



Do you think he's okay user?

remember kids your phone can be used as an incendiary grenade if you get into trouble


>oh shit the bottle caught on fire!
>better throw the flaming liquid all over these people standing next to me.


This is now a reaction thread.

Isn't there a vid of her?





Isis taqiya

This is africa!


feels good nigger

Aight daddy.






posting a good one

what ever happened to holding your kids hand while you cross the road?


Oh man I remember this! Was scary being there, there was a bang, she just dropped and couple of seconds later realised she was having a seizure and the band never stopped!


I said it before and I say it again: chinks are subuhuman

Yea I prefer a dog myself atleast you can give it a shallow grave after eating it without questioning.. fuck my life I hate most people


Oh shit~ Lol



He's just trying too hard

And just like that he's a vegetable

I'll drink to that!

Why aren't these retards raping her?


Now you're thinking

ur kidding ryt?

more? got me hard as diamonds

ura for taqiyya proof!
