Quit methadone cold turkey after 3 years

>quit methadone cold turkey after 3 years

>now quitting a nasty a nasty Valium habit

This sucks, any other junkies here quit

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Ya I quit

Then I realized that was a mistake

>a nasty twice

Fuck my mind is scattered, drugs are hell.

i quit tobacco and that took a few tries

This is my current stash, all hidden around my room and shit. I'm going clean for a while for some personal reasons, but I will use the shit out of these whenever I get the chance. Good luck with sobriety! just remember its mind of matter 100% of the time.



yeah been off smack/ methadone for 10 years, clean/sober for 6.

Was on methadone for 3 years, was hard to do. kicked like every month down 5 mgs.

NA was incredibly helpful for me

Trying to quit Adderall. Spent whole day sleeping

quitting booze was hard af, don't know how different that is but you can do it. It gets better.

quitting booze and benzos is somewhat similar from what I've seen. both are dangerous to come off of.

Omg I came

i had to go to the hospital the last time I relapsed. Worst DTs/hallucinations in my life when the BAC finally hit .00 Frankly that whole ordeal and AA been a big part of me staying on the straight and clean

Yup, oxy, lorazepam, xanax, codeine, hydro, and a few other misc. I fucking love them

I can't imagine how anyone can get used to cigarette smoke and chronic alcoholism

Yeah I'm being forced to taper off benzos, basically 8 5mg tablets a week until all 50 run out and I'm being cut off.

Goodbye Valium my friend, but i started this wheel rolling by asking my Dr too cut me off.

I haven't had Oxy in so long, what a fucking amazing drug. But it's a life of sobriety for me because of work.

I'm sure I will just relapse though, once a junkie always huh

Glad AA is working for you. I wish they would fucking drop the christian prayer shit already. Really bugs me, but w/e. Rather go to a shitty AA meeting than drink again.

When I quit smack, I started drinking again, and people were like
>you keep drinking you'll be back in 10 years as an alcoholic
>me: fuck you

and that is basically what happened. Quitting alcohol has been a whole new kind of difficult. But after years of NA type stuff, it all fell into place.

Proud of you for doing that. It was the right decision. Again - I'd really suggest getting outside support. I don't know of anything except NA. I know it is easy to hate on it, but if nothing else, you have a ton of support - people who you can talk to, etc.

And I think the 12 steps are actually pretty fucking cool. Gives you like a way to handle problems, and real world shit that I didnt' have before. I know its sort of a cult, but its cult surrounding not getting high...

good luck man.

Oxy is fucking great man, especially ccause it leaves the system in about 3 days. GL with sobriety

Fuck man I have started drinking, and i was never a drinker while on dope.

It's just the entire legal thing that makes it so tempting, being drunk is shit compared with opiate high but being sober is hard.

I honestly wish I could be a weekend warrior oxy user, fuck opiates are a psychological mindfuck.

You quit, go through hellish withdrawals and all you can think about is starting again.

man I fucking hear you. drank for years after getting "clean", but it spiraled out of control after a while.

oh and then started doing meth and crack because "I don't like stimulants" so wouldnt get addicted lol.

>Rather go to a shitty AA meeting than drink again.

I'm with you there. I grit my teeth and just push through it to get at what I need. If I can learn to drink 5$/liter vodka and LIKE it I can learn to put up with the lord's prayer and some older timer fuck going on about jesus this and god that.

hey OP. my sister with two autistic children just died from a Methadone/Valium addiction. you best try harder faggot.

Lol I only tried meth once, was a good high. Thank god I don't have any connections or I would have had that monkey on my back as well.

But yeah the entire "I only like downers" is funny

once you feel more solid, try jumping to a NA meeting. like, once you start realizing they are all basically the same shit, and you are looking more at people "living in the solution" and all that shit.

You might find you like it a bit more.

couldn't believe how much I liked crack. It was miserable at some level, but once I had a bit coulnd't put it down. Would sit there and jerk off to porn for literally 8 hours or more.

I don't like stims at all, the comedown is always shit. I'd rather use benzos which are hardly recreational. Never gonna try anything other than pharms for the most part.

I quit methadone, I'm now dealing with Valium. I have nearly died a few times, So yeah it's apart of the reason I quit opiates.

Just how fortunate am I to have never had done any of this stuff or developed any addictions and to have the luxury of being unable to relate to what you guys are going through right now?

Just lucky I guess, or smart.

gloriously fortunate. It ruined my life. decade + lost. burned my career into the ground. Went from an "up and coming" to a "has been". had to move back home city. been stuck here ever since. old now.

AA/NA are the worst cults ever, lol. If you don't have money, no one cares. Don't show up for a couple weeks? Maybe get a couple genuinely concerned calls, but that's it.

The meeting you're in turns to booty because people wanna bitch about their day rather than talk about solutions? Walk right on out, or change the course. Its all good

Going into detox for the booze and coca in the am. Just trying to get my head clear for a year or so. Wish me luck guys

Alcoholic, no quit. How were you able to?

GL man, that shit is tough

I just tapered down and stopped taking it, withdrawals were hell but the psychological aspect is worse imo. No easy way man, the main reason I quit is because i want to join the police one day. Can't be a junkie cop.

Any advice for the 'stop taking it' part? I can go like a day without before I just hate myself and everyone around me.

You need a goal, i don't even really know how i did it. It's a long process. Idk man I'm sorry but it's all you and your support structure

It sucks and is horrible but after a few weeks you should feel better


took me two reads to parse that, but basically yeah. But it still uses a number of "cult" techniques ( eg: Love bombing, some depersonalization, etc ), which is fine IMO. It is about behavior modification especially at first.

I inject heroin a few times a week been doing it for almost a year now

good job. good luck. stay strong Sup Forumsrother

degenerate. enjoy death

Hmmm I probably could have worded it better. But yeah, comparing AA to a cult is probably one of the weakest arguments against. Awful lot of clapping and smiling for a "cult"

I'm only awake cuz I'm detoxing. I was fine without the hydrocodone, but yesterday was my last dose of kratom, so now I think I have that to go through. I hate insomnia and restless legs the most.


hate to be "that guy", but NA helped with that. blah blah blah "we couldn't live with drugs, or without them".. blah blah blah.

drinking for many people is a defense/escape mechanism. if you stop drinking - it doesn't solve the original problem, it just takes away your method of dealing! So you have to have something to replace that.

Therapy at a minimum, IMO. I needed to learn some basic skills about life. took me a long time to fix things to where I felt ok about myself, and the world around me.

I started drinking at like what - 13? so basically, I used that as a defense mechanism for any of the following:

-uncomfortable in social setting
-happy and celebrating
-bonding with friends
-frustrated with life

the list goes on and fucking on. So basically when I quit drinking, I was emotionally a 13 year old, with no one to show me how to act, or deal with those situation. rehab was amazing for this, because you got to go through these emotions and "problems" ( some guy hurt my feelings in class today ) and you could find a new, healthy way to deal with it.

Getting those new tools is the real fucking challenge for addicts. Look - anyone can get clean / sober for a while. because of work, or wife or prison or whatever. But if you don't fix the underlying issues, you either relapse, or cross addict ( food, sex, video games, money... I've done all of these ).

maybe you should have helped more

sorry man. that is heartbreaking.


Im on 0.5-1.5 mg of clonazepam a day for a year .what can I expect in the way of withdrawals if I go cold turkey? Been through opiate withdrawal once before it wasnt great but I have heard benzo is worse

I was smoking crack and shooting up heroin in the same day, and I ended up quitting. Had bad withdrawals, but I did it.

I felt that it was when I first went in. the cheering/clapping, hugs at the door, etc ( look up lovebombing ). The constant repetition. The encouragement NOT to think, just to "do".

I'm glad I went through a few rehabs, and was able to ease into it a bit, in a slightly more educational environment. I still find the 12 steps to be clever as fuck, the way they build on eachother, and sort of "Trap" you into the process. I understand why the whole god / hp thing is critical. so much of the program comes down to lettting go and ignoring certain things. basically believing in a higher power is a great fucking brain hack. It's like we are hard wired for it, and it lets us focus on shit we can actual do something about.

the fuck is this. people who dont want money and are slightly concerned about eachother sit around and bitch. sounfs exactly like a bar without booze and pool kiddo

>helped more
we did pretty much everything we could for her. she just didnt care to listen to us or take advice from anyone cuz "stronk independent wyomen"

It's an opiate man, never used it but isnt it basically like codeine.

awesome man, that is fucking incredible.

would hit. why not.

good luck man. stay strong. get the support you need.

you strung out?

I think he was saying that,

If it is a cult, they are doing a bad job about it
>don't want your money
>don't force you to stay

Furthermore, if you do get a shitty meeting, where people just sit around and bitch, you can go find a better one.

yeah man, you can't get people sober. sorry for your loss.

if she was still rocking on valium and dones she musta been stronk. Sorry man

No, it is not an opiate at all. Educate yourself before spouting bs

easy there tiger.

its a choice you faggots. sure cold turkey off opiates gets you sick as fuck for 78 hours, and after that, its hard cuz you have to build up your serotonin for a long while. Basically if you can afford it, not go to hard, maintain some sort of levels and maintenance, you can be ok. did it sober. drugs sober, drugs sober.blah blah blah. imhigh now, and have been.I know whats coming.life is suffering either way you fucking bitches.

I have some oxys but dont know how many it takes to get a decent high. Amy suggestions?

Well youre all here crying about methadone, subutex and all that other bullshit they give you. Research some alternatives, a man trying to help you out here


Dude withdrawal from adderall is a bitch, I hated the mood swings and lack of energy

oh as well. CBD. weed. indica. spliffs. beer. buttsex with girls with big asses, and skateboarding. u be coo

Check this shit out and let me know if you relapse.

Trying to take my mind off wanting tramadol and lorazepam because i have no way to get it right now.
Taking muscle relaxers right now, like 6 baclofen every now and then.
Nothing will ever compare to opiates and its killing me. I will never learn.

I don't think anyone is crying about it. And kratom does bind to opiate receptors, so it isn't like the guy you were talking to was totally off base. He even asked it as a question.

So I dunno, maybe you could answer his question nicely. or not. I've been off smack for a decade, so personally, I don't give a fuck.

man just quit


15% of body with third degree burns from oil fire
>month in hospital on hydromorphone drip along with many other drugs through the day
>send me home with 150 mg methadone and 180 mg oxy per day
>over year and half taper down but milking it with doc as much as I can
>took my last oxy a little over a month ago
>replaced with weed. high all day every day

sucks man. feels like some pussy shit being addicted to weed.

I don't really have any choice but to quit now, but christ, trying not to relapse is a cunt. Was hooked on Tylenol 4 and percoset like 5 years ago, and i can't stop coming back.

dude. my sympathy. worked in a burn unit for a few months.

Do you still need the weed for pain management?

I've ment plenty of people who jumped from surgery->oxy->smack.

so don't feel like a pussy, weed is a fuck lot better than you could have done.

you probably need to quit, but don't beat yourself up for it.

I'm 34 and have been on clonazepam for 10 years at 2 mg. I have heard coming off that drug is a fucking nightmare and it can cause suicide. Not going to attempt till I graduate college.

For a while it was the only thing that would stop my stomach from killing me and allowed me to eat (all the meds really fucked with my stomach). But nah at this point I am not taking it for any benefit besides getting high and not thinking about getting oxy instead. Shit is one hell of a drug. was getting roxy 30s for a long while so was able to dab them. such a good high but not really something to be doing on the reg

So I guess life is pain and we are all walking corpses. It's fucked up people sober or not death is coming and the clock is ticking.

fuck it

well that is a positive. lots of people are still struggling with the pain side of things.

It gets better after a few months. Regular use really fucks with your brains ability to produce feel good chemicals.

I never even think about it anymore, and when I do I don't get that urge/tug feeling.

you're just a depressed fuck.nothing else/more

Good luck