Which movie or tv show has the most realistic violence?

which movie or tv show has the most realistic violence?
>pic related

Band of Brothers

Schindler's list

>destroying a tank with a pistol
>realustic violence

nolanverse batmankino


Big Trouble in Little China

Kill Bill vol.1 and 2

In fact, anything by Tarantino. You fags don't know because you've actually never been in such violent situations.

Shoot 'em Up was pretty realistic, too. You fags don't know because you don't actually eat carots.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2


>reaLUSTIC violence
If you want lustful violence look at the same movie

eastern promises

No, ur thinkin 1

No country for old men


duh, it all happened in real life


>implying that anyone could actually last 7 minutes inside monica belucci


That scene gave me PTSD..
I was glad when it ended, i didnt care who won, i just wanted them to stop.

Game of Thrones Battle of Bastards

good choice, very good..HOWEVER

where this from?

true detective season 1

True detective season 1


Seriously? That fap lasted 7 minutes? No wonder it was so good.


thanks m8's.

>saving ryans privates
pick one and only one

true detective season 1


true detective season 1

>le no movie is realistic because im smart.


Spielberg does violence well

Same with the Coen Brothers. They mix realistic violence and comedy well.


this movie was good but i fucking HATED the old jew lady.

her character was so fucking awful.


Apocalypto, haven't seen anything close to it.


i understand she existed, i just didn't like her part in the movie.

Refn flicks. Drive and Pusher trilogy

Wasn't trying to show you she existed. Was trying to show you that it was an accurate portrayal


ah my b.

yeah i was aware, which is good on its own but i guess i just hate golda meir then.

A scene by which the Jew is over powered by the German

This also.

Zodiac and Green Room

Dear christ, I never want to see that scene again.

Tried watching this twice and fell asleep both times before anything happened. not that I thought it was boring, I just have a job and a life and its usually very late before i can sit down and watch something. Should I give it a third go round?

boardwalk empire did violence pretty well

Yes. It fucking goes places.

No, it's not. Have you ever seen one of those clips where people get shot in real life? There are no huge ass blood splatters or similar coming out of them.
SPR is my favourite anti-war film ever and I love its cinematography, but you can't claim that it's realistic.

American Guinea Pig