I have tried many dating apps like Tinder...

I have tried many dating apps like Tinder, and so on during the course of my 6 months of doing this shit I have only gotten matched with bots and 1 chick that never replied. Can i get a Feels thread Sup Forums I am pretty lonely?

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Show me your bio. What photos do you have? What do you look like?

I had no luck last year. Uninstalled. Installed it again a week ago; rewrote my bio and I've got six matches so far, though I've swiped like twenty girls already. And out of those six, only three have answered me and only one out of those three asked me (today) where and when we are gonna meet up.

So fingers crossed.


I appreciate the help user got a kik ill shoot it to yea

Don't have Kik

fuck it ill post it here i got thing to lose

I've posted my tinder on here b4, too...

Ive got virginity to lose, though.

gotca user im postin pic now

I've had it since August, I've just now had a date with a woman worth my time, there were two others but one just wanted someone to buy her shit and another straight up told me I have 2 Mexican babies I wanna white one now
Women on dating apps are garbage

thats some shit and i got to copy photos from phone to pc one sec


Believe me, im not the best looking dude either, thats why i dont use those apps and sites

bio is boring as fuck, that little text box is supposed to hook people into liking you. would you swipe on your own profile reading that?

i get pretty lonely and the chicks i know on Fb either far away or just taken

any suggestions what should i put ?

Got any hobbies and interests? Fan of animals? Write it in the bio. Got any photos doing those hobbies? Upload them.

The thing is that guys are supposed to have bios and pics, but girls just put their instagram handle and one sentence there and get swiped... It's stupid, lol, but trust me, pics and bio is everything

I literally just put the smash mouth song as my bio

Most of the girls i know are real qts but are normie basic bitches (pic related) and the ones that have a a real personality and similar interests are rather unattractive

the shit im in too is fucking lame and the pictures of the shit i like to do like concerts i dont have those pictures but ill do that shit asap when i get some good shit going

fuckin on the dot same here

Dating apps aren't like the real world. Go start watching Infinite Waters videos and High on Life videos. Go travel dawg. Give your life some adventure and purpose. Fuck a 9-5.

Quitting my jobs at the end of 2017 to do so. Do it with me user.

You should.

Also dress up nicely, get a nice haircut, etc. And be positive.

Tried changing my mindset and started going to the gym last Fall and it's getting better and better.

i dont got money user im barely making it by but i will travel the world so much to see. i would love to visit the great wall of china and visit places like Germany and get pissed drunk with others

>HMU if you wanna chill

i know its some lame ass shit i had nothing better im working on the bio right now

that pic of williams looks like he just sharted.

You need to get some pictures that aren't selfies either. Even if you haven't got any peeps, it's important to create the illusion that you do. Social currency is the name of the game.

Based on my own personal experience, as well as that of other people I've known and others I've read about; as far as I can tell, online dating and meetups in general seem to be such a waste of time... Well, unless you're good looking.

>Check out a few dating sites.
>It's mostly fake accounts and different tricks that sites use to try and get you to divulge your credit card details even after they told you their service was free.
>Decide to give actually free sites a try.
>Look at local Backpage.
>W4M section has pretty much nothing at all in it other than ads for other dating sites.
>Look at Craigslist.
>Nearly all the W4M ads are bots/scammers trying to get you to sign up to things like the afforementioned "free" dating websites.
>The ones that aren't are fat/ugly women with incredibly unrealistic standards (expecting to be handsomely rewarded for having mind-blowing sex with men who are much better looking than they are; that type of thing).
>The only ads that seem legit are all in the gay section and I'm not interested.
>Well fuck this then.
>Decide to have a look at Tinder.
>It's basically a meat market that exists to pad the ego of women; many of whom seem more interested in assessing their value than actually meeting up with other people. Even if the other people are attractive.

i moved here recently i know a few guys

yea that sums its up

Agree with this.

Get someone to take a picture of you playing with a dog at a park, and of you playing with a kid. You'll get poon no matter what you look like

In your bio say you like travelling, _____ music (not a derivative of metal) and that you love classic movies or some asinine shit.

Matches for days.

Right on. Then find a way to get them to take some "action" shots for you. You know, the kind of pictures that make it seem like you're a hip and happening guy who isn't afraid to venture out into the world.

Right? I figure fuck it; I'm just going to go back to socializing with women IRL. My strike rate was terrible; but it was still more satisfying than that rubbish. I was at least getting out and about while connecting with people.

Have had 1500 matches in 6 months on tinder.
Your bio is god awful and selfies are negative points for anyone besides 10/10s

I have sooo much to say but I'll keep it short. NO selfies unless its you and a dog cuddling or some shit. Speaking of dogs, GIRLS LOVE DOG PICS. Honestly I added one of me holding my husky in my arms and 80% of girls who message me first bring up that picture.
Your bio needs work. Mine word for word is:
"I'm cuter in person
Hablo espanol"

That's all, you need to make yourself seem interesting from your photos, NO SELFIES GOD DAMNIT. Go outside, take a picture of you hiking or rock climbing or something. Also know your ballpark. And read up on tinder's algorithm and take advantage of it.

you're fucking Amazing guys thanks for the advice cant believe i did not think of this

okay i got a good idea what i need to do imma get this shit done, im hyped

Change your glasses fam and get a stylish haircut. Try and look like you don't care. Make yourself not look like a mid 30s depressed male. Be fkn edgy woman on tinder are fuckin idiots.

We get it. You're a high rank in Overwatch so it's easy for you to get pussy. No need to rub it in, faggot. Your father and I are very proud of you.

Dude ever since my buddy told me to add a dog picture to my profile i've gotten probably 10X the matches. Ez pz

Oh and second the animal pic/ no selfies/ and stupid bio worked for a friend of mine.

t. Married since 2012 so no first hand exp

"Don't message me you stupid bitch."
If you think being a fuckwit on Tinder is bad, watch this:

po guy

That's been my experience too.
Only met like 3-6 chicks off Tinder irl, and didn't want to bang any of them. Meanwhile, the chicks that I meet without the app look better and are more sociable.

I'm just flipping the whole tinder self value assessment back on those fucking degenerates. Not putting effort into trying to meet up with Tinder chicks, replying back to them, or really meaningful conversation whatsoever. If they're going to try to play the whole pretending like we're going to meet thing, they're putting all the effort into it.

Where the fucking do you read up on tinder's algorithm? Tell me about that shit

>more sociable.
That's not surprising. I remember listening to a bit on the radio a few months ago talking about the surge in online dating. Long story short there is a surprising amount of socially retarded women out there. Men too; but that's obvious.

The saddest try so hard to please people because they're insecure and desperate for approval.

Go out, bars and clubs

This and variations on it seem to be the best course of action. Online dating a shit.