Waifu thread

Waifu thread
Previous: The rules are very simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and other's choices
>Keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>Most importantly: Naps are great

Other urls found in this thread:


mash can i take erp lessons from you?

yea i guess thats it you really have to be posting for like thirty mins maybe an hour to really get into the rhythm and....theres just no time for that in the mornings! what a shame.

idk do you?

Go for Dorf!

factorio is great, I want to get more base buildersbut Ive been trying to whittle down my unfinished list, and unending games like thatfeel like im cheating or somethingmost recently, been trying to push through divinity: original sin

Still here


Yeah its nice to.

There's a reason I love you~
Yeah not gonna do much since its 4am, maybe at least my daily herb runs

Best waifu claimed

>starts groping Mash's body, feeling the soft mounds of flesh on her chest. He locks eyes with his victim. He then starts undressing her, beginning with the slutty blouse she wore. He was sick and tired of this slut. If he was to do away with her, he might as well do it at least once.
You're mine, slut.
>he took out a medium sized knife. It had a serrated edge and and part that bends upwards. He pressed the blade to Mash's chest, cutting her bra loose. While user pulled his trousers of he pressed the knife against her throat.
Nice and easy, broad.
>user whipped out his big hairy dick. He was about to rape her. He sliced a whole in her pantyhose by the crotch and ass. He pushed her onto the cold hard asphalt. Then user drove his knife in to the hilt in Mash's back. She screamed in pain as the knife was brought all the way down to the handle in her soft back. Then, user slid his sweaty cock in her pussy, he pumped over and over. Next he drew his knife out of Mash's back and shoved the blade into her asshole. Then he twisted the blade. As he did this, Mash let out a blood-curdling scream. After a few minutes user had came inside her. He then moved on to the hole in the back he stabbed. He shoved his cock in the wound. The wound was gorged open and Mash let out another scream.
No one will hear you, slut.
>He pumped faster and came in the wound. Then he flipped Mash over.
What's wrong, honey~? Mash tries to smile but the pain coursing through her body made it more of a cringe.
Smile. Like. You. Mean. It.
>user brought his knife up to her cheek
You gonna smile, babe?
>She tried to smile as much as she could. He scoffed
Guess I'll have to help you He ran the blade to the corner of her lip. He was about to cut in a smile into her face. He sawed at the skin all the way to the end of the jaw area. He repeated it for the other side. After this, he tongued her mouth, like a French kiss.

So i found out buying a land mine would cost me 500$usd

That's no good
>He scowled. She still had the look of fear in her eyes. He brought the blade right under her eye, it caught a few of Mash's salty tears.
You know what they say~
You smile with your eyes, bitch
>user promptly cut into her eyelid, he dug the knife under her eyeball. He severed the connection to the brain. Then user scooped out the eyeball. He did the same for the next.
Alright, here it comes.
>he plunged his throbbing cock into Mash's eye socket. Literally skullfucking her. He then pulled out his dick from the hole and brought out an old fashioned Zippo lighter. He flicked it open, lit it, and pressed the flame into each of her eye sockets, cauterizing the wound.
Hehe this is so fun ~
>He grabbed Mash's wrist and brought the knife to it. Time to slash her wrists. He made sure to slash horizontally so it doesn't kill her too soon. Then he moved onto her thighs and did the same thing. Soon mash was disfigured. Mash was screaming for her life when user brought the knife to her breast and began cutting it off. Had to get the fat out of the way. After butchering her breasts off, user cut into her chest. With a heavy fist, he brought down the handle onto her sternum, which shattered instantly. user then cut out her heart. While it was still beating he dined on it, lips covered in blood. At this point, Mash was on the verge of death when user started making love to her chest cavity.
>Slowly, her breathing slowed down, to a complete halt. Her brain was shutting down from its severe lack of blood and it's completely mangled corpse. Mash was brutally raped and murdered
That's how you little shits ERP
Read it.
If you want to roleplay you can't just type a sentence and be donr.

I think it will, if you set a date to beat it by then you'll end up working harder to achieve it.

People have their preferences.


like i dont think it would feel weird erping with mash just as practice. so mash le hit me up

>good at ERP
No. His ERPing leaves much to be desired. Has no substance. It's too short as well

Well with the way it works out I just practice this game for an hour or 2 a day.


when its seems so non consensual, I suppose you wouldnt

Oh my, you like Bleach too? That's good, better to do simple stuff at times like this.

This may be disgusting but it's objectively superior than what Mash does

Claiming best girl

An oxymoron?

I'll try to remember.

I- ehh.. N-no! I just regret that my memory is so bad, yeah, that's it.

what are you the user who wrote a novella for an erp... nobodys gonna read all that. worst erp ever!

I want to buy a landmine

And use it?

Its better than
>grabs your hand.
It needs to be at least 5 sentences.

Nice cover, but I'm not sure anyone's buying it

i was under the impression erp was interactive...but if you say so

okay gotta run

I might have to find an older version of Dorf, which might be impossible.
There's just so much crap and clutter in the newer ones.

Factorio best game.
>Divinity: Accidentally Kill your friend
I love that game, we ended up doing so much random crap, many many hours in, hardly left the first area.
Can't wait for Divinity: Original Sin 2 to be released.

That's a lot of money for a one use item

That's how I feel about Minecraft, to be honest

For example:
>while blushing, Mash places her hand upon yours. This makes your face flush as red as a cherry and you quickly try to withdraw your hand. But Mash doesn't relinquish your soft, small hand so easily. This leads you to perverse thoughts about her. But you are two girls, how can you have lewd thoughts about another?

Pls sensei Fuck me

I want to kill this stupid squirrel stealing my bird seeds

>Telling someone what they do
nice rp duud

Magn i rotum vinda skal
Magn i torum vefa skal

Damn son, while the plot isn't my thing you definitely know how to write.

Ah, well if you keep at it it shouldn't take too long to get it.

Uh mado you could get a bb gun or something.

FFT tactics is so under rated isn't it OP

Wouldn't something remotely detonated be both more effective and more fun?
Not to mention a lot cheaper and easier to obtain.

I guess some form of firearm would work too, but that's boring.

I hope so.

I agree there in part, but thats also why it cant be that long, you just cant get that much action in without a response or detailing what they do a bit

I can do better if it wasn't so late

meant to mention that too, agrias is great
cant do a playthroigh without that holy knight

I'll try harder next time!

I mean, it's not a coverup!

Bleach was my shit back then! (Funfact: my psn is bleach)

Why would you want to kill a squirrel? Either a squirrel eats your birb seeds, or birbs do. Does it matter that much?

Already off to a bad start!
But, yeah..There's enough I'm embarrassed to play it with people in the room


Bleach is still my shit. Mfw they probably wont continue the anime... I'll have to add you~.

Good evening to you too, user.
How are you?

It's great. I'm playing it right now actually.
Yeah, Agrias is good. She's no TG Cid, but nobody is.

I lost interest after hueco mundo arc, did it atleast feel to you like it took a dip
after that?

Shiro claimed.

For that kind of money you can buy a quality cross bow and have some fun hunting them.

I'm quite set on my landmine idea.

He'll see it coming.

It's the audacity he has thinking he can steal from me.

Crossbows are boring compared to a landmine

I always just took cids gear and pit it on agrias when hes in the party lol

she's a weak little girl she can't draw a crossbow

Very well.
Konbanwa, Hanako.

Squirrels wont even trigger a landmine. Too light.
You would need to feed them steroids first.

I'm fairly certain a squirrel won't set off a landmine through, they weigh next to nothing.

Must be one smart squirrel to see it coming.

How far have you played?

I'm pretty sure he isn't thinking that, but rather just "free food here".

It sounds illegal.

trap it, train it, and send it to steal from others bird feeders to replenish yours

Alright i'm going to sleep now. Goodnight everyone.

A little bit yeah, but i still enjoyed the hell out of it.

Heh thanks~.

wtf how do you know if im weak or not.

I'll use a disc thrower to throw the landmine at it.

He is a very smart squirrel he survived my last attack.

You can't even comprehend this squirrel.

a little

Crossbows don't require a lot of strength, only regular bows do.


Im telling you. Bb gun works.
Compound bows are fun

I'm about 30 hours in.

seconding Good night!

Oyasumi, beautiful.
He can shoot his eye out if he uses BB gun

You gon die, kid.
Stream it though.

But if you're gonna throw it anyway, why not a regular grenade? They are a bit cheaper and better to throw.

This nigga knows what's up!

lol because all girls are weak

a regular crossbow requires 200lbs of strength to draw it, i wasn't able to draw my dad's bow until i was 18.
you can use hooks and even then it'll still be too hard for a girl like Mado

then wtf am i going to do with this landmine

I don't think you can train them this late into its life.

How'd you go at it the first time?
And also, let's say the landmine could detonate,
what's the chances you'd blow up the birbs instead?

Save it for a bigger pest, you never know what will show up...

Semtex or plastic explosives would work better.

Ohh, I've only played 12h and thought I had 2 areas/worlds left..

Isn't it the birbs fault for failing to eat your seeds?

Not with that attitude.

Fair enough. I usually just use both of them.

I do sometimes.
Sell it?

Well last time i tried a pipe bomb and he came back again.

I'm only a little weak.

I threw a pipe bomb at it.
A squirrel is heavier than a bird.

This squirrel it too smug to live any further.

You got a bf?

After you visit all four worlds there's still a lot of stuff to do

does he stick around? I thought I remembered him being a temp character only, but its been a while
I think I might have used him cause he is
really good, but yeah, definitely stole his stuff before he leaves

There are plenty crossbows with mechanisms so you won't have to pull it up directly. Also he won't need one with a lot of strength to get a squirrel.

Another viable option would be to draw a circle of gasoline around the feeder, then ignite it once the beast gets inside.
Now that it's trapped it can be discharged in a number of ways, one being explosives.

>pipe bomb
So you missed? Or did his brother come back to fulfill his legacy?

I don't think he leaves. It's been a while since i made it to the end of the game, but i'm fairly sure you keep him the whole way through. Perhaps it's related to a sidequest to keep him. Can't recall.

Poor squirrel

See you in bed~

what why

I thought i killed it, but he came back.
I could try a incendiary if this mine idea doesn't work out.

don't you dare sympathize with him he's a monster.

> mfw I have that shirt
> mfw my GF will cosplay Shiro this weekend
> mfw Going to big cosplay event this weekend

Thought it'd end soon after.

>Pipe bomb
What are you? Wile E. Coyote?

Electric fence, that would leave it alive, it would have to live just watching the birbs eat the delicious food while being unable to do so itself.

He brought this upon himself by defying this planets master species.

I mean, the easiest way out would be to poison the food, but that won't look as spectacular.
Make sure to film it.

>going out
You don't belong here.

Naw, you don't even have all four CPUs at that point!

oh god, this is roadrunner and Wile E
did you happen to buy your landmine from the acme company?

yeah never mind
she just wants to feed her family!
the squirrel probably thought she threw the nuts away or something

>poison the food
Thought about that too, but it's food for the birds.
How many birds need to die for this squirrel?

hello there!

hey can i barrow some money?

your waifu sucks

your waifu is pretty good i guess

Too "lolish"

put that thing away before you hurt someone

your magic is second-rate compared to me

Cosplaying is fun!

I don't know who that is.

I really don't want to waste this mine.

I might kill the birds if i poison it.

No i bought it on zxc, what is that?

Squirrel will be destroyed.


thats. . . dark, these non lethal solutions are getting
more and more monstrous


What thing?