Be me

>be me
>have a retarded professor that thinks I am fucking retarded.
>write a nice essay for the literature course I am taking
>go to another professor to check over it and give me feedback
>teacher tells me its quite good so I should hand it in as it is.
>come today
>I get my result back
>a fucking 43%
>my literature professor tells me it has shit structure and its crap all round
> I go to another teacher to check it again and says its pretty good
>the fuck what is this stupid prof on about
>thing is the teacher did this every student
>a somalian fucker got the best mark in the whole class
>what the fuck
>he cant even speak english properly

How do I fuck this professor over? He's being a cunt to the whole class and is a smartass, sarcastic little brat.

How do I fuck his life up Sup Forumsros?

the other teachers you mention.... are they ALSO lit teachers?

yeah they are

Be the hero Sup Forums needs and get a high score.

Shoot that place up.

fuck I wish i could man but its hard to get guns here in aus

Throw a boomerang ya cunt.

try asking them to explain his marks to you. if you can get other lit profs to confirm for you that this guy is giving bullshit grades, what you should do is drop his class and give him bad ratings. i'm assuming your school has a professor database where students can leave feedback and give ratings on their performance as instructors?

seriously, don't waste your time getting revenge. use your energy to get a good education here, and if you've got a professor fucking around, get the fuck away from this guy while you can and make sure the next time you take this class it's taught by a different professor.

>somalian fucker

You swedish or northern european ?

Hey at least it's the last literature course you have to take, right?

Post summary of essay here

>What is Columbine?

hah sounds bout right

yeah i think i might do so. they have a database i might as well just give him shit marks and dob the fucker in

nah aussie but where i live it is full of somali's

fuck yeah i dont like literature at all. I was suggested to do it so i thought why the fuck not

well well

Tits or gtfo
Also ctrl+v that shit here

I dont have it i had to give it back to the prof. Hes a stingy cunt

Go to the lit department head. Bring some classmates with you, who can corroborate your story. Bring your papers with you, with the grades on them.

If he's the head, or the head doesn't do anything for you, go to the dean.

It's too late to safely drop the class, so do what you can to protect your grade.

I cant dude i had to write it up with the good old pen and paper.

Oh and i fucking love bit titties. Not gonna lie

yeah it sounds like a promising plan. I think I will tomorrow after class. I have him tomorrow morning so I have to see to sit through a whole class with that cunt again tomorrow

oh and also I am doing this essay for inter war the inter war germany period so tell me what you scholars think:

Perhaps the first bow to the German economy, already weakened by the debt from WW1, was the Treaty of Versailles. The harsh terms of the treaty caused significant problems that make the economy unstable. This included the loss of Saar coal mines, loss of rich farm land, unemployment and hyperinflation which occurred from the Great Depression. As a result of these losses, Germany lost significant trade revenue from its steel industry; the ‘backbone’ of the German economy. The NSDAP superbly exploited these sanctions; promising to ‘tear up the treaty’ and to get rid of all sanction which were restricting Germany and preventing a recovery. The prospect of of abrogating the treaty appealed to the German population since many saw the settlement as an attempt to destroy Germany and felt that scrapping it would restore the nation’s honour. The treaty was an outright humiliation and mocking of Germany and also tried to destroy Germany altogether by setting their economy back so much that it was nearly impossible to get back to the powerful nation status they previously had. The British even demanded that “squeeze Germany until its pips squeaked”. Many Germans voters felt that the Weimar Government was not doing anything to improve Germany and believed that they had no other options but to a more extreme party whose radical reforms might have more hope of restoring the horrendous situation in Germany. The central reform offered by the NSDAP, without which “no social reform of any kind [would be] possible”, was the abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles.

I havent finished the paragraph of but here is a little sample

Too many adjectives, overly wordy, and too opinionated over factual

For example
>The NSAP superbly exploited these sanctions
Remove superbly

>The treaty was an outright humiliation and mocking of Germany
That's your own opinion, can be removed without affecting your essay

>The British even demanded...
Remove even, and restructure sentence

hell, have you tried going to the professor after class and asking him to give you advice, perhaps some examples on how you should change the essay? does he respond when you take an active interest in improving the skill he's trying to teach you?

thanks user... ill take that into consideration

Good luck with essay user. It looks good so far.

Yeah i try to be interested in learning but he just kinda mocks me and makes me feel like a damn idiot. I asked him for advice and he just started roasting me.

Thanks man much appreciated. Thanks for the help.

Sometimes you guys can be wholesome on here hahaha

in that case, yeah definitely go with the ideas to gather both peer support and the support of other faculty in getting this guy's knuckles rapped.

if you want to pay to be insulted you can have whores do it with your dick in their ass.

succ weniss

Hahahha yeah definitely dude. Tomorrow should be fun

find out how the formal complaint system works and then make sure you can make it work for you.

For sure. Tomorrow I am going to go on an adventure try to find the feedback database they have. I am also planning to confront him with some bros and if he doesnt do anything about it im bringing in the big guns

A lot of unnecessary words that would be better of removed. Otherwise, not too bad.

Could you perhaps provide a sample of the essay?