Wake up in the morning with a hardon. Who is the first girl know that you think a fucking

Wake up in the morning with a hardon. Who is the first girl know that you think a fucking

Lindsay r

co-wrokers that want my dick but i keep ignoring

cougars who randomly start conversations with me at check out lines

My gf to be honest.

I think of your gf too

Do you more pics of Rach??? (The girl in the original post) I went to high school with her lol

Yup. His girlfriend.

girl i went to school with


does anyone else here consider this a "big girl" ?

My girlfriend


you two look related. not saying you are.

Found the Swede.
Your sis is a strong 8/10.

lol, thats me

she got snapchat?

who is she?

Fat ass indian girl at my school, anyone want pics of her?


Woke up in the morning with a hadron. What is the first atom that you think of smashing?


I'd collide that shit so hard

This is her also.

Makes me laugh, this shitty thread is now not as terrible as before.

I had a dream that I was a gorgeous pale redhead with both a vagina and cock, and that Sarah Silverman was fucking me in the asshole with her cock.

I haven't felt right since and I blame it all on your twisted fucks.

>Who is the first girl know that you think a fucking

A MILF/GILF from work

Any more good ones?

Good work, virgin.



Usually I'm already somewhat awake since meth is a hell of a drug but I think of my ex when floating the foil and end up fapping. Biggest cums ever.

Friend's girl


Emma Watson

Fuck yeah

Same. Your gf.

This girl I used to be friends with. Would still fuck her without a seconf thought.

no you virgin


Rach who? Let's see more. She has nice tits.

Your gf nearly every time

Need more information


My wife's sister

wife's little sister.

"for you"

Damn, dude. Same boat. It's the fucking worst.

This milf

>Who is the first girl know that you think a fucking

I want to put several buns in her oven, she's got the goods for some bombshell daughters




any ass shots?

Oh yes! More pics?


the fuck someone needs to tell her to stop making these shitty faces is she retarded or just pretending idk

sure, and remember to give all growing girls a tall glass of 100% whole milk every day, young and in in their teens it promotes breast development down the road. You won't regret it!

This cutie

my hand.

It changes



second that








My friends Dezirey and Jackie.









only honest one in the room.



How can I wake up in the morning with a hardon if I'm already awake?